Chapter 1019 No intention to buy
Wei Zheng was still in deep thought.

Li Chengqian came to Yushitai.

Seeing Li Chengqian, Wei Zheng stood up and saluted, "His Royal Highness."

Li Chengqian said with a smile: "Duke Zheng doesn't need to be too polite."

Wei Zheng looked at the pile of memorials on the table, then at Li Chengqian and said, "Your Highness, why are you here?"

Li Chengqian smiled politely, "I'm bothering Zheng Guogong. It's just that I heard that Zheng Guogong is investigating Xu Jingzong's affairs. Father is now in Lishan for spring, and he stays in Chang'an alone to inquire about political affairs. That's why he came to ask."

Seeing Li Chengqian take the initiative to intervene in political affairs.

Wei Zheng nodded persuasively, "The minister understands Xu Jingzong's matter almost well, but he did it quite cleanly, and he couldn't catch the handle for a while."

Li Chengqian asked curiously: "Didn't Xu Jingzong bribe the local officials?"

Wei Zheng stroked his beard and said in a low voice: "It seems that there are no problems found yet, but the old man thinks that we should observe for a while longer."

Li Chengqian nodded and said: "Duke Zheng is busy, if you need anything, you can talk to Gu."

Wei Zheng watched Li Chengqian leave.

It is strange that His Highness the Crown Prince came to inquire about this matter in person.

At present, Xu Jingzong's matter seems to be nothing.

Wei Zheng called a few officials from Yushitai and said, "Arrange a few people to go to every place where the construction starts. If Xu Jingzong bullies and deceives farmers, he will tell this old man immediately."

Several censors left after receiving the words.

Wei Zheng tidied up the files on the table again, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with Xu Jingzong's affairs.

The laws of the Tang Dynasty did not say that people cannot be hired to work.

Many farmers also do coolies to earn money during the slack season.

Xu Jingzong's affairs were arranged very decently.

On the surface, it looks like a great thing that benefits farmers.

You can work for the money, and you can do all kinds of good things after the road is built.

This is simply a great man.

Many people know that Li Zheng is actually standing behind Xu Jingzong.

And Li Zheng is very rich, how Li Zheng wants to spend the money is Li Zheng's own business.

Wei Zheng said to himself: "Li Zheng, you must not be caught by the old man."

Half a month later, road construction is still in progress.

Everything looks good, there is no bullying the people, and there is no deception.

The government still hasn't collected the money.

And two days a week are given to farmers to rest.

Wei Zheng looked at the reports of the censors from all over the place, and pulled his beard.

Could it be that the censor was also bought.

Wei Zheng looked at the officials at Yushitai with suspicion in his eyes.

Some things have to be seen for yourself.

Unconvinced, Wei Zheng went home and cleaned up the things, and left Chang'an with Li Chengqian on leave.

Wei Zheng planned to go to see how Xu Jingzong built the road in person.

That is, Wei Zheng had just walked out of Chang'an City.

Just ran into Xu Jingzong.

Xu Jingzong said to Wei Zheng with a smile on his face: "I heard that Zheng Guogong is still under investigation."

Wei Zheng straightened his back and said, "Of course."

Xu Jingzong bowed and said, "I have prepared a carriage and a groom."

Wei Zheng looked at Xu Jingzong and said, "What? You want to bribe the old man."

Xu Jingzong took a step back and said, "What's the matter? It's just that I heard that Zheng Guogong is going to visit our construction site, so I arranged for a carriage."

Wei Zheng shook his head and said, "I don't need your carriage, I don't need it."

After speaking, Wei Zheng walked straight forward.

After walking for a while, Wei Zheng looked back and saw Xu Jingzong asking the groom to drive the carriage to follow him all the time.

Wei Zheng stopped, and the carriage also stopped.

After walking a few more steps, Wei Zheng said impatiently, "Xu Jingzong, what are you going to do?"

Xu Jingzong said with a smile: "Duke Zheng is getting old, and the Chang'an Order specially ordered that Duke Zheng must be taken care of."

Wei Zheng waved his sleeves and said, "I don't need it!"

After speaking, move forward.

Xu Jingzong also asked the groom to follow.

After walking a long way, Wei Zheng took out his water bag and took a sip of water.

Xu Jingzong kept letting the carriage follow.

In fact, Wei Zheng has been a clean and honest official for half his life, and he has no other money except salary.

The price of a carriage is not cheap.

Xu Jingzong said casually: "I don't know how the crown prince arranged it. He knew that Zheng Guogong was going to come out, but the crown prince didn't even give him a carriage."

Wei Zheng walked all the way without stopping and said, "This is the old man's own business. The old man didn't tell the prince."

Xu Jingzong sighed, sat leisurely in the carriage and said: "Whether Zheng Guogong says it or not is another matter, and whether the crown prince understands it or not is another matter."

After walking for another half an hour, Wei Zheng's footsteps became a little stiff.

Considering Wei Zheng's age, he was already very tired after walking here.

Xu Jingzong said: "Isn't Zheng Guogong still in the carriage?"

Wei Zheng wiped his sweat and said, "No need."

After walking for a while, Xu Jingzong said again: "Duke Zheng, why don't you come up to have a rest, and then continue walking. There is still a long way to go from here to Luoshui River."

Wei Zheng looked back at Xu Jingzong.

Xu Jingzong said with a smile: "Just rest your feet, you can continue walking after you rest your feet."

Wei Zheng stopped and said, "Just rest!"


Seeing that things had turned around, Xu Jingzong kept nodding his head.

Helping Wei Zheng to get on the carriage, Xu Jingzong handed Wei Zheng a water bag and said, "Duke Zheng, take a sip?"

Wei Zheng was a little reluctant, and indeed he was thirsty again.

Taking a sip from the water bag, Wei Zheng relaxed his legs and felt a lot more comfortable.

Xu Jingzong took out another meat bun and said, "Duke Zheng, would you like to try our Jingyang pork bun? Although it's a bit cold, it's still good to eat."

As Xu Jingzong said, he took a bite, "The pork is fat but not greasy, and the tough dough is a perfect match."

Seeing Wei Zheng swallow a mouthful of saliva, he knew that this old guy hadn't eaten until now.

Xu Jingzong handed Wei Zheng two big meat buns and said, "Eat two, it's not gold or silver. At worst, give me money after you return to Chang'an."

After hesitating for a while, Wei Zheng took the meat buns and said, "When the old man arrives in Chang'an, I will definitely give you the money for these two buns."

Xu Jingzong grinned.

The skin of the meat bun was cold, Wei Zheng took a bite and savored it carefully.

Xu Jingzong took out a cup and handed it to Wei Zheng, "Have a sip of tea."

Wei Zheng took the tea and looked at Xu Jingzong.

Xu Jingzong added: "I have absolutely no intention of bribing Zheng Guogong, as long as I return to Chang'an and give the money."

Wei Zheng took the weird cup, and the water in the cup entered.

Swallowing the gentle tea, Wei Zheng asked doubtfully, "Warm?"

Xu Jingzong said: "This is a thermos cup imitated according to the cup of our Chang'an Order. This kind of cup can keep warm. If you pour boiling water in the morning, the water in the cup will still be warm within an hour."

I have to say that the meat buns taste really good.

Wei Zheng finished his meal in three or four mouthfuls, and he still had something to say.

(End of this chapter)

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