Chapter 735 The mysterious battlefield!
Hearing this, the expressions of the other three couldn't help changing!
"Do you mean that this person came down from above? But isn't the passage to the lower realm above sealed by an unknown existence? Unless they find a world node, their bodies will not be able to descend to the lower realm at all!"

Hearing Qiang Mu's words, the Beast Emperor couldn't help saying with a serious face!

Unexpectedly, as soon as the Beast Emperor finished speaking, the other three looked at him strangely!
Indeed, in the past, the gods in the upper realm could freely go back and forth between the two realms, but for some unknown reason, they were sealed by an unknown existence!
From then on, gods can't enter the lower realm casually, but things are not absolute, as long as those gods pay some price, they can send their clones to the lower realms, but this clone can't exceed the god level!
Of course, the price to pay is not small, so, when it is not necessary, the god will not just shoot his own clone to the lower realm!
"Uh? What's the matter? Am I wrong?"

Seeing the three of them looking at him strangely, the Beast Emperor also asked puzzledly!

"Ah! Have you been in seclusion all the time, and you just got out of it recently?"

Seeing the puzzled look on the Beast Emperor's face, Qiang Mu couldn't help asking!

"Yeah! How do you know! Huh? Are you investigating me?"

Hearing Qiang Mu's words, the Beast Emperor's face changed slightly, then he stared at Qiang Mu closely and asked!

How could Qiang Mu be so clear about when he was retreating and when he was going out? Could it be that he was investigating himself, or had some conspiracy?
"Heh~, I'm investigating what you are doing? Don't you know that recently, the passage between the worlds has been opened by itself?"

Seeing that the Beast Emperor actually suspected that he was going to investigate him, Qiang Mu couldn't help but rolled his eyes immediately, and then said angrily!
"What? The channel between the two worlds has opened again?"

Hearing Qiang Mu's explanation, the Beast Emperor couldn't help exclaiming!
Because he has indeed been in retreat all the time, if he didn't feel something abnormal in the Far West this time, he came out to investigate, otherwise he is still in retreat at this moment!
After exclaiming, the beast emperor couldn't help but look at the bright pope and the dark pope next to him!

You know, apart from him, the only ones who can keep in touch with the gods of the upper world are the Popes of the two Holy Sees!
"Hmm! What Qiang Mu said is indeed true! For some unknown reason, the channel between the two worlds was completely opened a while ago!"

The Pope of Light nodded and replied!

"The gods in the upper realm, can't they come to the lower realm at will?"

The Beast Emperor was taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly said!

"Well! But it seems that the channel has not been completely stabilized. The gods who come down must not use power above the god level, otherwise they will be directly rejected by this interface!"

Hearing this, the dark pope next to him also explained at this time!
"Oh! Qiangmu, what do you mean to say that the people who manipulated us this time may be people who came down from the God Rank? Moreover, the fog that appeared in the Far West is also related to people who came down from the God Realm?"

Hearing the three people's explanations, the Beast Emperor suddenly realized, and said to me indifferently!

"Well! I do mean that!"

Qiang Mu nodded and replied!

And the other two nodded after listening to Qiang Mu's words!

Because, apart from this reason, the two of them really couldn't think of any other reasons that could explain it!
"Then shall we go on now?"

The Beast Emperor looked at the three of them and asked!

"Otherwise? The back road is closed this time, if you don't go forward, can you still go back!"

Qiang Mu said angrily!

I thought to myself, is there something wrong with the beast emperor's mind, asking these idiot questions!


Hearing this, the beast emperor pointed at Qiang Mu angrily, but couldn't say a word!
In fact, when he just asked this question, he regretted it a little. He was also shocked by the news just now, and he didn't react for a while!

"Okay! Now is not the time for us to fight among ourselves! I think this person blocked our retreat, so he should let us continue to walk! There may be some danger ahead, let's cooperate!"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, the Pope of Light next to him quickly interrupted, and then said!

Hearing this, the ugly face of the Beast Emperor receded a little bit, he knew that what the Pope of Light said was true, and now that he was already waiting for others to be in danger, there really shouldn't be internal strife!

"Okay! Let's go!"

At this time, the dark pope next to him also said!
After finishing speaking, he walked forward!

Seeing this, the others followed suit!
A few people walked for a while, and suddenly found a light not far away, it seems that this cave is coming to an end!
Seeing the bright light this time, the few people didn't feel any joy, but couldn't help but be more vigilant in their hearts!
Because, they know that the reason they waited for others to come to this point is because someone has been pulling them along!

And when it comes to the exit, it means there may be some trap outside!
At this moment, several people have gone through this series of events, but they dare not underestimate the person in the dark!

As they got closer to the exit, the people became more cautious, but when they walked out of the cave, they didn't find any danger!
Did you guess wrong?
How many people thought of it!

But then they shook their heads again, throwing this thought out of their minds. The person in the dark had spent so much effort to lead them here, it was impossible to just let them pass through this cave and do nothing!

It must be that I and others didn't notice something, or I and others were already in danger at this time, but didn't feel it!

Several people looked at each other, and then continued to walk forward cautiously!
But when they left for a while, they suddenly discovered that the surrounding scenery had changed unknowingly!
The few people who were originally in the glacier had come to a battlefield at some time!
Countless strange-looking monsters are fighting with a group of huge humans!
Although these strange monsters look very strange, they feel the incomparably powerful power. Even the weakest monster among them, the energy contained in it makes them feel horrified!

They can feel that even if it is the weakest monster here, if it comes to the Tiancang Continent and sends out a little power casually, the entire Tiancang Continent will be shattered into pieces in an instant!
And those human beings are all as tall as thousands of feet, and many of them are even huge!
These giants have the power to destroy the world with one punch and one kick. Although there are a large number of those powerful monsters, dozens or even hundreds of monsters will be turned into ashes with one punch of these giants!
And those monsters are not bad either. They turned into human beings individually, and then threw out some weird artifacts. Although those giants are powerful, they can't hold back the crowd. If they are hit by dozens or hundreds of artifacts, they will fall instantly. !

Looking at the human beings in the form of monsters all over the sky, as well as the countless giants running on the ground, Qiang Mu, and the Beast Emperor also looked at all this with horror on their faces!
And these people's battles, although powerful, did not hurt them, as if they just saw the image!

(End of this chapter)

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