Chapter 734 Four People's Guess!
However, the four of the Pope of Light guessed that they were being manipulated by a pair of hands hidden in the dark, so they prepared to hide themselves in order to attract the person who was hiding in the dark!
But they didn't know that there was no one hiding in the dark, they were just lost in the formation formed by Tang Mingyao!
Time passes slowly!

"Huh? What's going on? There's no movement?"

After going crazy for a while, the four of them found that there was no movement outside, and it was still the same, a vast expanse of whiteness!
"Could it be that we felt wrong! There is no one outside at all?"

After hesitating for a while, the Pope of Light frowned and said!

"Impossible! My feeling can't be wrong! I can be sure that we were being manipulated by a mysterious force just now!"

Hearing this, the Beast Emperor shook his head, and then said affirmatively!


Just when the Pope of Light was about to say something, they suddenly felt that something was changing in the fog outside!
At that moment, the faces of the four of them froze, and then they stared closely at the changing fog!
I saw that the mist that was still white at first started to fade until it disappeared!

"Huh? Is this person in the dark ready to give up? Not ready to consume us?"

Seeing that the fog in front had disappeared, several people couldn't help but feel happy, but then they thought of it suspiciously!

After the fog disappeared, several people waited for a while, and found that there was no one outside. They looked at each other immediately, and then said:

"Let's go out! If we hide like this, I don't think that person will show up on his own initiative!"

"Well, indeed!"

The three nodded!

After finishing speaking, the Pope of Light stretched out his hand, and the transparent barrier slowly shrank, and finally turned into a sphere the size of a palm, which fell into the hands of the Pope of Light, and then he put it away!
"Let's keep going! I'll see how long he can endure!"

The Beast Emperor gritted his teeth and said!
The thought that he, a mighty god-level powerhouse, the emperor of the orc clan, was secretly manipulated by someone, made him very angry!

When the others heard the words, they just smiled. Although they all have their own arrogance, they have to distinguish between occasions!
And the person who manipulated himself and others just now is obviously not a good person, and his cultivation level is definitely not inferior to them. Come out, there is really nothing you can do about it by yourself and others!
After that, the few people walked for a while, this time they walked smoothly, the feeling of being manipulated has never appeared again!

After walking for a while, the four of them discovered that there was a cave not far ahead, and there was a thick fog around the cave, and it seemed that the fog came from here!
The four of them looked at each other, without any hesitation at the moment, they walked quickly towards the cave!
Although they all know that this cave can be dangerous, but now they can manage so much there!
But when they walked into the cave, they found out.There is no trace of mist inside, as if the mist was placed outside by an invisible force!
But if this is the case, it will violate their previous guess. If the fog came out of the cave, then the cave is also covered by the fog, but now in Shandong, there is no trace of fog. Didn't it come out of this cave?

Suddenly, Qiang Mu's face changed, and then he looked towards the hole behind him, only to see that the hole was slowly merging, and he couldn't help shouting:

"Oops, we were fooled!"

When they heard this, they turned their heads and looked around, only to see that the entrance of the cave, which was still there, was slowly merging. Without even thinking about it, they hurried over!

However, they were one step too late after all, and when they arrived at the entrance of the cave, the entrance of the cave had been completely merged!
"Damn it! Come out, get out of here!"

Anyone who is teased like this will be furious, what's more, the four of them are still the top god-level powerhouses standing at the top of the entire Tiancang Continent!
The Beast Emperor, who was in a hurry, directly punched the hole just now. The strength of a god-ranked powerhouse is so great, but when the Beast Emperor's fist touched the ice wall, he fell into the sea of ​​cows without shaking. There was not even the slightest ripple, and even the broken ice on the ice wall did not fall off in the slightest!

It seems that this ice wall has been strengthened by an invisible force!

"how is this possible?"

Seeing that his punch had no effect at all, the Beast Emperor roared in disbelief!

You know, he is a strong man at the pinnacle of the god rank. If he punches with all his strength, not to mention the ice wall, I am afraid that an island will be smashed to pieces!

But what is going on with all this in front of him, has his strength disappeared, or is this ice wall too hard?
Seeing this, the others also frowned!

The Dark Pope walked to the place where the Beast Emperor hit just now, and stretched out his hand to feel it carefully!
Originally, he thought that someone had set up a powerful magic circle on the ice wall, but when his hand touched the ice wall, he didn't feel that there was any power on the ice wall!

But if there really wasn't a magic circle on the ice wall, how could it be able to block the punch of the god-level peak powerhouse!
"On the wall, there is no magic circle laid down!"

The dark pope said to everyone with a solemn face!

Hearing this, everyone is not calm now!
Just kidding, what kind of ice wall can actually block a full-strength punch from a god-level powerhouse without being damaged at all!

"It's not about the ice wall!"

At this moment, Qiang Mu shook his head suddenly, and then said with certainty!

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Hearing this, several people also looked at him with puzzled faces!
"I have never seen, or even heard of, what kind of wall can actually block the full punch of a god-level powerhouse!"

Seeing this, Qiang Mu continued!
After speaking, he himself felt a little funny!
"But there is no power at all on the wall! Don't you doubt me? If you don't believe me, try it yourself!"

Hearing Qiang Mu's words, the Dark Pope said with an ugly face!

"No! I didn't doubt you. Now we are ants on a line, and there is an abyss below. If this line is broken, we will all be finished!"

"What I mean is that there is no power on the ice wall, and the person who set up the magic circle is much stronger than us, so we didn't feel that there is any energy on it!"

"And you think, we are all at the peak of the god rank now, and our cultivation base is higher than ours, and the magic circle we have set up makes us unable to feel the existence of any energy. How strong is it?"

Qiang Mu said with a serious face!

Hearing this, the expressions of the other three couldn't help changing!
"Do you mean that this person came down from above? But isn't the passage to the lower realm above sealed by an unknown existence? Unless they find a world node, their bodies will not be able to descend to the lower realm at all!"

Hearing Qiang Mu's words, the Beast Emperor couldn't help saying with a serious face!

(End of this chapter)

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