
Lao Bao frowned, and when his spiritual power was put in, it disappeared without a trace like a bull into the sea!

"what happened?"

The old Bao of the God King Realm didn't care about this bit of spiritual power and continued to put it in.

After the man was injured, he couldn't see his cultivation base, but in Lao Bao's view, this man was young, how much cultivation base could he have?
Now put in a lot of spiritual power again!
However, the result is still muddy cows entering the sea, and no matter how much spiritual power is put in, all of them disappear.

Xiaobao watched his father give the boy a pulse for a long time, but he didn't speak, and said strangely:

"Father, how is his injury?"

Old Bao's face was horrified, unconsciously, half of the spiritual power in his body was released, and there was no reaction at all.

He quickly withdrew his hand and said:
"Why is it like a bottomless pit? My spiritual power disappears when I put it in. How can I help him check his injuries?"

Xiaobao frowned and said:

"Father, I don't know the injury and I don't know what kind of medicine to use? Why don't you try again?"

"no need."

Lao Bao shook his head quickly.My heart said, this is a bottomless pit, it may not be useful to drain my spiritual energy.

"Then what kind of medicine should be given to him?"

Xiao Xiaobao asked again.

Lao Bao observed and said:

"This person should have exhausted his spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy in his body is extremely lacking! As a result, his cultivation base has disappeared, so he can't tell! Give him the spirit-replenishing pill, which can quickly replenish his spiritual energy."


Xiaobao quickly stood up, walked out, walked to the door and said:

"Father, there are many kinds of nourishing pills, of what level."

Old Bao said:
"This young man is at most at the Jindan Stage, so give him the Replenishing Pill of the Heavenly God Stage."

"it is good."

After a while, Xiaoxiaobao came in with the Spiritual Replenishment Pill of the God Stage.

Old Bao said:
"I'm out to do business. You can give him the spirit-replenishing pill here. It doesn't matter if you take more of this pill. Let him take a few and put your hand on his wrist. If you can put in the spiritual power, You don’t need to eat; if the spiritual power is still inexplicably absorbed, continue to eat.”

"Okay, Dad."

Xiaobao was alone in the room, and put the Buling Pill into Tang Tian's mouth.

This kind of elixir is mainly refined by spiritual power, without any impurities, it melts in the mouth, immediately turns into spiritual power, and spreads.

The man ate a few, and his lips were obviously bloody.

Xiao Bao put his hand on the young man's wrist, and found that the spiritual power still disappeared inexplicably, so he continued to give the young man the elixir of nourishment.

"My family's elixir is very effective. Why is his spiritual power still insufficient after eating more than 30 pills?"

After a while, Lao Bao took the time to walk back.

"Why eat thirty pills and still be like this?"

Old Bao was startled, he thought for a while and said:

"It seems that I underestimated this person's cultivation! You go and get the God-King Realm's Replenishment Pill! I didn't expect this young man to already have the cultivation of the God-King Realm. It's amazing!"

Xiao Xiaobao hurried out, the Spiritual Replenishing Pills in the Divine King Realm were much more precious, and they were packed in small white porcelain bottles, ten pills each.

"Feed him."

After Lao Bao signaled, Xiao Xiaobao fed the man the God-King Realm Spirit Replenishing Pill one by one.

But after eating ten, the boy still didn't wake up.

"Oh my God!"

Old Bao was shocked:

"It's still a symptom of spiritual emptiness! Ten God King Realm Replenishment Pills, even if you are a late God King, you should wake up now!"

Xiaobao also stared and said:
"Could it be that this person's cultivation has reached the realm of God?"

"how is this possible?"

Old Bao said:
"Looking at his appearance, he shouldn't be very old, and the Godly Realm is overestimating him!"

Xiaoxiaobao said:

"But it's obvious that he lacks spiritual power. You can see that after taking so many nourishing pills, his complexion has improved a lot!"

Old Bao thought for a moment and said:
"Okay, then go and get the Spiritual Replenishment Pill from the Divine Exalted Realm."

The spirit-replenishing pills in the Divine Exalted Realm are quite precious, and they are all five pills packed in a small delicate bottle.

Xiaoxiaobao poured out a elixir overflowing with spiritual power and stuffed it into the man's mouth.

This elixir really worked very well. After taking five pills, the boy's face became much rosier.

However, I still haven't woken up...

"Oh my God!"

Lao Bao had the urge to vomit blood.

"I haven't woken up until now, and I still lack spiritual power. With so many pills, how much spiritual power has been replenished! How high is his cultivation!"

Xiaobao is full of curiosity.

At this moment, there was noise outside.

Old Bao's expression changed:
"No, the young city lord of Qingdan City is here!"

"This annoying person!"

Although Lao Bao and his daughter hated the people in Qingdan City very much, but at this moment, they had to go out to deal with them.

Not long after they left, the lying boy finally opened his eyes.


Tang Tian looked around and found that it was a small room. He was lying on the bed. There were some favorite things of women and girls beside the bed. There was an inexplicable fragrance at the tip of his nose. It was like a girl's boudoir.

"Master, it's really a little girl's boudoir."

The voice of the mother worm came in the ear.

Just now, the mother worm and Xiaolu were watching the father and daughter busy, but one of them was locked in the soul space, and the other was locked in the storage ring, so they couldn't help.

"All right?"

Tang Tian looked around and found the little black pagoda lying beside him, so he breathed a sigh of relief and put away the Star Sumeru Pagoda.

"I don't know if this place has come to Shenfan City."

With a thought in Tang Tian's mind, he wanted to release his spiritual consciousness to scan in all directions.


"Not good! My consciousness!"

Only then did Tang Tian realize that his biggest problem was not lack of spiritual power, but the emptiness of his sea of ​​consciousness!
"What a terrifying power!"

Tang Tian was shocked when he thought about it. In order to drive the Star Sumeru Pagoda to open the portal, not only his spiritual power was exhausted, but also his sea of ​​consciousness!
Spiritual power is easy to nourish, but knowledge of the sea is difficult to maintain!
The mother worm said:
"This kind of treasure at the level of ancient artifacts, if you are a monk in the state of gods, it will be seriously depleted. Your spiritual power, blood essence, and sea of ​​consciousness will all be exhausted!"

Tang Tian said:
"The most important thing is to know the sea."

Xiaolu said in the soul space:
"Master, the father and daughter just now, they actually used those rubbish pills for you!"

Tang Tian smiled and said:

"It's right for them to give you rubbish pills! My sea of ​​consciousness is seriously empty now. If I add too much spiritual power at once, it will not be replenished! The sea of ​​consciousness and spiritual power must always correspond! If the sea of ​​consciousness is big It’s good to have little spiritual power, but if it’s the other way around, it’s easy to cause big troubles!”

Little Greenway:
"Master, then you should quickly replenish the sea of ​​consciousness."

Tang Tian nodded, raised his wrist, and took out a small box from the storage ring.

This small box contains pills.

This elixir is amazing, it is a panacea elixir obtained from the elixir of Daozang God, one of the four ancient wonders in the top area!

This kind of elixir has the best effect, and this one is the Mingxin Ziyang Pill, which is used to heal the wounds of Consciousness Sea!

Just as Tang Tian was about to open the small box to take the pill, at this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a thin old man and a well-behaved girl stood outside the door.

Lao Bao and Xiao Xiaobao had just dealt with the young city master of Qingdan City, and after they had been perfunctory, they came back to watch Tang Tian.

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