People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1010 Self-confidence between husband and wife

Chapter 1010 Personal talk between husband and wife

His eyes softened again, and Li Lizhi said in a low voice: "It is said that there must be no concubines in the county government. Is there such a talk in Zongzheng Temple recently?"

Xu Hui said in a low voice: "There were some before, but it seems that no one is talking about it now. Maybe everyone thinks that Li Zheng won't take concubines anymore. It seems that there are..."

Li Lizhi propped her chin with one hand, looked at Li Zheng weeding and said, "What else?"

Xu Hui stepped forward and said in a low voice: "Some people say that Her Royal Highness is ignorant, and that's why Li Zheng has no concubine room."

Li Lizhi sighed helplessly, "These people really like to chew their tongues."

Xu Hui nodded slightly, "Especially on the female side, there will still be people talking about it."

Li Lizhi withdrew her gaze, changed her sitting position and said, "Then what do you think of this girl Wu Mei?"

Xu Hui whispered, "His Royal Highness means..."

Seeing Li Lizhi's expression, Xu Hui didn't dare to think, this is to take back Wu Mei, and wants Chang'an to accept Wu Mei as a concubine?

But before they got married, Chang'an Ling made an appointment with the princess.

The matter of the concubine's room is decided by the princess alone.

Chang'an Ling has not been close to women for many years, and has always been pampered.

I don't care much about things like concubines.

Xu Hui looked worried and said: "Your Highness, Wu Mei seems to be sensible now, but I always feel that Wu Mei is hiding something. If she is accepted as a concubine, if there is any disagreement in the future..."

Li Lizhi whispered: "You mean Wu Mei will be my opponent?"

Xu Hui nodded and said, "Your Majesty is talking too much, please calm down."

Li Lizhi smiled and said, "You're right, you really need to think twice about this kind of thing."

After finishing speaking and writing a letter, Li Lizhi said: "Let someone send the news to the queen mother."

After collecting the letter, Xu Hui left with small steps.

In the evening, Li Zheng cooked meals as usual.

Li Zhi and Xiao Sizi stepped on the clock and went home on time.

At the dinner table, Xiao Sizi and Li Lizhi were talking about the academy.

After the meal, Li Lizhi got the reply from the palace. After reading it, she realized that Yuan Tiangang had a very special view on Li Zheng's fate and Wu Mei's face.

Xu Hui took her little son to take a bath, and Li Lizhi walked up to Li Zheng, who was still holding a teacup and looking at the stars as before.

"How about letting Wu Mei be your concubine?"

Hearing her words, Li Zheng looked at her strangely.

Li Lizhi said in a low voice: "I heard from my uncle and aunt that men should be very happy when they hear such words."

Li Zheng took a sip of tea and said, "Your thoughts are dangerous."

Li Li smiled knowingly, "I'll just say it casually."

"Speak casually?"

Li Zheng looked at her expression.

Li Lizhi sat on the side and said: "The clan members of Zongzheng Temple talk about me a lot. You are the Duke of the county, and it is right for the Duke of the county to have a concubine."

Li Zheng struggled and said: "What's wrong, you see Fang Xuanling is still the Duke of the state, doesn't he also have only one wife."

Li Lizhi shook her head and said, "It's different. Fang Xuanling's wife is a married wife who came from the bitter cold days. His wife followed him before he made a fortune. Therefore, such a wife is not discussed by others, but you are the opposite. .”

Li Zheng asked doubtfully, "Do we have to talk about this?"

Li Lizhi sat very close, and could smell her fragrance.

Li Zheng said again: "I don't think you will let me take a concubine because of other people's comments."

Li Lizhi's expression became more and more clear, "I don't want to have so many suspicions about the personal words between our husband and wife."

Holding the teacup, Li Zheng said, "Then don't test me."

Li Lizhi sat upright again, "I really shouldn't coerce you into taking a concubine just to achieve my own means."

Li Zheng smiled and said, "This time you are finally honest."

Turning his head, Li Zheng noticed that Li Lizhi was looking at him, her gaze was fixed.

Avoiding her gaze, Li Zheng said again: "Tell me, what happened?"

Li Lizhi took out the reply letter sent by the palace, "When Yuan Tiangang was still alive, he had a lot of words about your fate, and he also had some words about Wu Mei's face."

Li Zheng glanced at the reply letter, and it was not surprising that Yuan Tiangang would tell Li Shimin about this.

According to Yuan Tiangang's view, my original destiny should be to live my whole life in poverty.

And Wu Mei is an uncontrollable woman.

There are still some ink marks behind the words. It seems that someone wants to continue writing, but the pen stopped writing as soon as it fell.

Li Zheng put down the letter and said, "You still believe this?"

Li Lizhi said, "Do you believe it?"

Li Zheng said: "You know me, I have never been used to Yuan Tiangang's nonsense."

Li Lizhi nodded and said, "It's really your style."

Li Lizhi stood up again and said, "I understand what you're thinking, it's time for my son to sleep."

After returning to the room, Xu Hui whispered, "Did the son-in-law reply?"

Li Lizhi smiled and said, "He doesn't believe that at all."

The little si had already taken a bath and was sitting on the bed reading a book.

Li Lizhi sat beside her and listened to her talking about the knowledge in the book.

Li Zheng returned to the study room, which was always cleaned by Li Lizhi and Xu Hui.

On weekdays, even the servants at home dare not enter his study.

Since getting married, the study room has been a forbidden place in the family.

Li Zheng looked at the rows of books, many of which contained some advanced knowledge.

Except for the many books here at Daniel, most people can't understand them at all.

It's like no one will know that iron ships can float on water.

Even the basic knowledge of physics was absolutely crushing for the ancients.

It was getting late, and Li Zheng fell into a drowsy sleep.

Early the next morning, as usual, Li Zhi and Xiao Sizi went to the academy early.

Li Lizhi led people to calculate today's account book.

The whole family is the one who has nothing to do.

Sitting at the door with a bowl and eating breakfast, Xu Jingzong arrived with a huge file on his shoulder.

"Chang'an order, everything is ready."

Xu Jingzong walked up to put down the file and said.

Li Zheng opened the file and saw a huge map.

This map shows all routes from Chang'an to Luoyang.

Li Zheng took a mouthful of fried noodles and said, "Those routes can be started."

It has to be said that the engineering of the system is getting bigger and bigger.

From the beginning of three kilometers of road construction, to land reclamation of [-] mu, and then to thirty kilometers of road construction.

Thirty kilometers is [-] meters. This is not a small project.

The manpower and material resources to be consumed are not at the same level.

Thinking about the possible follow-up tasks, my scalp tingles when I think about it.

For [-] tons of iron ore, I had to do it!

Xu Jingzong pointed to Hedong Road and said: "The road of Hedong Road can be started, and the road from Yangping to Luoyang, along Luoshui to the east of Chang'an within three miles can also be repaired. Now there are only these, and the remaining sections of the road are still open. To lobby the local government."

(End of this chapter)

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