Chapter 1029 Li Shimin is sick
Even Miracle Doctor Sun valued Li Zheng's medical skills very much.

Li Zheng walked to Xu Zhaolin's side and said, "What is your majesty's condition?"

Xu Zhaolin said: "The fever doesn't subside, it's not too hot, but the throat is swollen and I can't speak. It's easy to get this kind of disease in this season, but your majesty's symptoms are a bit serious."

Li Zheng asked curiously, "Fengchi?"

Xu Zhaolin nodded, "It should be."

While talking, Xu Zhaolin led Li Zheng into the hall.

Looking at Li Shimin who was sleeping on the bed, Li Zheng checked his body temperature and indeed he had a fever.

Opening Li Shimin's mouth, he saw that the tonsils were red, swollen and even pus-filled.

Xu Zhaolin said: "I hope His Majesty can survive."

"A few days ago, it was said that His Majesty's complexion was not very good, but now it seems that he is sick."

Li Zheng shook his head and said.

Xu Zhaolin said again: "Your Majesty has been working on state affairs for days, and the energy in the body is insufficient, so the evil wind can easily enter the body."

Li Tai said anxiously: "Li Zheng, how is my father?"

Li Zheng said: "It's really serious, but it's not impossible."

Li Chengqian also wanted to say something, but he didn't know medical skills, so he swallowed his words.

Empress Changsun also stood aside nervously.

Li Zheng said to Li Tai: "His Royal Highness King Wei, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and Empress, I don't want anyone to be by my side for treatment. I hope you all go out first, and I can treat Your Majesty myself."


Li Chengqian obviously did not agree.

Just as the crown prince was about to speak, Li Tai shouted: "Li Chengqian, do you think Li Zheng will be able to attack the emperor?"

To say that everyone has withdrawn from the Lizheng Hall, only Li Shimin and Li Zheng are in the hall.

It is true that many people do not know what Li Zhenghui will do to His Majesty.

Empress Changsun shook her head in disappointment when she saw that Li Chengqian was going to fight with Li Tai again, and said, "Let's all go out and let Li Zheng figure out a solution by himself."

Empress Changsun spoke, Li Chengqian and Li Tai obediently withdrew their eyes and walked out.

Li Zhengdu saw it in his eyes, and it seems that Li Chengqian and Li Taihui's incompatibility in later history has something to do with the early death of Empress Changsun.

Now that Empress Changsun is here, the two boys, Li Chengqian and Li Tai, dare not do anything wrong.

Empress Changsun said: "Li Zheng, Your Majesty will leave it to you."

Li Zheng nodded and said, "I will do my best."

After speaking, Queen Changsun left with her people.

After the door of the Lizheng Hall was closed, only myself and the sleeping Li Shimin were left in the hall.

According to Li Shimin's condition, it should be a fever accompanied by acute pharyngitis, most of which are caused by cold.

The severity of the condition is divided into priorities. If the symptoms are mild, it will heal itself after a day or two of patience.

If it is a little more serious, it will be better to take some medicine.

Looking at Li Shimin's situation, it is difficult to recover without antibiotics.

Even if one's own resistance is good enough, one has to endure several days of torture, and it will leave serious sequelae to the throat.

It was confirmed that no one was peeping outside the door, and that Li Shimin had really fallen asleep.

Lee is getting some antibiotics out of the system.

Basically, most people will get this disease, and it is also a very common disease in later generations.

Especially the alternating seasons of spring and summer.

Li Zheng also knew what medicine to take for this disease.

There are a lot of antibiotics. Li Zheng took out some prescription drugs that he had before time travel, and then used some antibiotics for injection.

Pull off Li Shimin's pants, and give him an injection first.

Seeing Li Shimin frown, he obviously felt pain.

Intramuscular injection is relatively safe.

Give Li Shimin another antibiotic.

The next step is to wait for Li Shimin to wake up, just let him have a good sleep.

After finishing these, Li Zheng sat quietly aside.

An hour later, Sun Simiao came.

He hurried into the Ganlu Hall, looked at Li Zheng and said, "How is Your Majesty?"

Li Zheng said: "I have already taken medicine, wait for His Majesty to wake up and see if the symptoms are relieved."

While taking Li Shimin's pulse, Sun Simiao said, "Xu Zhaolin has already told Pindao that there is nothing wrong with his diagnosis and treatment."

After speaking, Sun Simiao also sat aside and waited for Li Shimin to wake up.

There were only Li Shimin, Sun Simiao and Li Zheng who were sleeping in the hall.

After waiting until late at night, Li Shimin slowly woke up.

"Li Zheng..."

Li Shimin's hoarse voice came from the bed.

Li Zheng and Sun Simiao looked together, Li Shimin coughed twice with his eyes open.

Seeing that Li Shimin was awake, Sun Simiao hurried to check his pulse again, and after a while he said, "Your Majesty, you are recovering very quickly, and there is no sign of high fever anymore."

After speaking, Sun Simiao looked at Li Zheng strangely, "It is reasonable to say that Your Majesty can lie down for five or six days. How did you recover so quickly? What medicine did you use?"

Li Zheng grinned, "The secret recipe."

Sun Simiao certainly couldn't let Sun Simiao know about the antibiotics.

Li Shimin sat up from the bed and said, "I feel much better."

As soon as he sat up, Li Shimin felt a burst of pain and looked at Li Zheng strangely, "I just vaguely felt something stuck in my place..."

Li Zheng said, "That's for His Majesty's treatment."

"is it?"

Li Shimin looked at Li Zheng strangely.

Li Zheng said to Li Shimin: "Since His Majesty's condition has improved, let me give you a doctor's order."

Li Shimin touched his butt with an expression, his eyes became more and more strange.

Li Zheng said: "The medicine I use is more powerful, so it will take effect quickly. Your Majesty should not take any other medicine for the next period of time. You can't drink alcohol for seven days, not even a drop."

Li Shimin nodded, "I know."

It's rare to see Li Shimin also subdued.

Li Zheng said again: "There is also the possibility of nausea and vomiting, which should not be too obvious. It will be fine in a day or two. This is a normal side effect, because His Majesty is too weak when taking the medicine."

Li Shimin still nodded.

Li Zheng put away his expression and said, "That's it."

After confirming it several times, Sun Simiao felt relieved.

His majesty's condition did recover quickly after a night's sleep, which was unheard of.

When the two walked out of the hall, Li Tai and Li Chengqian immediately came up to inquire.

Sun Simiao said, "It's all right."

Li Zheng also said: "During these seven days, you must not let His Majesty drink alcohol."

Li Chengqian immediately walked into the Lizheng Hall.

Li Tai also walked in.

Empress Changsun also walked into the palace with a worried expression.

Seeing Sun Simiao staring at him, Li Zheng inexplicably felt a little nervous, "Master Sun, why are you looking at me like this?"

Sun Simiao said, "What kind of medicine did you use on Your Majesty?"

Li Zheng said helplessly, "It's already been said that it's a secret recipe."

Sun Simiao stroked his beard and fell silent.

Li Zheng didn't look like this once or twice, and he wouldn't tell Li Zheng if he asked.

Wang Ding came out from the hall and said: "It's getting late, and the curfew has already entered, why not stay in the palace tonight with Miracle Doctor Sun and Chang'an Ling."

Sun Simiao said: "The old man still hopes to sleep in the small pharmacy, and the poor can't sleep in other places."

Li Zheng said: "Me too, I am a person who loves the bed, and I can't sleep in another place."

(End of this chapter)

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