People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1028 The new career of a strong woman

Chapter 1028 The new career of a strong woman

Presumably Li Chengqian was very happy for Li Tai to go to the fief.

It took a while for the rain to stop. Li Zheng returned home, and the lights in Li Lizhi's room were still on.

Li Zheng came to the room and took a look. Wu Mei, Xu Hui and Li Lizhi were discussing something.

Gao Yang's plan to help the poor and become rich began.

For this reason, Li Lizhi has a lot to plan.

It seems that these days are going to be busy.

Until late at night, the girls in Li Lizhi's room did not leave.

In the morning of the next day, Li Lizhi went to various workshops to make preparations with great energy.

Li Zheng asked Xu Hui while eating breakfast, "Did you sleep last night?"

Xu Hui hugged the account book and replied, "I slept for an hour or two."

After speaking, Xu Hui hurried towards Li Lizhi holding the ledger.

Looking at Li Lizhi again, it seemed that her eyes were ignited with flames.

After a strong woman finds her goal, she can quickly devote herself to it with passion.

Then she concentrated on her career.

This time, Li Lizhi's goal was in Lantian County.

In fact, Lantian County is not considered poor near Chang'an, and it is at the foot of Lishan Mountain.

Surrounded by mountains and rivers, Lantian County is geographically a very suitable place for development.

This is why Li Lizhi chose Lantian County.

After finishing the breakfast in the bowl, Li Yifu came.

What followed was a bill. Li Zheng took the bill and looked at the amount on it, which was a full [-].

This is the first money that Xu Jingzong asked for to build the road.

Li Zheng handed the account to the maid at home and said, "Give it to the princess."

The maid leaves with the account.

After half an hour, a cart of silver cakes was shipped out.

Li Yifu whispered, "Xu Jingzong asked for too much money."

Li Zheng said helplessly: "Actually, I don't want much. Fifty thousand guan is just the money I need for a month. The more I need to build roads, the more money I need."

Although I have seen many big scenes with Li Zheng, I still feel a little distressed for Li Zheng seeing the truckloads of silver cakes being shipped out.

Spending money on weekdays is all for business.

It can be earned back in the future.

Now that Tubo is constantly sending silver mines, there is no need to worry about lack of money for the time being.

Li Yifu whispered: "The news from the court, it is said that Wei Zheng does not give up and intends to continue to investigate our road construction."

"If the old man wants to investigate, let Cha not stop him."

Li Zhengman said indifferently.

Following Li Zheng's footsteps, Li Yifu looked sad, "Chang'an Order, you said that the court is targeting us everywhere, this time about the road construction, and the weapons case back then, and impeachment from time to time."

I remembered what Li Shimin said a few days ago.

It's not just Li Shimin's dynasty.

Maybe after Li Chengqian came to the throne, he would target Jingyang even more.

Li Shimin wants the Li family to continue from generation to generation.

He will regard all unstable factors as threats.

When he came to the stables, Li Zheng said in a low voice: "I'm used to it, this kind of targeting is not a day or two, and I will still target it in the future."

Li Yifu helped Li Zheng start packing the stables.

Let the horse out of the stable, and the horse will slip by itself.

Then there is cleaning the stables.

Sweeping horse pens has always been a laborious task.

Plus it rained all day.

The stables were very muddy.

It wasn't until noon that the packing was finished, and Li Yifu went to work on his own affairs.

Li Zheng set up a small clay stove.

Boil a pot of water.

Make a cup of tea.

Wu Mei was about to rush to the soap workshop with the account.

Just as he was passing by the stables, he saw Li Zheng sitting beside the stables.

Li Zheng was holding a book and reading it, with a cup of tea beside him.

The tea is steaming.

It seems that Changanling can sit for a long time.

After watching for a while longer, Wu Mei went to busy with her own affairs.

Xu Jingzong didn't come back from Chang'an until noon.

There are many piles of dossiers that follow.

Xu Jingzong put down the package on his shoulders, opened the package and saw a lot of files.

"This is the information collected these days."

Xu Jingzong said while relaxing his arms.

Li Zheng put down the book in his hand, poured Xu Jingzong a cup of tea and said, "Let's have a sip first."

Xu Jingzong took the teacup and sat down to take a sip. He looked in the direction of Chang'an and said, "I heard that His Majesty's health is not very good recently."

Li Zheng held the teacup and said, "How do you say it?"

Xu Jingzong thought about it and said, "I don't know what the condition is."

Li Zheng wondered, "Is it too serious?"

Xu Jingzong put down his teacup, "The news in the palace is very strict and we can't inquire about it, but the medical officer of the Imperial Medical Office hasn't been back since last night, and His Royal Highness King Wei was already on the way to Jingyang when Xia first arrived."

As soon as the words fell, I saw someone riding a horse coming from a distance.

It seemed that Li Tai was right.

"You take these files and go to Li Yi's mansion first."

Li Zheng said to Xu Jingzong.

Xu Jingzong put away the file and left in a hurry.

People have been watching the rumors in Jingyang all the time, and it is hard to explain these things about Xu Jingzong to Li Tai.

It can be seen that Xu Jingzong has gone far away with the dossier.

This spy chief can't let Li Tai know for the time being.

When Li Tai approached, Li Zheng still drank his tea and said, "His Royal Highness, why are you in such a hurry."

Li Tai got off his horse and said, "Li Zheng, my father is ill."

It seems that Xu Jingzong's news is correct.

Li Zheng whispered, "How is your condition?"

Li Tai wiped the sweat from his forehead and said: "The medical officer of the Imperial Medical Office said that it won't be cured for a while, and it may be bad in the future. If it is serious, it may lead to loss of voice. It will not get better after a day and a night."

After finishing speaking, Li Tai pulled Li Zheng up and said, "I won't talk to you so much, you follow me to see Father."

Li Zheng pointed in the direction of the village entrance, "Master Sun..."

Li Tai said again: "Miraculous Doctor Sun has already been invited by someone from the Imperial Medical Office."

Li Shimin's illness, the people in the Imperial Medical Office are very anxious.

Looking at Li Tai's sweaty face.

This trip is impossible.

Speaking of business matters, Li Shimin still needs to cover up, who made His Majesty his first partner today.

Li Zheng took a horse from the stables, got on the horse and followed Li Tai to Chang'an.

Leaving from the other side of the village all the way, rode the horse all the way to the Xuanwu Gate.

Even the notification was skipped, and he went straight through the Xuanwu Gate.

After leaving the Xuanwu Gate, Li Tai pulled Li Zheng all the way towards the Lizheng Hall.

The two stopped in front of the Lizheng Hall.

There were many people standing in front of the hall, including Wang Ding and Li Chengqian.

There is also Empress Changsun, a group of medical officers from the Imperial Medical Office are here.

There is also Xu Zhaolin, the supervisor of the Imperial Medical Office.

Xu Zhaolin was a little surprised to see Li Zheng, "We have already invited Dr. Sun, why did we also invite Chang'an Ling?"

Li Tai said: "Stop talking nonsense, Li Zheng will definitely save Father the Emperor."

Of course, Li Zheng's medical skills are nothing to say. Li Zheng cured both Empress Changsun's illness and General Qin Qiong's illness.

(End of this chapter)

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