From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 1892 Want Space Monkey?impossible!Rip your skin!

Chapter 1892 Want Space Monkey?impossible!Rip your skin!

Facing the mighty Feihong, Ouyang Xuan smiled lightly and said:
"Then what about the suzerain of my blood demon sect? How about the face of the suzerain of my blood demon sect? Now Taoist Tang Tian and I have some cooperation with the blood demon sect. I think you have to carefully weigh this relationship!"

Hearing this, Tang Tian sweated a little, and said in his heart that with a strong backer behind him, his words were indeed tough.

"What? When did Tang Tian have a cooperative relationship with your Blood Demon Sect? Why haven't I heard of this?"

Feihong, the great elder of Youyue Sect, frowned suddenly.

In fact, from the sect's point of view, the suzerain that Ouyang Xuan talked about just made Feihong afraid, but it didn't make him feel scared!
The suzerain of the Blood Demon Sect is also a strong man at the peak of the God King Realm, his cultivation level is similar to Feihong's. What really scares Feihong is the Blood Demon Sect, or the Supreme Elder of the Blood Demon Sect!
The Supreme Elder of the Blood Demon Sect is a truly strong man who has surpassed the Divine King Realm. Even if he breaks through and surpasses the Divine King Realm, he cannot be the opponent of the Supreme Elder of the Blood Demon Sect. Know how many years!
If Tang Tian really has such a relationship with the Blood Demon Sect, it is not impossible for the Blood Demon Sect to completely wipe out the Youyue Sect in the future. You must know that their relationship with the Blood Demon Sect is not good!

While Feihong was hesitating, his two assistants beside him spoke.

"This Tang Tian has a cooperative relationship with the Blood Demon Sect?"

Ouyang Xuan nodded and said affirmatively:

"Sailfish, good!"

The slightly younger God King Realm peak powerhouse smiled and said:
"This is indeed my mistake!"

Another strong man at the peak of the God King Realm also nodded and said:
"Fellow Daoist Ouyang, we were wrong this time, and we didn't know that Tang Tian was cooperating with you. I hope you can go back and talk to your Supreme Elder."

After the two people understood the matter, they both persuaded Feihong in turn:

"Brother Feihong, if this matter involves the Blood Demon Sect, and Tang Tian is cooperating with the Blood Demon Sect, I'm afraid it's inconvenient for me to intervene. I advise Brother Feihong not to worry about it, it's just a misunderstanding!"

Feihong still insisted:
"But he killed an elder and disciple of our sect!"

The young monk named Sailfish said:

"Brother Feihong, although you are the great elder of the Youyue Sect, you are not the real person in charge of the Youyue Sect! Why bother so much, that's all."

Feihong is just a guest elder of You Yue Sect, not the real leader of You Yue Sect, and he doesn't have a strong sense of belonging to the sect.

When things were like this, he could only sigh:
"Forget it, Ouyang Xuan, I'll give your Blood Demon Sect some face, and let this matter be over!"

After finishing speaking, he said:
"Tang Tian, ​​you killed an elder and a disciple of my sect. I won't talk about it, but the monster monkey you took away was escaped by my Youyue Sect. You must hand over the monster monkey to me. We handle it."

Hearing this, Tang Tian sneered in his heart, you Feihong is probably dreaming, right?
The space monkey is your You Yuezong escaped?It's just hilarious!

But Tang Tian didn't refuse, but said oddly:

"What monster monkey? I have never seen the monster monkey you mentioned before."

Feihong was so angry that so many people saw you taking the bronze monkey from the medicine garden, how dare you deny it?His face was ugly again, and he said coldly:

"Ouyang Xuan, your friend doesn't seem to have the sincerity to reconcile."

Ouyang Xuan stayed here all the time, and he didn't know much about the outside world, so he turned his head and said strangely:

"Fellow Tang Tian, ​​what monster monkey?"

Of course Tang Tian would not admit it, and said coldly:
"I don't know, You Yuezong is the most familiar with this method of yelling and catching a thief!"

After Tang Tian finished speaking, he said:

"Elder Feihong, don't think I'm afraid of you! Fellow Daoist Ouyang came out to be a peacemaker because he didn't want to see us fighting in front of the Senying Clan, not because I, Tang Tian, ​​were afraid of you! If you want to treat me Make a move, you can do whatever you want, but please don't be a thief shouting "Catch the thief, it's just nonsense to steal the monster monkey from your sect!"

Feihong's face turned black, and he said:
"The Haiputi you took away, you don't want to give it back?"

Tang Tian didn't recognize the Brass Monkey, and of course he wouldn't recognize Haiputi either, so he immediately denied it all.

"Okay, okay, you're fine!"

Feihong looked gloomy, looked at Ouyang Xuan, turned and left.

As soon as he left, Swordfish and the other two hugged Ouyang Xuan and flew away.

Watching them fly away, Ouyang Xuan said:
"Fellow Tang Tian, ​​it seems that Feihong still has a grudge against you."

Tang Tian said:
"It's okay, I'm not afraid of him."

Hearing this, Ouyang Xuan looked at Tang Tian again, secretly startled.

You must know that Tang Tiantian was in the middle of the God King Realm, and Feihong was at the peak of the God King Realm. Moreover, Feihong had been at the peak of the God King Realm for a long time. It would take only a few million years to break through. The gap between the two is quite huge!But Tang Tian actually said that he was not afraid of him. It seemed that Tang Tian's strength should not be underestimated.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Xuan didn't ask any more questions, and said:
"Anyway, for my sake, I'm afraid no one will help him in the strengthening room. But you still have to be careful, I think Feihong himself might attack you outside! At that time, you will die in his hands Whether or not he died at the hands of the Mori Shadow Clan, no one can tell."

Tang Tian nodded.

In fact, the matter is very clear, Feihong's so-called revenge is all nonsense.It was Feihong himself who wanted the space monkey!So from this point of view, this guy will definitely attack Tang Tian secretly!

Tang Tian smiled and said:

"Fellow Daoist Ouyang, don't worry, as long as others don't help him, it may not be so easy for him to kill me alone!"

With Tang Tian's current means, it is not too difficult to kill Feihong who is at the peak of the God King Realm!
Therefore, if Feihong was the only one who attacked Tang Tian, ​​it would be absolutely impossible to kill Tang Tian, ​​and the other party might even die in his own hands!
Hearing what Tang Tian said, Ouyang Xuan felt relieved.

"That's good. I believe that everyone in the strengthening room will know what I said to them today, and no one else will help Feihong, but you still have to be careful."

"I see, fellow Taoist Ouyang, you are busy."

Ouyang Xuan nodded, and handed Tang Tian another jade card:
"This is what I know about Moriying World. I'll give you a welcome gift when you first come."

"Thank you."

Tang Tian is very grateful, for this strange place, this is exactly what he needs.

Then Ouyang Xuan and the Taoist companion went to practice, and the rest was the Black Wind Witch, but after experiencing what happened just now, she seemed to be very worried about Tang Tian, ​​and wanted to explore with Tang Tian.

After thinking about it, Tang Tian still refused:
"Fellow Daoist Yan Hui, since you want to practice, you should go back and practice. I'm going to explore the treasure alone."

Tang Tian is outside alone, but he is very flexible. When he meets Feihong, he can even kill him. Moreover, if he is really in danger, he can also hide in the soul space. Tang Tian believes that his soul space It is absolutely invincible in this world, as long as you hide in it, it is impossible for anyone to find it, even if it is the way of heaven in this world.

But if Goddess Yan Hui followed her, it would be even more troublesome, and she would take her to take risks.

(End of this chapter)

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