People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1017 Even if he is Li Shimin

Chapter 1017 Even if he is Li Shimin

Seeing Li Shimin's expression, Li Zheng wiped his hands and mouth, "I'm a timid person, I'm afraid that when the moon is dark and the wind is high, some knives and axes will suddenly come and kill me."

Li Shimin nodded and said: "I think you are very useful. It's a pity to let you die like this. I won't kill you. Instead, I will do everything possible to protect you."

Li Zhengchang sighed, "Your Majesty's words really moved me."

Li Shimin smiled, "You know it well, why should I hide it from you?"

Since ancient times, being with a king is like accompanying a tiger. When the king thinks you are useful, he will rely on you. When the king thinks you are worthless, he will abandon you or kill you.

Heroes and loyal ministers are two different things.

Li Shimin said again: "Do you still want to build the road?"

Li Zheng drank a sip of hot tea, and the greasy taste of the tea disappeared immediately.

Seeing that Li Zheng didn't answer, Li Shimin said again: "You can build roads, I can't help you much, but even if I stand on your side in some matters, I can't stop those who want to swallow you alive .”

Li Zheng finished drinking the tea in his cup.

The maid at the side refilled Li Zheng's cup with hot water in a sensible manner.

Quietly observing the person who was talking to His Majesty today.

This is the famous Chang'an order in Guanzhong. Even though Li Zheng's reputation is very bad, many scholars criticize Li Zheng verbally and in writing.

But this does not affect the curiosity of many girls about Li Zheng.

One can write hundreds of handed down poems overnight.

Moreover, she is not close to a woman. After marrying the princess, she has never taken a concubine.

In the quiet hall, Li Zheng let out a long sigh, "Your Majesty must face some constraints if he wants to be a Mingjun. If necessary, he should kill me or he will kill me."

Li Shimin said in a low voice: "At least now I won't kill you."

Li Zheng stood up and said, "I've had enough food and tea, so I'll take my leave first."

Seeing that Li Zheng was about to walk out of the hall, Li Shimin said loudly, "Li Zheng, is it that untrustworthy in your eyes?"

I don't really want to pay attention to this guy Li Shimin.

A selfish ghost who wants people to work for him and wants people to die for him.

Walking out of the hall, Li Zheng was breathing the air of Lishan Mountain, and he didn't know whether Shihuang's old man was resting well under Lishan Mountain. He hoped that Li Shimin would not disturb his old man.

Walking down Lishan step by step, I met Li Lizhi, Li Zhi, and Xiao Sizi at the foot of the mountain.

Li Lizhi narrowed her eyes and smiled and said, "Have you finished talking with Father?"

Li Zheng nodded and said, "The talk is over."

Li Lizhi stepped forward and took Li Zheng's shoulder and said, "Let's go home."

Li Zheng also nodded, "Well, go home."

In the past, Li Lizhi would blush even if she touched her little hand, but now she has already taken the initiative to hold hands.

The couple took Xiao Sizi and Li Zhi down the mountain.

There are more and more dignitaries and royal clansmen under the mountain.

Everyone was a little shocked to see Li Lizhi and Li Zheng holding hands in such a large audience.

In the eyes of men, it will inevitably be somewhat inappropriate.

In the eyes of women, this kind of intimacy between husband and wife is envied and jealous.

Those female relatives also wondered whether their husbands would hold their hands.

This feeling must be very happy.

Someone was thinking about it.

Even though Li Lizhi and Li Zheng still have no children, the relationship between them still makes many people jealous.

Sitting in the carriage going home, as the carriage moved, the hustle and bustle at the foot of Lishan became farther and farther away.

Sitting in the carriage with Li Zheng, Li Lizhi whispered, "How is your talk with Father?"

Li Zheng said helplessly: "It didn't go very well, and I almost didn't pick up the wine bowl and fight."

Li Lizhi was not surprised, she covered her mouth and smiled, "My mother always said that you and my father are incompatible, which makes my mother in a dilemma."

The two who stopped talking sat quietly.

Li Lizhi could even hear the sound of breathing here, even though many times the husband and wife sat together quietly, but this was the second time in the small carriage.

The last time I sat in a carriage like this was the day I got married.

Li Zheng said in a low voice: "I see that your father has a lot to deal with recently, and he must have spent a lot of energy on other things."

The words broke the silence between the two.

Li Lizhi said in a low voice: "On weekdays, the empress mother would not inquire about the court affairs."

Li Zheng said again: "Your father said today that if necessary in the future, he will kill me."

Li Lizhi didn't look too shocked, "You won't sit still."

The carriage was very small, and the two of them were so close that they could hear each other's breathing.

Li Zheng said: "Then you think you want your father not to kill me, what should I do?"

Li Lizhi lowered her eyebrows and said: "If there is such a day, it is better to control the wealth and power of the world to check and balance the father, and let him be a mouse."

I have to say that Li Lizhi is a good wife and a good wife.

Even if he was Li Shimin's daughter, she would angrily rebel against his father.

Li Zheng thought about it and said: "If your father hears your words, I'm afraid your father will be so angry that he will be half dead."

Li Lizhi smiled bitterly, "I was born in the emperor's family, and I have seen too much. I can't help myself. As the sons and daughters of the father, how many things can be chosen by themselves. In the end, it is not a decree that ruins a life like a thunderbolt." Happiness, whether it's me, Qingque, or childish slaves, we all wanted to rebel against the emperor in our hearts."

"What is the royal family? The royal family is a mountain that weighs on the heads of princes and princesses. It always tells us that there is only His Majesty under the imperial power, and we have never been ourselves."

Li Zheng said melancholy: "Sometimes I feel that your level of speaking is quite high."

Li Lizhi said: "If you don't want me to say it, I won't say it."

These words are a bit like a show of loyalty.

The subtext is that even if Li Shimin's knife is swung over, she will stand by my side.

Look at Li Lizhi's expression is still very firm.

Li Zheng smiled silently, "A self-righteous emperor rules a somewhat silly dynasty, thinking he is invincible?"

Li Lizhi turned to look at Li Zheng.

Li Zheng said in a low voice: "He doesn't know how high the sky is and how thick the ground is. His arrogance will always be his greatest weakness."

Li Lizhi looked puzzled, and even couldn't understand Li Zheng said: "Speaking like this, it seems that it is easy for you to take away my father's power."

The carriage was swaying, and Li Zheng said lazily: "One day your father is really going to kill Jingyang, I will definitely demolish his Chang'an City, flatten his Taiji Hall, and let him kneel down in front of you and me." Call Dad."

"Call Dad..."

Li Lizhi twisted Li Zheng's arm forcefully, "There's no one like you!"

Li Zheng endured the pain and said: "If people don't offend me, I won't offend others. Even if it is Li Shimin, I will let him die without a whole body!"

Li Lizhi twisted harder.

(End of this chapter)

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