People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1024: Raising the World in Captivity

Chapter 1024: Raising the World in Captivity

The atmosphere in the study was very awkward.

Seeing that Li Zheng was still reading the book, Xu Hui walked out of the study with a slight salute.

After closing the door of the study room, Xu Hui leaned against the door to calm her heartbeat, her cheeks were hot, the house was very dark at this time, if someone saw her, she would definitely be flushed.

He is the consort of the princess, how could I be so rude.

Xu Hui reminded herself that it took a long time before she calmed down.

Most of the time Xu Hui is very confident in herself.

Compared with Li Lizhi, who has just grown up, Xu Hui knows that she is already in her 20s.

It is not common for ordinary people to be unmarried in their 20s.

But she is the maid of the princess.

No matter how satisfied she is with her figure and appearance, no matter what, the maid of the princess can't do anything wrong.

Shaking her head to shake off those strange thoughts, Xu Hui returned to her room.

In the study, Li Zheng poured a mouthful of cold water into his mouth, and then he recovered.

He held his forehead in distress.

Taking a deep breath, he buried his head in the book again.

In the later medieval period, maritime trade developed rapidly.

Especially the development of maritime trade in the Mediterranean area.

Under the prosperous trade, the nobles lived a life of luxury.

Prosperity was accompanied by crisis, and some very terrible diseases appeared, and many, many people died.

Li Zheng put away his book and looked at the world map hanging on the wall, hesitating in his heart what Haimao should do.

Li Shimin has gone to attack Goguryeo.

The silver mines of Wa country must be obtained.

To move the Wa country, shipping is indispensable.

It is better to take precautions before they happen, and it is better to be safe in everything.

Li Zheng sighed melancholy.

On the second day, when it was dawn, the warm wind of early summer was blowing in through the windows.

Li Zheng opened his eyes in a daze and saw Li Lizhi tidying up his study.

Sitting up from the bed, Li Zheng said, "I read too late last night."

Li Lizhi put away some books, turned around and said, "I made some food, let's eat."

Getting up from the bed, Li Zheng was wearing clothes and Li Lizhi's smile always made people feel very comfortable.

After getting dressed, he came to the dinner table and ate a mouthful of porridge. Li Zheng looked at Li Lizhi again, who was looking at him expectantly.

Li Lizhi smiled and said, "How does it taste?"

There were still two bowls of untouched porridge on the table, which obviously belonged to Xiao Sizi and Li Zhi.

They went to the academy without drinking at all.

Li Zheng took another sip, saw that Li Lizhi was still looking at him, and said, "I've made progress."

Li Lizhi smiled and nodded, "Then you drank the other two bowls. You always say that food should not be wasted."

This porridge is actually very salty, and Li Lizhi's cooking skills are still as bad as ever.

After taking a big mouthful of buns, it neutralized the salty taste in my mouth.

Under Li Lizhi's gaze, he finished eating three bowls of porridge and eight buns.

Seeing that the porridge and buns on the table were finished, Li Lizhi left with satisfaction.

Feeling stuffed is very uncomfortable, and Li Zheng has to take a walk to digest his food when he leaves the house.

Mornings in the village are often busy, with most people going to work in their respective workshops.

Except for some people who have nothing to do in Jingyang.

Right now, there is one in front of Li Zheng. Li Ji, this guy, has been eating and drinking in Jingyang since he stopped managing the Longwu Army.

Now he was swinging a stick.

After watching for a while, Li Zheng said, "The general is good at swordsmanship."

Li Ji stopped his movements and said, "How do you know that this old man is practicing sword skills?"

Li Zheng smiled awkwardly and said: "Although the general wields a stick, every move is murderous, and I can see it."

"The old man just swayed his muscles casually a few times, how could it be as evil as your kid said."

Throwing the stick in his hand, Li Ji said again: "I heard that His Majesty came again yesterday?"

Li Zheng sighed: "Our Majesty is already very busy with all kinds of affairs, and we have to come and see how Jingyang is doing from time to time. It really hurts our Majesty."

Li Ji smiled bitterly, "Your ability to open your eyes and tell lies is getting better and better."

Taking a deep breath of fresh air, Li Zheng looked at the green in the field and said, "This year's summer came a little early, so pay attention to pest control."

Instead of denying it, Li Ji nodded and said, "The old farmers in the village also said the same."

Li Zheng thought about it and said: "Recently, I am researching a medicine that will not affect the crops, but spraying in advance can prevent pests. I call this a pesticide."

Sitting on the rock, Li Ji said in a low tone, "Boy, I want to tell you something."

Li Zheng also sat down beside him and said, "The general has something to say."

Li Ji looked at the Jingyang guards who were training in the distance and said, "There is only one Your Majesty in this world after all."

Li Zheng propped his chin in his hand and said: "The two Majesties rule the Central Plains together, and there will definitely be troubles."

Turning around and looking at Li Zheng's expression, Li Ji said with a serious face: "Li Zheng, have you ever thought about fighting against the imperial power?"

Li Zheng smiled, "Confrontation? I just want to make money, and I don't want to fight against the imperial power."

Li Ji nodded slightly and said: "The old man can understand that a person who is not interested in power is often a big threat."

Li Zheng said with emotion: "I really just want to make money."

"Your Majesty has been looking for you more and more recently." Li Ji lowered his tone and said, "Li Zheng, you are too rich, and you have unpredictable abilities. You peeled and peeled until you found your weakness, and your money-loving temper has always disguised you very well, but the thing you have not pretended the most is that you have no weakness."

"You people are talking about serious things, do you have to make your expressions so depressed?"

Hearing what Li Zheng said, Li Ji said again: "If one day, the imperial power touches your bottom line, what will you do?"

Li Zheng said helplessly: "There won't be such a day."

After saying this, Li Ji's hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder, Li Zheng wanted to break free and found that he was grasping very hard.

Li Ji paused and said: "We old guys managed to bring peace to the world. I don't want the world to be in chaos again."

It seemed that what Li Ji was going to say was very serious. Li Zheng looked at him and said, "If the world is in chaos, how can I earn money? This is in conflict with my interests, and I will not let the world be in chaos."

Only then did Li Ji let go of his hand, and he sighed weakly: "What if the knife rests on your neck?"

Li Zheng grinned, "If there is such a day, I will empty all the power of His Majesty before his sword is swung down, making the imperial power an empty shelf. It is much easier to keep an emperor in captivity than to raise all the people in the world."

(End of this chapter)

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