From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 1893 Mori Shadow Clan!Immune to attack?

Chapter 1893 Mori Shadow Clan!Immune to attack?

After thinking about it, Tang Tian still refused:
"Fellow Daoist Yan Hui, since you want to practice, you should go back and practice. I'm going to explore the treasure alone."

Tang Tian is outside alone, but he is very flexible. When he meets Feihong, he can even kill him. Moreover, if he is really in danger, he can also hide in the soul space. Tang Tian believes that his soul space It is absolutely invincible in this world, as long as you hide in it, it is impossible for anyone to find it, even if it is the way of heaven in this world.

But if Goddess Yan Hui followed her, it would be even more troublesome, and she would take her to take risks.

"Okay, then be careful."

Goddess Yan Hui nodded after thinking about it.

She knew that with her current cultivation base, following Tang Tian would only drag him down, she might as well practice in the strengthening room and strive for an early breakthrough, maybe she could even help Tang Tian.

Seeing that Goddess Yan Hui went back to continue her cultivation, Tang Tian plunged into the dense forest.


On the other side, Feihong and two friends are flying.

The young monk named Sailfish persuaded:
"Feihong, I'll take this matter for granted. The Blood Demon Sect can't be offended, not to mention that Tang Tian has a cooperative relationship with the Blood Demon Sect. We can't afford to offend the Blood Demon Sect!"

Another old monk also said:
"I also think forget it, what does it have to do with you if an elder and a disciple die. Report back later and let the head of the Youyue Sect worry about it. Let's continue our treasure hunting plan , this time, if we kill all the tribes of the Mori Shadow Clan, not only will we get 10,000+ magic bones, maybe there will also be some kind of powerful skills inherited from the real demons from outside the territory!"

"You two, go this time, I have something else to do."

After Feihong finished speaking, he turned his head and flew away in another direction.

"Hey, this..."

Sailfish and the other two looked at each other in blank dismay, but they didn't follow Feihong either.

"You two idiots."

Feihong sneered in his heart.

In fact, he hunted down Tang Tian, ​​of course he had his own ideas.

We all know that space monkeys are a treasure!
If you get the space monkey, you can arbitrarily take away the banned items in the proving ground.

Feihong was guessing in his heart:

"Then is the space monkey useful in the enhancement room? If it is, it will be great! I think it should be useful for Tang Tian to bring the space monkey to the enhancement room!"

Although the treasures of heaven and earth in the proving ground outside are precious, Feihong doesn't have such an urgent need.But if the space monkey is also useful here, that would be great. If all the totem treasures enshrined in those tribes can be stolen, then he will be prosperous!
Thinking of this, murderous intent floated in his eyes:
"Tang Tian, ​​be careful! Don't be encountered by me!"


Feihong expected the Space Monkey to steal the treasure enshrined by the Senying Clan, obviously overthinking it.

"Tang Tian Xiaokong, can you use space skills here?"

Tang Tian asked.

"Let me try."

In a clearing in the lush forest, the space monkey reached into its navel, grabbed it for a while, and then pulled it out suddenly, it turned out to be just a handful of leaves.


A hint of surprise flashed in Tang Tian's eyes.

The space monkey shook his head:

"Although my spatial skills are effective, the position is out of order! It's completely out of order. I don't know where my hand is going, and I don't know what I will catch."

Saying that, it stretched its hand in and grabbed it again.

But this time, as soon as he reached in, he withdrew his hand with an ah.

I saw a deep knife mark on the back of his hand!
"It was done by the Mori Shadow Clan!"

Tang Tian shot a sharp look in both eyes, and said angrily:

"Where is it, I'll help you find the place!"

Tang Xiaokong thought about it, healed the wound, shook his head and said:
"It's useless, I can't find it. The positioning here is completely wrong. I don't know where I stretched my hand just now. If I stretch it again, it won't appear in the position just now. It's so strange."

Tang Tian said:
"Then you don't want to steal any more. It seems that the owner of this ruin is afraid of people cheating, and has set up many obstacles. If you want to get the treasure, you must fight for it with real swords and guns!"

While they were talking, under the shadows of the surrounding trees, dozens of shadows emerged from nothing and began to condense.

"The Mori Shadow Clan!"

Tang Tian was startled, he didn't expect to meet him so soon.

"Tang Xiaokong, come in for me."

Tang Tian collected the space monkey into the soul space. At this time, he was surrounded by more than 30 people from the Mori Shadow Clan.

"These are the people from the Mori Shadow Clan!"

Tang Tian observed these lives.

If we talk about people, these people are basically like monsters.Cyan skin, sharp teeth, every nail is like a sharp blade!They looked at Tang Tian fiercely, and kept talking to each other.

"Kill him, those vile demons of Outland!"

"They came here to kill us and take away our totem treasures. We must not let him succeed!"

"Kill this Outland Demon!"

They all use the language of the real demons from outside the territory, which Tang Tian can understand.

"Kill him!"

Dozens of Senying Clan bared their sharp fangs and rushed forward at the same time.

"Just because of you, want to kill me?"

Tang Tian snorted coldly, and with a move of his hand, black flames slashed out!

But to Tang Tian's surprise, when his little black sword hit the bodies of these Moriying clansmen, it cut an empty space!The small black sword sliced ​​through their bodies, as if passing through the air, and they were unscathed!
"They turned out to be phantoms?"

What surprised Tang Tian was that these people were not phantoms, their sharp nails swept across Tang Tian's body like blades!


Tang Tian's shield of divine power was instantly torn apart!

The moment the spiritual shield was torn, all the claws of the Mori Shadow Clan came from all directions!
The clothes on Tang Tian's body were torn into many holes in an instant.

"It's so weird!"

Seeing this scene, Tang Tian's expression changed, and he dodged to hide in the soul space.

Looking down at himself again, there were several cracks on the chest and back of his clothes.After taking off his clothes, he could see a lot of red claw marks on Tang Tian's body, but these scratches disappeared quickly!

"so smart!"

Tang Tian was dumbfounded, he had to know that none of these Moriying people seemed to be strong.But their claws are so sharp!
"What about people? What about demons from outside the territory?!"

Outside, the spiritual power of the Moriying tribe is also very strong. Although they don't know why Tang Tian suddenly disappeared, their intuition knows that Tang Tian must be nearby!

"Find it for me, you must find that extraterrestrial demon for me!"

The people of the Moriying Clan chirped and said, and then their sharp claws rubbed against each other, making a toothache sound.

Another Moriying Clan said:
"This extraterritorial demon is very powerful, we can't find him at all, why don't we go back first, and then hail the high priest!"

Tang Tian kept an eye on the outside.

(End of this chapter)

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