People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1018 The clue of Wei Zheng's discovery

Chapter 1018 The clue of Wei Zheng's discovery

The carriage staggered all the way to Jingyang, and it was already dark. When they got home, Li Lizhi took his little son to take a bath.

Li Zhi hurried to find Daniel.

After being free, the people who have nothing to do at home are left alone.

Li Zheng let out a long sigh.

"Check it out."

Li Jiangshan's voice came from behind.

Li Zheng glanced back, "Sister Killer, what did you go to check?"

Li Jiangshan said in a low voice: "I didn't check it, the news from the palace, it is true that someone helped you with the matter of the ranger before."

Sitting down at the door of the house, Li Zheng said, "Help me, Ranger?"

Li Jiangshan said in a low voice: "Do you still remember the bearded man you let go? You asked him to find the bearded man."

Li Zheng just remembered, "Did that guy find someone?"

Li Jiangshan shook his head and said, "It's hard to find the trail of the ranger. After the bearded man left Jingyang, he did a lot of things behind his back, especially about you."

Li Zheng frowned and thought about it: "About me? What did he do?"

Looking at Li Zheng suspiciously, Li Jiangshan said, "You really don't know?"

Li Zheng drank his tea and sighed, "You see, I'm in Jingyang every day, what does Sister Killer think I will know?"

Li Jiangshan held the horizontal knife and said: "The bearded man took your money and distributed it to many rangers. Of course, these rangers who received the money will always help you. I don't know where the bearded man came from. He seems to be able to give orders. There are many rangers in the Central Plains."

Li Zheng took another sip of tea.

"In addition to your status as Li Jing's disciple, not many people knew that you were Li Jing's disciple at the beginning, but now many rangers in the Central Plains know it. As long as you raise your arms, many people will follow your orders."

Li Zheng looked at Li Jiangshan's expression, "It's true, I am the leader of the martial arts?"

"Among rangers, reputation and style are the most important. Although you are notorious, you have not violated those taboos among rangers."

Li Zheng asked curiously, "What's the big taboo for rangers?"

Li Jiangshan nodded and said: "Bullying women, children, old and young, murdering and extorting goods, violating faith, repaying kindness with revenge..."

"Okay!" Li Zheng interrupted: "I probably know."

Li Jiangshan said again: "But you don't covet power, you don't enter the imperial court, but many rangers admire you somewhat."

Said to be Li Jing's disciple, the only thing Li Zheng remembered was that he had only met Li Jing once.

Not to mention Li Jing, even his biological mother seems to be a mystery.

Still confused about this so far.

Li Zheng asked curiously: "Why do I not believe it so much?"

Putting his expression away, Li Zheng said again: "Sister Killer, you said they are helping me with errands now, will they all come to me for money when the time comes? Could it be that this is a bureau?"


After being quiet for a while, Li Jiangshan said, "You think too much about people's hearts."

Li Zheng was melancholy, "I have to guard against it."

Seeing Li Zheng's complete disbelief, Li Jiangshan didn't bother to explain.

When Li Zheng turned around again and wanted to say something, Li Jiangshan was no longer behind him.

I don't know when she left.

Li Zheng looked up at the empty night sky in a daze.

Li Lizhi also looked at Li Zheng from the window of the room, and of course saw Li Jiangshan talking with Li Zheng.

Early the next morning, Li Zheng got up listlessly, and continued to practice Tai Chi in his yard as usual.

The village was still the same as usual, and the busy day started early.

Li Lizhi watched Li Zheng practice Tai Chi while having breakfast, remembering that Sun Simiao also commented at that time that this kind of slow boxing method helps to adjust the mind.

It is especially useful for impetuous people, and it is easy to calm people down.

Just looking at Li Lizhi like this, he found that his mind unconsciously quieted down.

It seems to have an inexplicable appeal.

I remembered what Li Zheng said yesterday.

Li Zheng is not afraid of his father, and now there are tens of thousands of soldiers and horses surrounding Jingyang outside the village.

If it were another person, even if these tens of thousands of soldiers and horses did nothing, they would surely have trouble sleeping and eating.

In other words, Li Zhengxin still lived as before.

Curious in his heart, what kind of assurance does Li Zheng have that he can be so unafraid of his father, and even provoke him.

"Your Highness, today's account book has been brought."

Li Lizhi regained her senses and put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hand. She took the chopsticks and looked at Li Zheng again. He had already gone out with a fishing rod on his shoulders.

The water in Jingyang has always been very good. This kind of good is not because of how clear the water is.

And the ecology in the river is very good.

Hanging earthworms on the fishhook, Li Zheng took out a book and sat by the river to read it quietly.

Not far away, teams of construction teams are leaving Jingyang.

Xu Jingzong's road construction is still going on, regardless of the talk of impeaching Chang'an in the court.

Chang'an City

Zheng Guogong was sitting on Yushitai, looking at the rumors collected by Yushitai these days.

At the beginning, he heard that Xu Jingzong was buying officials from all over the country to conquer the power of the people. Wei Zheng thought that Xu Jingzong must be brought to justice.

If you want to bring Xu Jingzong to justice, you must have evidence.

After checking these few days, Wei Zheng felt a sense of powerlessness the more he checked.

Even local officials who were suspected of bribery were called to Chang'an for questioning in person, and officials from all over the country also sent over their monthly accounts.

Wei Zheng discovered unexpectedly that Li Zhengzheng's recruitment of people's power and money had never passed through the hands of the government.

Instead, it was distributed directly to residents everywhere.

The government is only dispatching from it.

Wei Zheng flipped through the memorial, and then looked down.

The method used by Xu Jingzong is also very tricky, the money is only in the hands of the government.

So a team of craftsmen was arranged in each place, and the team of craftsmen gave the money directly to the local villagers.

In addition, post houses were set up on both sides of the road, and these post houses received [-]% of the local villagers' share money, and the villagers were given free rebuilt houses.

Moreover, the built houses are exactly the same as those in Jingyang.

Wei Zheng also heard that Li was building many houses in Jingyang.

There are still many vacant houses left unoccupied.

That kind of house is warm in winter and cool in summer, and it is also very strong.

These words are based on what Di Huaiying and Cheng Yaojin said, and there should be no falsehood.

So all the money was given to the villagers, and none of it was given to the government.

The method of handling affairs is clever, and the villagers in various places are arranged to be obedient, and benefits and money can be given.

The local government can still get good reviews from wind reviews. It is a good thing to build roads and houses.

Moreover, it is the slack season right now, and farmers in many places are looking for work everywhere, so it is a good time to build roads.

Wei Zheng sighed with emotion, "This Xu Jingzong is really a talent, it's a pity he left the court."

Now Wei Zheng couldn't figure out why Xu Jingzong left the court to follow Li Zheng.

(End of this chapter)

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