Chapter 1030
Wang Ding looked at the two men and hesitated for a long time and said: "Then...the old servant will ask His Majesty."

After speaking, Wang Ding walked into the Ganlu Hall again.

Sun Simiao looked at Li Zheng and sighed: "You have excellent medical skills at a young age, but Pindao has not yet understood the principles of medicine at your age."

Li Zheng smiled awkwardly, "Actually..."

"Actually, you just happen to have special medicine, right?"

Sun Simiao hurriedly said.

Li Zheng's smile became more and more awkward, as if he couldn't explain clearly.

Sun Simiao said: "Before you used this kind of words to prevaricate the poor, and the poor thought so, but it seems a bit too perfunctory for you to use this kind of excuse all the time."

Li Zheng didn't want to be so prevaricated in his heart, but there were some things he couldn't explain to Sun Simiao. How could he explain antibiotics to Sun Simiao?

Sun Simiao also said: "Learning medicine is a very long process. Many people start studying medicine when they are young, and it is not until they are five or six years old that they really understand the principles of medicine and diseases, and can prescribe the right medicine. This is not as simple as your business. "

Studying medicine does require a lot of learning costs, and it is a time cost.

It takes many, many years to learn.

Let alone future generations.

Just like what Sun Simiao said, some people can earn a lot of money if they have business minds.

But studying medicine is different. To study medicine, you can only learn from the most basic and down-to-earth step by step.

How many people have personally experienced the boring and torture.

Li Zheng said: "Actually, the medicine I take is an antibiotic."

Sun Simiao lowered his eyebrows and said in thought, "What are antibiotics?"

Li Zheng looked troubled, "This thing has to start from the cells, it's a bit complicated and I don't know where to start."

Sun Simiao gave a rare smile, "I have plenty of time."

Li Zheng looked up at the night sky and said, "It's getting late, we must chat some other day when we have time."

Wang Ding held a token and said, "This old servant will send the two of you out."

Li Chengqian and Li Tai were still surrounding Li Shimin's bed.

Li Zheng followed Wang Ding to the palace gate.

On the carriage home, Sun Simiao asked again: "What cells are you talking about?"

Li Zheng cleared his throat and said, "This starts from the microcosm. In fact, our human body has many, many cells. For example, there are thousands of cells in a drop of our blood."

Sun Simiao stroked his beard and said, "What you said has some Taoist artistic conception."

I chatted with Sun Simiao for a while.

It was found that Sun Simiao's comprehension was very good, and he could understand the knowledge of cytology alone.

When it comes to the relationship between the internal organs of the human body, Sun Simiao can always use his own thinking to understand.

The carriage staggered to Jingyang.

When he came to the entrance of the village, Li Zheng said to Sun Simiao, "It's getting late for Doctor Sun, why don't you go to bed early?"

Sun Simiao kept nodding his head and said, "That's true."

Judging by Sun Simiao's expression, he seems to be full of energy.

If you talk to him, maybe he can talk for a long time.

Watching Sun Simiao return to the small clinic, Li Zheng also walked home.

The village was very quiet at night, Li Zheng returned home and Li Lizhi was still sitting in the yard.

"How is the father?"

Li Lizhi stepped forward and said.

Li Zheng said: "It seems that there is no major problem now."

Li Lizhi let out a long breath, "It was only when Li Tai took you to Chang'an today that I found out that Emperor Father is ill."

Seeing her anxious expression, Li Zheng said, "Actually, it's a very common disease in this season, but your father's is a little more serious."

Li Lizhi's originally frowning brows were relieved.

In the quiet courtyard, Li Lizhi said in a low voice, "You should rest earlier, I will also go back to rest."

Li Zheng nodded slightly.

After closing the door of the house, Li Zheng went back to his study and fell asleep. In a daze, he heard Li Lizhi and Xu Hui talking outside the study.

The next day, Li Shimin could go to court normally.

Li Shimin's recovery speed refreshed Xu Zhaolin's cognition, and he even felt that he was a supervisor of the Imperial Medical Office.

As the ceiling of Datang Medicine, seeing Li Shimin's recovery speed is so fast.

Xu Zhaolin felt that he still had something to learn, and that he really had someone beyond him.

The early court was still the same, and after the next court, Li Xiaogong brought the Tubo letter of credence to the Ganlu Hall.

Li Shimin opened the Tubo and looked at the contents above, "Songtsan Gampo actually agreed to Li Zheng's request?"

Li Xiaogong bowed and said: "From the beginning of this year when Lu Dongzan negotiated with Li Zheng, it took more than three months before Tubo came to reply. They must have discussed it for a long time."

Li Shimin looked at the content of the letter of credence, "Songtsen Gampo agreed to pledge a thousand hectares of land west of Qinghai, and let the Central Plains people sell the territory?"

Li Xiaogong said: "Songtsan Gampo has moved the Tubo tribes in these areas away."

Although there was a slight pain in the throat, it was nothing serious.

The only price was not being able to drink for seven days.

Li Zheng's medical skills are indeed very good, Li Shimin even felt that the previous illnesses were almost wiped out, and he recovered very quickly.

It's not that I haven't had this kind of disease before, but I have never recovered so quickly like now.

Li Shimin looked at Tubo's letter of credence and thought in his heart, always feeling that he should repay Li Zheng.

But seeing Li Zheng's smiling face, Li Shimin felt inexplicably unconvinced.

Li Shimin put away Tubo's credentials and said, "Since Li Zheng did all these things, let Li Zheng resettle some land, whether he sells it or manages it himself."

Li Xiaogong looked at Li Shimin in surprise.

Seeing that Li Xiaogong didn't speak, Li Shimin said again: "What's wrong?"

Li Xiaogong bowed again and asked, "Your Majesty, is it really all in the hands of Li Zheng?"

Li Shimin nodded and said, "Can you do this kind of thing well? How much can you make Chaozhong earn?"

Having said this, Li Xiaogong was silent again.

Li Zheng is very good at negotiating things, as can be seen from the Tuyuhun and Turkic affairs.

Li Zheng can squeeze out the other party's value.

In terms of doing business, who can do business in the whole of Guanzhong and even outside of Guanzhong in just a few years like Li Zheng.

Li Xiaogong took over the certificate of credentials from Tubo, and inexplicably felt that the certificate of credentials was very important.

What does His Majesty want?
It is profit maximization.

more money in the treasury.

Li Zheng should know this kind of thing best.

From the 500 million silver coins owed by Tubo to the current land pledge, they were all designed by Li Zheng.

"Give this letter of credence to Li Zheng and see what he means."

Li Shimin said in a low voice.

Li Xiaogong bowed and saluted, "I understand."

After Li Xiaogong left, Li Shimin stopped to review the memorial, and sometimes felt that Li Zheng was of great value to him.

His value is far more than that. He used to always think about how to subdue this kid, but Li Zheng didn't pay for his own daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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