Chapter 2314 Strange cliff!
Yuan Ti took out the jade token in her hand and sent a message.

After waiting for a while, he muttered:

"Jiang Kun is a demon cultivator after all, he is unreliable, and he won't answer my questions!"

Yuan Ti didn't get an answer for a long time, and the gray clouds behind him began to stir again, obviously someone came again.

"It's over, those gods are coming!"

Yuan Ti didn't care about thinking, chose the first way, and rushed in.

When he rushed in, the human snake hiding in the white stone appeared.

"Yuan Ti's strength is not weak, and now I'm seriously injured, don't go with him, I'd better choose another one."

Immediately, the white stone flew into the second road.

The moment she disappeared, another mutated spirit clansman walked out of the cloud with a large number of his clansmen.

"Five paths? A riddle set by hateful humans? It's useless, you're all going to die this time!"

The mutated strongman of the Spirit Race immediately divided his subordinates into five teams and entered the five paths.

Wait until all their figures disappear.

What people didn't expect was that a half-human, half-monkey face suddenly appeared on the gray cloud that everyone passed by.

"They are all a group of human beings, want to get my inheritance? Dreaming!"

But after he finished humming coldly, his expression changed again:
"But this time, it seems that two people have chosen the right ones. They have spatial spiritual roots. You can pay attention to them."

Immediately, on the gray cloud, this giant face slowly disappeared.


The fifth road to go in is a mountain road with strange rocks.

Hua Tianxiao reminded:

"Don't leave the range of the path, the mountain path is full of weird restrictions."

While speaking, Gao Tingting released a small sword.

The small sword left the range of the mountain road, and originally wanted to test whether it was really dangerous.

But the strange thing is that the little sword disappeared immediately after leaving the scope of the path, and disappeared out of thin air.

Hua Tian smiled and said:

"This should be the ruins of the Kong Kong tribe, and the outside should be a space formation. Your little sword might be thrown into other time and space in an instant."

Gao Tingting said in surprise:

"Then let's not wander around."

Although Tang Tian was the first to rush into the path, he didn't speed up to leave. Yan Lingkang followed and asked tentatively:
"Tang Tian, ​​how did you choose this path?"

"I chose it randomly. I was running out of time just now. I suspected that Jiang Kun had colluded with other people and wanted to attack us, so I chose a small path to come in at random."

Tang Tian said.

"Is that so, choose at will?"

Yan Lingkang was dubious.

This treasure hunt is very important to Yan Lingkang, he must get the inheritance here, and will never allow others to snatch it away!
If Tang Tian is also a time-type or space-type spiritual root, he will snatch his inheritance, which he absolutely cannot allow!

He then asked:

"Tang Tian, ​​what spiritual root are you?"

Tang Tian said:
"Everyone knows my spiritual root, flame beast."

"Fire Beast."

Yan Lingkang was still dubious, feeling that the spirit root of the flame beast had no connection with time and space at all!


Did Tang Tian really enter the fifth path because of a random choice?

Yan Lingkang thought for a while, but decided to wait and see.

He turned around and said:

"Hua Tianxiao, Gao Tingting, you all be careful! Tang Tian is right, this guy Jiang Kun is a little different from before, along the way, including when we are controlling the space crack to move, he is always there Constantly use space tokens to connect with people! Maybe besides the gods, there are other powerful people following in."

"This hateful demon cultivator!"

Hua Tianxiao suddenly became furious.

In fact, he also saw Jiang Kun constantly using the communication token. Now that he thinks about it, it is really possible that Jiang Kun is in contact with some people!

Although he felt that Tang Tian might be wronged before, Hua Tianxiao didn't want to apologize to Tang Tian.

In his feeling, this Tang Tian is still very annoying!

Gao Tingting said politely:
"Tang Tian, ​​how offended you were just now."

"That's it."

Tang Tian didn't say much, he slowed down, from being the first to following Yan Lingkang.

In fact, Tang was also communicating with the space monkey while walking.

"Xiaokong, you made the right choice! Yan Lingkang also chose this path. It seems that this path is the right choice!"

Space Monkey said:

"This Yan Lingkang is very sensitive, he already suspects you."

Tang Tian snorted coldly:
"In the face of this kind of inheritance, which is rare in thousands of years, there is no room for politeness! If you choose the right path, it means that you have your talent! Although you don't have the spiritual root of space, you have the characteristics of space. You can make a choice! In other words, if there is an inheritance, you can also accept it!"

Space monkey Tang Xiaokong said:
"It's a really weird feeling, like I've been here before, but I haven't been here."

Tang Tian nodded and said:

"Perhaps only people with spatial spiritual roots or spatial talents can feel it. Others, including me, cannot feel this! The inheritance here belongs to you!"

The four of them walked forward along the mountain road, Yan Lingkang was the most anxious and walked in the front.

However, he suddenly took a breath and stopped.

"Here comes the cliff!"

Tang Tian and the others followed suit.

It was discovered that at the end of this mountain road, there was a cliff!


"Are you going to fly there?"

Yan Lingkang's face changed, he raised his hand, and released a Yukong Lingjian.

He controlled the Yukong Lingjian to fly forward, and when the Yukong Lingjian left the range of the cliff, he immediately saw the Yukong Lingjian falling straight down the cliff as if it lost control!
"Flying treasure, unable to pass."

Yan Lingkang said with an ugly face.

Hua Tian looked at Tang Tian with a smile and asked:
"Maybe the powerful flying palace can fly over."

Tang Tian was a little annoyed, this Hua Tianxiao accused him of killing Jiang Kun just now, and now he is not saying good things!
"Brother Hua, do you want me to use the Shenxing Dao Palace to test? If the Shenxing Dao Palace falls, will you compensate me?"

Tang Tian asked bluntly.

Hua Tian smiled and rolled his eyes and said:

"Isn't your task this time just to transport us?"

Tang Tian smiled coldly:
"Shen Xing Dao Palace is a gift from my teacher. If it is lost or damaged, how can I explain to my teacher? Brother Hua, if you are willing to help me explain to my teacher, I can give it a try!"

How could Hua Tianxiao dare to stand in front of Taoist Tianxin and speak, his face was embarrassing and he said:

"I didn't say to use the Shenxing Dao Palace. Do you have any other flying palaces? You can also use them to try."

While they were talking, Gao Tingting spoke:

"Stop arguing, there seems to be a small formation mechanism here."

After all, Gao Tingting is a master of breaking formations. She noticed a small wordless stone tablet at the end of the mountain road, and the direction of the stone tablet was a bit wrong.

Yan Lingkang said:

"Hua Tianxiao, you go and have a look."


Hua Tianxiao's face changed, this kind of wayfinding was originally done by Jiang Kun.


(End of this chapter)

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