"My God, is that the execution knife of the Five Elements Sect?"

"It should be good. I heard that Elder Liu Ruyue is the elder of the punishment hall of the Five Elements Sect. He controls the Five Elements Execution Knife. He punishes those who violate the rules of the Five Elements Sect inside and outside the sect! This execution knife has two lines carved on each side of the blade. Half of the law of the domain, two blades connected, can exert the power of the five laws! No enemy of the Five Elements School can escape the power of these two blades!"

"Tang Tian is dead this time!"

Liu Ruyue giggled:
"Senior Kamikaze's method is really overbearing, and the method of killing the Blood King Kong is extraordinary. The little girl can only use some fancy methods here!"

Sect Master Shenfeng didn't take these Blood King Kong Tang Tian and others seriously at all, and laughed loudly:

"Then look at Junior Sister Liu's methods!"

"Senior brother, please look!"

These two people's cultivation base is too high, in this kind of battle, they are chatting and laughing, and they don't take it seriously at all.

As soon as Liu Ruyue raised her hand, she saw that the tails of the two small knives were connected together, and the two small knives formed a curved S-shape.

While speaking, she raised her plain hand and released the knife.

Then, she continued to shoot down the tricks in her hand.

I saw that the execution knife that had received the formula spun crazily, until it was too fast to be seen by the naked eye, and turned into a white light wheel.

Whoops, the light wheel spins for a long time!

The rotating light wheel seemed to have life, and it jumped down and spun around the blood vajra.

Wherever the light wheel went, flesh and blood flew everywhere!
The body of that hard blood vajra suddenly turned into a carrot, and after checking, countless pieces of meat were cut off!

Blood Vajra is extremely painful, but it has no escape!
It stretched out its iron fist, and its iron fist was sliced ​​into pieces; it wanted to escape, and its legs were sliced; it wanted to shout, and its face was sliced ​​into pieces...

The speed of the execution knife was so fast that it only went up and down a few times before the huge Blood Vajra disappeared, leaving only pieces of meat all over the floor, with a lump of human-shaped flesh in the middle!The frightening thing is that Blood King Kong is still not dead, and is howling in pain at this moment!
Seeing this scene, the city lords who watched from a distance felt their scalps explode.

"My God, this is too scary, too miserable!"

"If it were me, I would rather die under the blow of the Kamikaze Sect Master."

"I didn't expect this woman to be so cruel!"

Sect Master Kamikaze and Liu Ruyue both had the mentality of showing off, so the methods they used were quite good. The psychological impact they had on all the monks in the high-level area was quite terrifying.

Especially the elders and disciples of Nine Heavens Divine Sect, all of them were pale at the moment.

Qin Dongfang, who was still at a disadvantage just now, laughed out loud.

"Little beast Tang Tian, ​​don't you have to die? You have to die again! You and your subordinates must die! But you can choose whether to die at the hands of Sect Master Shenfeng or at the hands of Elder Liu superior!"

Sect Master Kamikaze sneered:
"Tang Tian, ​​you can make the final choice. First, watch your sect elders and disciples die one by one. This is your punishment for killing Feihong and others!"

Standing on the top of the second city wall, Tang Tian's expression was not so ugly. He raised his wrist, and a jade tablet appeared in his palm.

"What about the peak of the gods, just two stupid pigs, can't you see that the bloody King Kong is just a bait?"

Tang Tian snorted coldly in his heart, and said:

"Since you guys want to treat me like this, then I don't have to be polite, let's fight!"

"This formation..."

In the VIP Building in Shenfan City, No. [-] Quiet Room.

This is the temporary residence for Shenfan City to entertain the most valuable guests. At this moment, a middle-aged man in black lives here.

Although the Lord Examiner of the Temple did not go out, he was well aware of the situation outside.

When Sect Master Kamikaze and Elder Liu Ruyue made their move and used astonishing killing methods, the middle-aged man in black was ready to show up.

There is no way, after all, Tang Tian is also a peripheral member of the temple.

If he really refuses to save him, the reputation of the temple will also be damaged if it is spread out.

But what surprised this strong man was that Tang Tian raised his wrist and released a jade tablet, and then shouted:

"Let's start!"

"This formation...could this kid really be able to deal with these two powerhouses at the peak of God Venerable by himself?"

A smile suddenly appeared on the face of this middle-aged man who had always been serious:

"I didn't expect the formation of Shenfan City to be this kind of formation. This kid is lucky."

Thinking of this, he sat down peacefully and began to drink tea quietly.

Although the VIP Building is quiet, earth-shaking changes have taken place outside Shenfan City, especially between the two walls!
When Tang Tian ordered the battle to begin, the first thing to run was the black passage leading to the outside from this space.

With a bang, Nine-Tailed Shakui retracted his tail, and the way out of the city was gone!

This means that all the invading enemies can't escape even if they want to escape!
Then, an arc-shaped light curtain flashed in the sky.

It was as if there was a wave on the calm water, and then a light curtain appeared.

This light curtain covers the entire Shenfan City within it!
This light curtain is very powerful, so powerful that almost any attack cannot break it.

But these are not important, the important thing is that there is another isolation light curtain outside the light curtain!
And the location of the two layers of light curtains happened to be between the first city wall and the second city wall!

"turn out to be……"

The city lords who watched the battle from a distance all stood up:

"No wonder two city walls were built. It turns out that the most dangerous place is between the two city walls!"

Tang Tian built these two city walls for exactly this purpose, closing the door and beating dogs, leading opponents between the two city walls, and annihilating them all!

The corpse demon with the indestructible golden body did not dare to go out of Shenfan City, because the formation attack in this position is the most terrifying place!

"What kind of formation is this?"

Sect Master Shenfeng, Elder Liu Ruyue and others were trapped between the two light curtains, and their expressions changed drastically.Now, they finally understand that all Tang Tian did was to lead them between the two city walls, and then open the formation to trap them inside!

"Break the formation!"

Elder Liu Ruyue's pretty face suddenly showed a ferocity that was not seen in normal times. While speaking, she had already thrown herself in front of Ding Hao.There is only a light curtain between her and Tang Tian, ​​she said sharply:

"Tang Tian, ​​you plot against us, you die, die! No one can save you!"

Tang Tian laughed loudly:

"Stupid words! Even if I don't plot against you, will you forgive me? Anyway, it's up to you now, do you think I'm afraid of you?"

"Then I must kill all your sects!"

While speaking, Liu Ruyue has already used the Five Elements Execution Knife in her hand to carve on the light curtain in front of her!

She wants to use the sharpness of this knife to cut through the formation in front of her:
"Domain law, emerge!"

She even released all the power of the domain law, trying to cut through the light curtain in front of her!

While she was attacking, the Kamikaze Sect Master also started to attack, and started to attack the light curtain on the other side behind.

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