From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 2128 Divine wind, Liu Ruyue shot one after another

The Kamikaze Sect Master standing behind frowned:
"What kind of blood beast is this? It's powerful."

Qin Dongfang smiled bitterly and said:

"Senior Kamikaze learned that these blood beasts are all blood diamonds. It was my Dongfang City who worked so hard to cultivate them for tens of thousands of years! After exhausting all kinds of precious materials, they were finally snatched away by Tang Tian abruptly! Instead, they became his The means of protecting the city!"

Sect Master Kamikaze frowned and said:

"Since it was cultivated by you, then you bring your people to help."

"As ordered."

Qin Dongfang and Bai Wen immediately took orders to go, and brought along some monks from his sect.

Not only that, Elder Kamikaze waved his hand again, and said to the other ordinary gods under his command:
"You also go to help City Lord Qin."

Liu Ruyue Taiyi also said to the god she brought:

"You guys go too."

In a blink of an eye, there were already more than a dozen gods, leading more than 30 god kings, attacking the Blood King Kong with all their strength.

These blood vajras were cultivated by members of the Vajra Blood Sect. Now that they are his enemies, Qin Dongfang feels very depressed.

Even so, he still had to deal with it with all his strength.

He exclaimed:

"Everyone, Blood King Kong's body is covered with blood, and there are hard blood scabs behind the blood-colored skin, which are difficult to break! So their weakness is on the back, and the blood scabs on the back are relatively weak! Let's attack its back with all our strength!"

These weaknesses are all secrets of the Vajra Sect, but at this time, he has no choice but to make them public.

Liang Yu, who was standing on the second city wall, had a smile on his face:

"The blood vajras of that day are no longer the blood vajras of today! These blood vajras have lived in my blood pool bracelet for several months, and the drop of divine blood in the blood pool bracelet has given them a huge boost!"


Qin Dongfang's complexion changed drastically.

In fact, the most effective thing for Blood King Kong is the divine blood of the strong!

However, the Vajra Blood Sect has never obtained this kind of blood!

Liang Yu laughed like a silver bell and said:

"City Lord Qin, let's taste the blood vajra soaked in the divine blood of the top powerhouse!"

After finishing the words, Liang Yuhao lightly lifted his wrist and pinched out several formulas.

The real owner of these 99 blood diamonds is Liang Yu.

Under her order, the 99 blood vajras roared loudly, and the blood gushing out of their bodies all stopped, forming dry and hard blood scabs in an instant!It's like putting on a heavy armor again!It raised a huge iron fist and swung it suddenly!

A monk in the God King Realm couldn't dodge in time, and was hit in the chest by this punch.

This cultivator in the God King Realm has some means, and a golden shield immediately appeared outside his body.

However, under Blood King Kong's berserk punch, the cultivator was still knocked out, his shield was shattered, his body flew upside down, hit a city wall with a bang, and passed out.

"It's so powerful!"

Qin Dongfang's face turned pale. He didn't expect that the Blood King Kong he cultivated would become stronger than before in the opponent's hands!
These blood vajras originally had the strength of the godly realm, but now they have the power of the strong god's blood, even a late god like Qin Dongfang can block it!
Seeing this scene, the city lords in the distance were all talking.

"I really didn't expect that the power of these blood diamonds has been strengthened in the Nine Heavens Sect."

"Looking at it now, among a hundred big cities, Shenfan City ranks first in terms of defensive strength."

"Yes, with these blood diamonds, who else would dare to invade Shenfan City."

However, some have expressed concern.

"Blood King Kong is very strong. Back then, people like Qin Dongfang were fine. But don't forget, there are two Taiyis behind, who are the real powerhouses. As long as they make a move, Blood King Kong is nothing but cannon fodder!"

"Yes, the strength of the peak of the God Venerable is too strong!"

Sure enough, after seeing Qin Dongfang's attack failed, Sect Master Shenfeng and Liu Ruyue couldn't sit still.

The two looked at each other, and moved out at the same time, flying over.

Their movements looked slow and ecstatic, but their speed was very fast. In a blink of an eye, they came between the first city wall and the second city wall, and stood on top of all the Blood King Kong...

"The two peak gods have made a move!"

All the city lords suddenly became nervous.

"Tang Tian and the others are probably doomed!"

While they were talking, they saw Elder Kamikaze standing on top of the strongest and largest blood vajra.

His long white hair was fluttering, and he said with a ruthless smile:

"These things, the old man hasn't paid much attention to them. Blood King Kong is just some low-grade tricks!"

After finishing speaking, he circled his hands back and forth, as if he was about to pinch out the formula, but he seemed to be unable to pinch the formula, and he was just gathering momentum.

Seeing his actions, someone from the city lords immediately thought of something.

"This is the true Youyue method of the Youyue Sect! My God, it is the true method of Youyue!"

"I've also heard that this is You Yuezong's unique technique. It looks gentle, but it is very domineering!"

"That's right, it seems that Sect Master Shenfeng doesn't even need to use weapons to completely crush Nine Heavens Sect!"

"Now Tang Tian is in trouble..."

While they were talking, Sect Master Kamikaze's Youyue True Art had already been cast. After gaining momentum, a ball of light in the shape of a crescent moon suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.He also pinched out the formula in his hand at the same time, and then, his old eyes overflowed with brilliance, and he pressed down suddenly!
"Youyue True Law, break it for me!"

The crescent-shaped light cluster was immediately pressed into the body of the largest blood vajra.

Quiet for just a second.

In the next second, there was a sudden explosion sound from Xue Jingang's body!
A powerful force suddenly exploded from the blood vajra's body, and such a huge blood vajra was immediately exploded from the inside, blasting it to pieces, and finally turned into hundreds of pieces, large and small blood-colored corpses!
Blood was scattered like rain, and corpses were blown all over the ground!

The most powerful Blood King Kong can't stand the palm of the Kamikaze Sect Master!
On the other side, Elder Liu Ruyue also found a rather sturdy Blood King Kong.

Her attack was not as overbearing as the Kamikaze Sect Master.

She raised her bare hands, and two thin knives appeared in the palms of both hands.

From a distance, the knife looks unpretentious, but if you look closely, you can see that it is engraved with the power of the domain!
"My God, is that the execution knife of the Five Elements Sect?"

"It should be good. I heard that Elder Liu Ruyue is the elder of the punishment hall of the Five Elements Sect. He controls the Five Elements Execution Knife. He punishes those who violate the rules of the Five Elements Sect inside and outside the sect! This execution knife has two lines carved on each side of the blade. Half of the law of the domain, two blades connected, can exert the power of the five laws! No enemy of the Five Elements School can escape the power of these two blades!"

"Tang Tian is dead this time!"

Liu Ruyue giggled:
"Senior Kamikaze's method is really overbearing, and the method of killing the Blood King Kong is extraordinary. The little girl can only use some fancy methods here!"

Sect Master Shenfeng didn't take these Blood King Kong Tang Tian and others seriously at all, and laughed loudly:

"Then look at Junior Sister Liu's methods!"


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