While they were talking, Gao Tingting spoke:

"Stop arguing, there seems to be a small formation mechanism here."

After all, Gao Tingting is a master of breaking formations. She noticed a small wordless stone tablet at the end of the mountain road, and the direction of the stone tablet was a bit wrong.

Yan Lingkang said:

"Hua Tianxiao, you go and have a look."


Hua Tianxiao's face changed, this kind of wayfinding was originally done by Jiang Kun.

But Jiang Kun disappeared, and he was the only one to go.

He walked over and found no danger, and pushed the stone tablet with his hand.


His face changed, and he continued to push the stone tablet.

Suddenly, a white cloud floated out of the cliff below the stele.

After the cloud appeared, it hung on the edge of the cliff, as if waiting for something.

Yan Lingkang's face moved slightly, he nodded and said:
"Yes, now it seems that this white cloud is leading us through the dangerous place."

Even though I said that, outside the cliff, there was a vast expanse, and no one knew where they would float to when they got on this white cloud.

Yan Lingkang looked back and said:
"Tang Tian, ​​you go first?"

Tang Tian's expression changed suddenly, and he said with an ugly expression:
"Brother Yan, why me?"

Yan Lingkang said:

"Originally, our treasure hunting team had Jiang Kun, a special pathfinder, but now that Jiang Kun is missing, we have to follow the rules of treasure hunting outside!"

Tang Tian doubted:

"What are the rules of treasure hunting?"

"I don't know."

Hua Tian smiled and sneered:

"If the pathfinder dies, whoever has the lowest cultivation level will be the pathfinder!"

"Whoever has the lowest cultivation level will be the pathfinder!"

Tang Tian nodded and said:
"Okay, okay, since there is such a rule, then I won't say anything, I'll go!"

This kind of rule may seem unreasonable, but it is true.

Your cultivation base is the lowest, why don't you go?Then others will hit you with their hands!
This is the rule!
In fact, to be honest, other people are afraid of falling, but Tang Tian is really not afraid.

So what if he falls, Tang Tian has the soul space, even if he falls, he doesn't necessarily die!
Tang Tian walked over alone, walked out of the cliff, and stood on the clouds.

Sure enough, when Tang Tian stood up, the clouds began to move slowly.

Yan Lingkang said from behind:
"Tang Tian, ​​it's not without benefits for you to be a pathfinder, you can get an extra [-]% share!"

Jiang Kun is dead, no one wants his [-]% achievement, Tang Tian succeeds him, [-]% more is reasonable.

Of course, there was a reason for Yan Lingkang to benefit Tang Tian.

He continued:
"When you reach the opposite side, remember to report that you are safe and remind you of the dangers encountered on the road."


The benefit Yan Lingkang gave Tang Tian was to guard against the people behind Tang Tianyin.

For example, if there is any danger on the road, if the people in front don’t say anything, the people behind will suffer; It is impossible to guard against.

So Yan Lingkang would rather give Tang Tian a little more.

Tang Tian sneered in his heart, and said in his heart:
"It's so weird in this empty world, it's divided into...hehe."

He is not very optimistic about this treasure hunt.

Among the divine relics of normal people, entering is the medicine garden, or the ancient books, cave mansions, alchemy rooms... But here, it is clear that it is a relic-like world, and it seems that it is more stingy than the relics!

Tang Tian said:
"This road is very dangerous, I feel that it is very difficult to get the treasure."

Space Monkey felt differently, he said:

"I really like it here, it feels like deja vu."

With a thought, Tang Tian released the Space Monkey and said:

"Look, have you been here before?"

The space monkey stood on the clouds, carrying a big golden stick, looked left and right, frowned and said:
"But I really haven't been here before. Why do I have a feeling of déjà vu again? It's really a day."

The white clouds seem to be flying slowly, but they are actually flying very fast, and Yan Lingkang and others behind are invisible in a blink of an eye!
Tang Tian and the space monkey flew in the vast sky, surrounded by a vast expanse.


The surrounding scene was clear, and came to a clear sky. In the sky ahead, there was a giant peak reaching the sky. In the middle of the giant peak, there was a hole, and the opposite sky could be seen.

White clouds are flying towards that hole.

"Master, look!"

Tang Xiaokong, who was looking around, exclaimed.

Tang Tian also noticed the situation around him, and immediately frowned.

It turned out that there were several white clouds on his left side!
There are also people standing on those clouds!
Tang Xiaokong also looked at it for a while, and then said curiously:
"It doesn't matter which one you choose from the previous five paths! In the end, there are all white clouds, so it's really strange to be able to come here!"

Tang Tian chose the rightmost passage at the time, so now Baiyun is also on the far right.

And on his left side, there are four different tracks of white clouds.

On the first white cloud, stood a middle-aged man with cold eyes, it was Yuan Ti!
On the second white cloud was a half-human, half-snake woman, her tail was obviously missing.

The third white cloud is Ding Zizhu!It seems that Lei Seng didn't dare to come and asked Ding Zizhu to explore the way.

There are several white clouds on the fourth road, and on each white cloud stands a member of the Spirit Race.

Tang Tian saw them, and they also saw Tang Tian.

Ding Zizhu shouted first:

"Tang Tian, ​​save me!"

Tang Leng snorted and didn't speak.

Even if Lei Seng captured Ding Zizhu alive and searched his soul to get Tang Tian's secret, it was Ding Zizhu's constant persuasion, which caused a lot of trouble.

The human snake over there looked at Ding Hao with resentment in his eyes, and said with a sneer:

"Good boy, use your god root to burn down my Xuanshui Realm, you are capable!"

Tang Tian replied:

"Destroying your Xuanshui Realm and breaking your tail, this is just a small lesson! If you still want to attack me, just one word, die!"

The human snake laughed loudly:

"If I don't attack you, you won't attack me? The nine demon relics must kill each other. This is the rule! Boy, don't blame others. Since you are the owner of the demon relic, you must accept it. Such a result! Kill, or be killed!"

It has to be said that what the man and snake said is quite reasonable.

Yuan Ti, Human Snake, Lei Seng, Tang Tian!
The four of them originally had no grievances or enmity, but since all of them are the owners of the demon king's relic, there are only two outcomes to choose from.

Kill, or be killed!

Yuan Ti also said:

"Since Cracking Demon Venerable has set this rule, we must abide by it and see who is the final owner!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Human Snake and Tang Tian with cold eyes.

The four of them were talking, and the Spirit Race people of the fourth way were also listening.

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