Chapter 2378 Expose!


Tang Tian shook his head and said:
"Based on my ability, after using this teleportation, I'm afraid I won't be able to activate the teleportation function again for many years! You can also see that I activated the bottom few circles of runes just now, and they are already like that! If you drive the teleportation , I'm likely to faint! Unless...!"

"Unless what? Does the master want to use golden blood?!"

Thinking of how she felt the power of the golden blood three months ago, the mother worm's eyes lit up involuntarily!
"Go away! That thing is a hole card, so it's not used casually!"

Tang Tian glared at the other party fiercely, and then said angrily!

Taiyi Golden Immortal's blood is useless, after all, if God's will detects it, then his life in this world will come to an end!

Hearing this, the female worm had no choice but to nod and said!
"Then let's wait for the water drop clone. If it still can't come out, then we have to go first!"

"Wait another ten days!"

It took too long for Tang Tian to come out this time, this void world alone has reached 250 years!
Including the time spent in the top area, it has been 300 years since he left Shenfan City!

It is actually very difficult for Tang Tian to make a decision now.

"I want to see what the hell you have."

"What the hell is going on? What the hell is going on?"

As soon as she walked out, a sly smile appeared on her face.

"I can only continue to wait and wait for the opportunity!"

300 years did not go back!

He said ten days, and now nine days have passed, is it really necessary to drop water?
I don't know what year and month it will be until I leave it behind!
The mother worm said:
"You and your avatar have a mind-to-heart connection, why don't we approach Qingluo City quietly, and then sense each other."

But when she lay down, she remembered something.

"With my current speed, there is no way I can escape from Qingluo City!"

"Well, I hope that within ten days, the water drop avatar can come back."

The Qingluo Banshee finally took out the Baguang Stone, looked at it carefully and said:

The Qingluo Banshee began to think of it, and slowly thought of Baguangshi.

Tang Tian had no way to go back before, so that's all.

The most frustrating thing is that when she is desperate, she wants to find a chair to sit on, or a mattress to lie down on, is there any!
"This damn human thief, why does he steal everything!"

So when she is free, she often takes out these spars of various colors and selects and combines them.

A shrewd smile appeared on the face of the green radish banshee:

The green radish banshee has been waiting for nine days.

"Okay, now I can rest assured."

The divine fire was raging, and a shiny stone fell into the divine fire.

Qing Luo gritted her teeth with hatred, all of her favorite crystals were stolen by this despicable and shameful thing!

After some selection, she chose a bright red spar from a pile of spar.

"I have never met a thief before, until this human thief appeared, I was always stolen!"

The Qingluo Banshee completely collapsed.

Because she discovered that her most precious material was stolen every now and then!
But she still couldn't find the thief!
After the death of Great God Jiang Wen, he left behind a lot of materials, including a storage ring at the level of an ancient artifact.

The next day, she worked hard to make a slender but strong silk thread.

But when she came to look for this blood-red spar, unexpectedly, it disappeared again!
"Bastard! Where have you been?"

"Don't think I don't know, there must be a human kid behind it!"

"The colorful spar before is gone, and you are my favorite!"

The second category is some ancient materials, including wooden materials, metal materials and spar materials;
The third category is the bones of Great God Jiang Wen!

"I can't move a little bit right now."

Tang Tian's avatar "Water Droplet" is in this spar.

The Qingluo Banshee breathed a sigh of relief and walked out of the alchemy room.

"Ever since I took this stone back, things have been stolen. Could it have something to do with this stone?"


Although the Qingluo banshee left the alchemy room, she still had a sliver of spiritual power locked on the Eight Light Stone.

But I don’t know one time, after taking it out, I found that one of her favorite colored crystals was gone!
She felt like she was going crazy, that colorful spar, although small in size, was very beautiful, it was her favorite!
For this reason, she went crazy for half a month.

Her so-called good things fall into three categories.

During the three months when Tang Tian refined the Star Sumeru Pagoda, it was the three months when the Banshee Qingluo was the craziest.

The green radish banshee went completely crazy and lost control immediately!
She began to suspect that some female puppets in Qingluo City had turned into demons and stole her things. For this reason, she dismantled the female puppets in the city to only a dozen or so.

Qingluo finally refined this storage ring, and put everything she thought was good in it.

The first category is some classics, magic jade cards from ancient times, and some jade cards for making puppets;

Among the eight light stones.

But now that the means to teleport back is in Tang Tian's hands, Tang Tian feels a little bit like an arrow.

However, she still had crystals missing one after another.

"I put it on the divine fire for a period of time, and then I will know by observing my spar!"

Qingluo wished she could tear Tang Tiansheng apart.

The green radish banshee carefully admired it for a long time, and carefully put the blood-red spar into the storage ring. She had a plan in mind, and made a thin silk thread the next day, embedded the spar in the center of the thread, and wore it on her chest.

A blink of an eye.

Finally, she accepted the fact that it was stolen, she thought to herself, maybe it was her own hallucination, her memory was wrong, besides, even if it was stolen, I still have a lot of crystals here!

"It's very possible that the problem occurred on this stone! That human thief probably did something on it. The crystal stone in my storage ring was stolen, and it must have something to do with it!"


However, she recently discovered that the spar materials in her collection have inexplicably decreased!
To her, this spar material was second only to Jiang Wen's corpse in importance!
And as a beautiful banshee, she also likes to use some silk threads to wear these bright crystals as necklaces and bracelets. Although no one else will see it, it's pretty good to see it for yourself.

After all kinds of searching, she couldn't find it. She even wondered if she had really owned this spar before.

The green radish banshee was so angry that she simply lay down on the ground.

Among the more than ten spars of various colors, a crystal like a transparent water drop is particularly bright.

During these nine days, none of the crystals in her storage ring were lost!
"Hmph, I just guessed that it must have something to do with that stone!"

The water drop avatar is very clear that Qing Luo has locked on to herself, and any movement by herself will arouse her suspicion.

Tang Tian nodded and said:
"I think so too, at least I need to confirm that my avatar is fine."

"Then go in."

Tang Tian hid in the soul space again and flew into the Myriad Puppet Palace.

After coming in many times, Tang Tian sneaked into the vicinity of Qingluo City very quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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