Chapter 1011: Peace
"How is the manpower arrangement in various places?"

Xu Jingzong took out another dossier, and now there are 5000 strong laborers, which should be enough to be distributed to various places. Our original road repair foremen in Jingyang will bring them to do it.

Li Zheng looked at the contents of the file, and the several road repairs in Jingyang did bring out some experienced foremen.

This is Datang's first construction team, and now Jingyang's construction team is led by Yan Liben.

The file contains the manpower arrangement and start time.

It is best to work in the slack after busy farming and before the autumn harvest, and the construction should be completed during this time.

Li Zheng handed the dossier back to Xu Jingzong and said in a low voice, "Don't worry about doing things, and try not to conflict with the government."

Xu Jingzong nodded and said, "Understood."

After Xu Jingzong left, Li Zheng took a deep breath of fresh air and returned home.

The nursery in the yard is growing very well.

Li Zheng walked into the vegetable field with a small hoe to weed.

It is already spring, and every night that passes the next day, some new weeds will be found in the nursery.

In the account room, Wu Mei was processing the account books while looking at Li Zheng in the yard.

When the peers around are all frivolous, reckless little boys.

At the same age, Li Zheng unknowingly showed concentration and a sense of calm that didn't match his age.

It is very attractive to a little girl like Wu Mei.

Li Lizhi on the side also noticed Wu Mei's gaze, and smiled silently, pretending not to see it.

Li Tai hurried over and said to Li Zheng who was weeding, "Something has happened!"

Li Zheng was still busy in the nursery waving his small hoe.

Li Tai stepped into the nursery and said, "Goguryeo has declared war on the Tang Dynasty."

Li Zheng looked down at Li Tai's feet and said, "Your Highness King Wei, you stepped on my feet."

Li Tai also bowed his head and retracted his feet sheepishly, saying, "The whole Chang'an is already full of quarrels, and you still care about a vegetable."

Li Zheng put the hoe aside and said, "I can't help it. I have been living in poverty since I was a child. A vegetable is also important."

Li Tai stepped out of the vegetable garden and said, "Now the court is in trouble again, and the emperor called all the officials to discuss it again."

Li Zheng nodded and said nothing.

Seeing his expression, Li Tai didn't care, and said again: "This time we will definitely go to war with Goguryeo."

Li Zheng washed his hands and said, "That should be."

Li Tai paced back and forth and said: "A few days ago, there was a lot of speculation about the main battle and the main cooperation in the court, and now the public opinion is raging, and they all say they want to go to war."

Li Zheng washed his hands and nodded, "Your father's method is quite fast."

"How should this be..."

Halfway through speaking, Li Tai turned to look at Li Zheng and said, "What did you just say?"

Li Zheng took a sip of hot water and said, "I said your father's method is quite fast."

Li Tai looked surprised, thought of something, but dared not say it.

Seeing Li Zheng drinking tea calmly, Li Tai no longer had the excited expression just now, but whispered: "You mean..."

Li Zheng took another sip of tea, "I didn't say anything."

Li Tai moved his steps, leaned closer and asked in a low voice: "You mean that my father arranged all of this?"

Li Zheng said with a smile: "His Royal Highness, how long do you think it will take for Goguryeo's national book to reach the Tang Dynasty?"

Li Tai thought about it and said, "No matter how soon it will take a month."

Li Zheng said again: "The emissary sent by our Tang Dynasty to Goguryeo died in Goguryeo, and then Goguryeo's declaration of war came?"

Li Tai said in a low voice: "It may be that they are determined to go to war with Datang, so they killed them, and sent the credentials at the same time."

Li Zheng nodded and said, "Look at this, it's not an exhaustive strategy, it's just to convince people like His Royal Highness King Wei."

Li Tai pondered carefully, "There seems to be something wrong with what you said, but I don't know what's wrong."

Li Zheng said again: "It's like when I cook dishes on weekdays, the heat is not enough to be half-cooked, but suddenly I add a handful of firewood, the heat is enough, and the dishes are cooked."


Li Tai slapped his forehead and said, "I understand what you mean. If Goguryeo really wants to go to war, the letter of credence can be delivered soon after killing the envoy, but right now the court is arguing with each other because of the main warlord." When it was time, Goguryeo's credentials came immediately."

"Now the main side has nothing to say. Goguryeo killed our envoy and brought the Warring States Letter. Even if we don't send troops now, the emperor will not come down."

Li Tai continued to analyze, "Then this credential is probably also fake, and it just appeared at the most important time."

"That is to say, my father planned to send troops to Goguryeo from the very beginning, and he made such a big circle, all for sending troops?"

What Li Tai said is basically correct.

In fact, Li Tai was a very smart person.

One point.

Li Tai sat down in a state of collapse and said, "Li Zheng, my father planned all of this?"

Li Zheng nodded and said, "Indeed."

Li Tai asked curiously, "Why did my father do this?"

Li Zheng smiled and said: "What else could it be for? The four counties of Han, Yang Guang, the bones of the Central Plains soldiers buried in Goguryeo."

Li Tai's expression relaxed a lot, "It should be like this, the father wants to do something that Yang Guang didn't do."

Li Zheng also wanted to tell Li Tai that this was actually a manifestation of Li Shimin's guilty conscience.

Originally, Li Shimin's throne was seized.

And killing Li Jiancheng has always been a knot in my heart.

Things have been in the past ten years.

What needs to be liquidated and what needs to be wooed has been done.

After chatting for a while, Li Tai left in a hurry, not knowing what he was going to do.

Li Zheng was sitting alone in the yard drinking tea.

"Xinxin has become Yuan Gai Suwen's military adviser."

Hearing Li Jiangshan talking behind him, Li Zheng held the teacup and looked back and said, "Stop the news about the killer sister."

Li Jiangshan said again: "Is Jingyang ready?"

Li Zheng crossed his legs leisurely and said, "Jingyang has prepared a team, a medical team."

Li Jiangshan said in a low voice: "Will you go out with me?"

Li Zheng smiled helplessly and said, "I like peace more than war."

"You prefer peace to war?"

Li Jiangshan sneered and said, "Why do I find it strange to hear what you said? The Tuyuhun, Tubo, and Turkic affairs are all your fault. Now you keep saying that you like peace? Don't you like war?"

Li Zheng smiled and said: "It means that they are not peaceful first, and we are not peaceful if they want us, so I want to give them peace first, and this is the peace I want."

(End of this chapter)

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