In the storage ring, it was originally dark.

However, the Baguang Stone was extremely bright, illuminating the surroundings, and soon saw some materials lying in the storage ring.

"These materials, these treasures of heaven and earth, are all good things!"

Although Tang Tian obtained some wooden and metal materials from the ancient times before, he did not get any spar-level materials from the ancient times.

And these precious materials are all hidden in Qingluo's storage ring!
"Okay, Qingluo, since you put me in, then I won't be polite!"

"Then I'll keep stealing from you!"

The water drop clone flew out of the eight-light stone, and then wrapped an ancient spar with spiritual power, made it move, and put it into the eight-light stone.

"I'm so tired. After all, I don't have a body. Controlling a spar to move will exhaust my mental strength. Take a break."

After stealing a spar from ancient times, the water drop clone hid back in the Baguang Stone.

"so tired!"

Fei Chong said:
"Master, in fact, you don't have to worry. Even if the water drop clone can't come back for a while, it doesn't matter. As long as he hides in the eight-light stone, no one can do anything to him!"

"This function is good."

Just when Tang Tian kept taking Qingluo's crystal stones from the ancient times as his own, Tang Tian couldn't wait any longer.

Tang Tian nodded and said:
"It's true to say so, but I still want to take the Baguang Stone back, and what is the material of the water drop clone?"

Tang Tian refined the Star Sumeru Pagoda, so he is very clear about these aspects.

Tang Tian exhaled and opened his eyes.

Therefore, every time he steals something, the water drop avatar feels a splitting headache.

"Corresponding to control? What does this mean?"

The purpose of his refining this small tower is to carry out some necessary management of the secret realm.

Then, Tang Tian came out to steal another one.

"It's so hard to drive!"

"That's what I'm most afraid of."

Ren Zu did not allow others to dominate all the secret realms.

Tang Tian nodded and said:


"It should be Shenfan City!"

The voice of the mother worm came:
"Master, it must be that the Qingluo Banshee is too strict, or he is trapped somewhere."

Outside the Ten Thousand Puppet Mansion, in the garden.

The mother worm said:
"That's also possible. Shenfan City happens to be our own territory. You can teleport it home. That's great!"

At this time, just look at the bottom few circles of runes, which slowly dimmed.

"Oh oh oh."

"The so-called corresponding thing is that the township star and the nine-story Mount Sumeru correspond to each other, but it is too troublesome to use the township star to control the nine-story Mount Sumeru. Therefore, Ren Zu refined this small tower, which can control the Fengzhen Mountain. Suppress Xingchen, and then control Lingqingluo by sealing Xingchen, and finally control Lingqingluo on the ninth floor of Mount Sumeru..."

Tang Tian wiped the sweat from his forehead and said:
"According to some of the records, this object is called the Star Sumeru Pagoda! It is the corresponding control of the sealed stars and the nine-story Mount Sumeru!"

"If the Qing Luo Banshee burns it alone on the divine fire, it will give him a chance to escape! The most fearful thing is that Qing Luo will carry it all day, then it will be difficult to escape! After all, the flying speed of the Baguang Stone is not fast! "

"Why hasn't the water drop clone returned yet?"

"I really didn't expect that stealing is so hard!"


The mother worm said:
"But then you also have a strong day. When you become strong, you can still become the master of the secret realm by driving all the runes."

"But your current strength can only light up three floors, where can you teleport?"

"I don't know, I haven't tried it!"

He originally thought that the water drop avatar should have returned within three months, but he didn't expect that the water drop avatar would not come back until he successfully refined it.


Three months have passed!
Three months ago, after Tang Tian sacrificed the blood of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, the little black tower did not have any resistance for an instant, and directly recognized Tang Tian as the master, or rather, did not dare to have any resistance!

Tang Tian sat cross-legged, frowning.

The mother worm still doesn't understand.

But after a few days of rest, you can gradually recover.

Tang Tian laughed and said:

Fei Chong was dumbfounded, he had never seen Tang Tian push the treasure so hard before.

"what's going on?"

Tang Tian scolded:

"it is good!"

"This Star Sumeru Pagoda was built by Ren Zu, and it can control the secret realm! My god, my god, my god..."

Tang Tian's water drop avatar is really too small, its strength is also very small, and the mental power it can release is also very small.

Tang Tian sighed:

The mother worm exclaimed:

Tang Tian shook his head and replied!

This small tower seems to be quite difficult to drive, Tang Tian used hundreds of spells back and forth.

Tang Tian said:
"I don't know about the other functions at the moment. I only know that there is a teleportation function! This small tower has a total of four floors. If you light up the runes on several floors, you can directly teleport to which floor."

"Then what are you waiting for, master, hurry up and try!"

The mother worm could clearly see that Tang Tian's forehead was beginning to sweat.

"If I appear in Shenfan City, they don't know how surprised they will be. It would be fine if Fire Dragon Modi and the others hadn't left."

Ren Zu's purpose in refining this Star Sumeru Pagoda was definitely not to treat human beings as ants, punish them arbitrarily, and become the master himself.

But the mother worm said again:

After speaking, Tang Tian closed his eyes, and began to pinch out the formula with both hands.

That is, some basic functions.

The mother worm is unknown.

"Oh my God!"

The female worm was too startled to speak, and it took a while before she said:
"Master, this thing can be called the most important treasure in the God Realm! If you get this treasure, you are in control of all the secret realms, and you are the master of all the secret realms!"

Tang Tian nodded and said:
"Theoretically, that's the case, but now I only have the cultivation base of a god, and I can't drive many runes at all. At present, I can't even drive the runes of the first floor tower, and can only drive a base rune."

At this time, I saw the circles of runes on the first, second, and third floors of the small black tower slowly light up...

"Then let's wait."

"Not necessarily, Ren Zu built this thing for some basic control functions, not to become a master!"

After the mother worm finished speaking, she changed the subject again:
"Master, how is your little black tower refining, can you open the passage back? It doesn't matter if you can, we can come and go often!"

The last time Tang Tian saw Huolong and Emperor Mo visit through the light curtain emitted by Qi Ling Qingluo, but now a few months have passed, he guessed that Emperor Mo and the others should have left.But he still had some expectations in his heart. It would be best if Emperor Mo and Huolong hadn't left. He was eager to go back to meet Huolong. After all, it had been too long since he had seen Huolong!

"Then let's go back and have a look first, and then come back to pick up the water drop avatar, okay?"

Fat Worm asked again.


Tang Tian shook his head and said:
"Based on my ability, after using this teleportation, I'm afraid I won't be able to activate the teleportation function again for many years! You can also see that I activated the bottom few circles of runes just now, and they are already like that! If you drive the teleportation , I'm likely to faint! Unless...!"

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