From the beginning of the flood to the heavens and the world

Chapter 2383 The final chapter, the city of gods!

Chapter 2383 Finally returning to the city of gods!
Just as Tang Tian was about to open the small box to take the pill, at this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a thin old man and a well-behaved girl stood outside the door.

Lao Bao and Xiao Xiaobao had just dealt with the young city master of Qingdan City, and after they had been perfunctory, they came back to watch Tang Tian.

As soon as they opened the door, they saw Tang Tian taking out the elixir.

"Little friend, you are awake!"

Old Bao said happily.


Tang Tian looks young, but he is actually an old monster in his heart. He has seen many scenes, so he is not too nervous or excited, just nodded lightly and said:
"Thank you two fellow daoists for your help. Dare I ask if this is Shenfan City?"

"This man is so calm!"

Lao Bao frowned, and he also noticed Tang Tian's address sensitively.

Tang Tian called him fellow daoist!Instead of seniors!
Lao Bao took a closer look at Tang Tian's cultivation.

Tang Tian's spiritual power was too empty just now, so he didn't show his cultivation. Now that he took some pills, his cultivation showed.

God man period!
"A god-man's cultivation base calls me a fellow daoist? Doesn't he even call me senior?"

Lao Bao was amused.

But he didn't want to argue with this young man, so he walked over with a smile and said:

"Little friend, this is Shenfan City!"


Tang Tian was overjoyed, and when he returned to Shenfan City, his heart was completely settled.

Right now, he was ready to open the box and take the medicine.

But before he opened the box, Lao Bao reminded:
"Young man, your symptoms are serious! Both your spiritual energy and your sea of ​​consciousness have been severely injured. Under such circumstances, if a large amount of spiritual energy is not good for you, you should also be careful when taking pills!"

Tang Tian nodded and said:
"Fellow Daoist, you are right, this is a pill to nourish the sea of ​​consciousness."

Xiaobao saw that this godman Qi boy didn't even call out senior, and saw him take out other's elixir to eat, the little girl felt a little unhappy.

She came over, took the pill from Tian Tian's hand and said:
"What my father means is, don't take medicine indiscriminately! In our Bao's house, if you take medicine from outside, whoever is responsible for any accident!"

Tang Tian couldn't help but smile wryly after being robbed of the pill:
"How do you call Daoist Daoist?"

Xiaobao suddenly became upset again, she stared with big round black eyes and said:

"I'm taller than you in terms of cultivation, and I'm older than you in terms of age. Why do you call me a little fellow Taoist? The third and the fourth!"


Tang Tian lowered his head to look at himself, and couldn't help but smile wryly, because both spiritual power and consciousness were damaged, which actually showed the cultivation level of the god-man stage.

Old Bao smiled and said:
"My friend, don't blame me. I'm the shopkeeper of Baojiadan Pharmacy. You can call me Old Bao. This is my daughter. Her name is Bao Yujing. Everyone calls her Little Bao!"

Tang Tian couldn't help laughing, "Old Bao and Xiao Xiaobao, the names are so joyful.

"I'm in Tang Dynasty."

Tang Tian didn't hide his real name either.

Originally thought that if Tang Tian said his name, people would recognize him.

But this is not the case.

After all, more than 300 years have passed!Who else remembers Tang Tian who founded Shenfan City?What's more, Laobao and Xiaoxiaobao are both outsiders. They only came here in the past ten years, and they can't think of Tang Tian at all!

Old Bao nodded and said:
"Hi fellow Daoist Tang, although the little girl was a bit rude just now, it is true. Since you are taking the elixir from outside at my house, let me review it for you, so as not to take it wrong."


Tang Tian smiled wryly. Although Tang Tian dare not claim to have a complete understanding of this world, he has been in this world for hundreds of years, and he is considered an old world. It is impossible to take the wrong medicine no matter what.

Seeing Tang Tian's expression, Xiao Xiaobao stared at her big black eyes and said:

"Of course, with a cultivation level like yours, you must have just come out of the world, and the elixir you bought must have been cheated by someone, and you bought some inferior elixir! What about the elixir that nourishes the sea of ​​consciousness? How expensive is the elixir of Consciousness Sea?"

"Cheated? Inferior medicine?"

Tang Tian laughed, and stretched out his hand to signal:

"Friend Daoist Bao, please examine it."

It was said that although Lao Bao was dissatisfied with Tang Tian, ​​a man of god, calling him fellow Taoist, after hearing Tang Tian's words, he also reached out to pick up the small box.

As soon as he took the small box, he raised his old brows.

"It's so heavy!"

From the same level, it is better to have slightly lighter elixirs, and heavy elixirs often contain impurities.

But this kind of sinking is not generalized.

Some ancient pills are extremely heavy!

Because the spiritual power contained in it is too much, the amount of medicine is too much, and the refining is too concentrated, so the really precious good pills will be particularly heavy!
Looking at the old bag again, the box containing the pill is also very high-end!

"Could it be that there is really some kind of rare medicine in here?"

Lao Bao felt that he might be underestimated and misjudged.

"Could it be that this is a elixir refined internally by some big family?"

Old Bao hesitated a little, and asked.

Tang Tian smiled slightly, indicating the movement to open it.

"Hmph, pretending."

Seeing Tang Tian's reaction, Xiaobao on the side curled her lips in disdain. She didn't believe that the guy who came out of the tablet was a descendant of a big family, so she took Xiaobao directly without thinking about it. box, and open it!

After Xiao Xiao Bao opened the small box, there was no smell inside, and there was no sky-high light.

There is only one yellow paper talisman seal!

After seeing this yellow paper talisman, Xiao Xiaobao was even more disdainful!


And Lao Bao, who has been dealing with pills for many years, was startled when he saw the yellow paper talisman, and he couldn't help but take a deep breath!
You know, the yellow paper talismans used for these seals are called Danfeng, and there are good and bad!

Some yellow paper talismans have insufficient sealing ability, and the power of the pill will leak out, which is not conducive to long-term preservation.

And the yellow paper talisman in front of him is obviously the most top-notch. After sealing the elixir, no breath will be exposed, and the elixir will not reduce its curative effect if it is left for tens of thousands of years!

As far as this Danfeng is concerned, Lao Bao has never seen such an exquisite production in his life!
What is the origin of this man?Lao Bao was startled suddenly.

"It's rude to rest!"

Before Lao Bao could finish his sentence, Xiao Xiaobao was quick and had already opened the pill!

Once it was uncovered, precious light radiated and the fragrance of pills overflowed, a huge halo appeared on the small pill, like a luminous pearl, illuminating the whole room!

"Oh my God!"

Both Laobao and Xiaoxiaobao stared straight at the eyeballs.

Lao Bao has been refining elixirs all his life, and he has never seen such elixirs!

The body of the pill is round, bright and white, the fragrance of the pill is strong, but soft and long, the halo of the pill is even more perfect!

"My God, the founding ancestors of our Bao family can't make this kind of elixir! This is not a elixir, it's a treasure at all!"

Old Bao turned his eyes to Tang Tian with a dazed look, thinking what is the origin of this man?
A little god-man period, actually carrying this kind of medicine?Doesn't he know that this kind of elixir will shock the world if it is spread?
Xiaobao was also frightened, she also knew it was a baby, stuck out her tongue, didn't dare to say more, and carefully put the box on the small bed.

At this moment, something happened that they didn't expect.

(End of this chapter)

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