People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1023 The stake of the household

Chapter 1023 The stake of the household

Cheng Chumo pulled Li Zheng aside and said, "They are all the sons of the rich and powerful. I know all of them. Are these boys not afraid of offending people after suffering?"

Li Zheng straightened his clothes and said: "Don't worry about anything, if you can't die, just practice to death."

Cheng Chumo said in a low voice: "Then why don't they hate you to death?"

Li Zheng nodded and said: "That's it, as long as you can't die, train them to death."

"Our old Cheng's family is not afraid of offending people. I know what to do."

Cheng Chu silently patted his chest, and looked at Li Zheng worriedly, "Then you say that, I'll just do it."

Li Zheng said: "Go, don't pity them."

Cheng Chumo led his men to the camp of the Jingyang guards.

As soon as he left, a little girl came over.

This little girl is none other than Princess Gao Yang.

For Princess Gaoyang, Li Zheng really couldn't avoid it.

Gao Yang looked at Li Zheng and said, "Who are those guys?"

Li Zheng sneered and said, "Your father sent me to train."

Ever since Lishan came back from Tachun, Gao Yang came to Jingyang, clinging to her sister Huang all day long.

Gao Yang said again: "I have learned a lot in Zhongshu Province in the past six months."

Li Zhengbai nodded nonchalantly, walking all the way towards the river, he was not willing to talk to this little girl.

Gao Yang followed the footsteps and said: "Then how can I not marry Fang Yiai."

Li Zheng smiled coldly, "How do I know?"

Gao Yang was still relentless, "You must have a way, my queen mother has said, even if father emperor comes to Jingyang every time, those difficult things will be solved easily."

The footsteps paused for a while, Li Zheng let out a long sigh, and then walked towards the river.

Gao Yang continued to say, "Tell me quickly."

Li Zheng looked at the calm Jingyang River and said, "Then the things Her Royal Highness has done can threaten your father?"


Gao Yang seemed to have thought of something, frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Li Zheng whispered to her: "When your father cannot do without your ability, he will naturally not underestimate you, nor will he marry you at will."

These words were like life-saving straws, Gao Yang immediately grabbed Li Zheng's sleeve and said, "Please explain clearly."

Li Zheng sighed lazily at the sun and said: "Your imperial sister is very talented in the way of running a business. You can learn it well. If your imperial sister is not in Jingyang, the household department in the court is also a very good householder." Minister of the Department."

Gao Yang's heart wavered.

Li Zheng said to Gao Yang: "What your father wants is the prosperity of the country and the safety of the people. Of course, he also wants to enrich the country and the people. If the people of the Tang Dynasty can be made richer, will the Tang Dynasty pay more taxes? This is a good positive cycle. , if this matter is done, maybe your father will fear you."

Gao Yang frowned and said, "I'm a woman, how can I enter the household department?"

Li Zheng said: "You are a woman, but you are also a princess. It is not impossible for a princess to go to the Ministry of Accounts to do a small job, and Her Highness the Princess is not allowed to be the Secretary of the Ministry of Accounts."

After hearing these words, Gao Yang woke up with a start, "I understand what you mean."

Knowing this, Gao Yang hesitated again, "Can I do this well? Can it make the people of Tang Dynasty richer?"

Li Zheng said with a smile: "Your sister has the largest business in the Tang Dynasty, so it is not difficult for Her Royal Highness."

Gao Yang grinned, "I understand."

After speaking, Gao Yang ran and jumped away.

Putting Gao Yang as a stake in the household department will be of great benefit to future business expansion.

To put it bluntly, the road construction project this time cannot avoid the court.

But once there is someone to respond to the court, everything will be much more convenient.

When I got home, I made a table for dinner.

As usual, the whole family had dinner around the table, and Li Zheng was sitting in his yard.

Li Lizhi came with a cup of hot tea, "Gao Yang told me."

Li Zheng took the hot tea and said, "What do you think?"

Li Lizhi smiled softly, "It's indeed a good way, I can use business help to make Gao Yang make achievements for my father to see."


Halfway through the speech, Li Lizhi said with some hesitation: "The wealth of a place has nothing to do with the household department. Generally speaking, the local officials are in charge. Gao Yang can indeed intervene, but she is a princess and a woman." , she has to deal with the household department and intervene in the affairs of local officials, I'm afraid she won't be able to do so many things."

Li Zheng said: "If you want to talk about being arrogant, who can be more arrogant than your sister, who dares to provoke her."

Li Lizhi supported her temples and said: "Gao Yang is indeed a bit arrogant on weekdays. The queen mother and emperor father also have headaches. I, the emperor sister, have to help her."

After speaking, Li Lizhi let out a long sigh, "I will arrange someone to help her, and let her gain a foothold in the household department first."

The couple smiled very tacitly. ,

Li Lizhi also took a sip of hot tea and said, "I feel like you asked Gao Yang to do this, isn't it a bit..."

Li Zheng changed his sitting position and said, "A little sinister?"

Li Lizhi nodded, "It's indeed a little sinister, but Gao Yang also has his own purpose. He was about to say that the sinister is just that we and Gao Yang have our own goals. What we want is the world's wealth and power, and what Gao Yang wants is a threat to the father. use."

The couple fell silent again.

Xu Hui stood aside, watching the princess and Li Zheng quietly.

After sitting for a while, the night became a little dark.

Li Lizhi stood up and said, "You also go to bed earlier."

Li Zheng nodded while holding a teacup.

After returning to her room, Li Lizhi looked at herself in the mirror, Gao Yang and Xiao Sizi had already fallen asleep.

He glanced at these two carefree little girls.

Li Lizhi heaved a long sigh, who is not fighting against the father, but against the identity of the royal family.

Xu Hui straightened Li Lizhi's bun and said in a low voice, "Your Highness, you want Wu Mei to help Gao Yang."

Li Lizhi looked at her expression in the mirror, "Wu Mei really has the ability to do things."

Of course Xu Hui knew that Her Royal Highness and Li Zhenghui were suppressing Wu Mei who wanted to climb up.

The little si who was sleeping uttered a few sleep babbles, and she didn't know what she was dreaming about.

Li Lizhi sat beside Xiao Sizi gently and said, "You should rest early too."

Xu Hui nodded and blew out the candle, walked out of the room and closed the door.

Walk in the home, the home is very quiet.

When Xu Hui cleaned up the tables and chairs, she saw that Li Zheng's room was still lit with candles.

The door of the study room was not closed, and Li Zheng was sitting at the table reading a book.

Xu Hui poured a bowl of hot tea and handed it to Li Zheng's table and said in a low voice, "Chang'an Ling, are you still up so late?"

Li is turning over a page of the book, which records the history of maritime trade in the Middle Ages.

Looking up at Xu Hui, she happened to be bent over.

I don't know why the neckline of her dress is so low.

Li Zheng quickly looked away.

Xu Hui also noticed, blushing and straightened up quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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