People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1035 Expanding Productivity

Chapter 1035 Expanding Productivity

The vision of these two people is quite advanced.

Use their own original capital to acquire other industries, and then merge other industries. The two can also jointly acquire and merge.

As expected of a scholar, he understood the top level of business so quickly.

Both of them may not know that they have already embarked on the direction of the chaebol.

After Cui Fu and Zheng Pout finished speaking, they stopped talking and waited for Li Zheng's reaction.

Seeing that Li Zheng didn't speak for a long time, Cui Fu said again: "Chang'an order?"

Li Zheng came back to his senses and said, "Your ideas are very good."

Seeing Li Zheng talking, Zheng Pou smiled relaxedly, "I wonder if Chang'an Ling is interested in joining us?"

"Me?" Li Zheng shook his head and said, "It is said that I earn a lot of money, but in fact I don't have much money on hand, and now I need money everywhere. The road construction alone is like a gold-swallowing behemoth. One hundred thousand."

" giant beast?"

Cui Fu thought for a while before he understood Li Zheng's words, "Chang'an Ling's words are really funny."

Zheng Po also nodded and said, "It's true."

Li Zheng said: "If your industry doubles in three years, I will be interested in cooperating with you."

Cui Fu said: "Okay! The two of us will come to see Chang'an Ling again in three years' time."

Zheng Po also saluted and said: "Then the two of us will leave first, and disturb Chang'an Order."

After speaking, the two left together.

Li Zheng comforted a horse with its head sticking out, thinking that Cui Fu and Zheng Po still wanted to drag him into the water?

Cui Fu and Zheng Po are both first-class smart people.

If it is profitable, they must try their best to squeeze the wool.

Plutocrats want to monopolize, once they succeed, their benefits go beyond that.

That's a long-term benefit.

In addition to having a lot of students in the hands of the five surnames who can gain a foothold in the Central Plains, the five surnames also have a lot of industries.

When the tree fell and the monkeys scattered, the five surnames fell apart and these industries also split up.

The inheritance left by the five surnames is huge, and some people must covet these huge industries.

Wang Ding returned to the palace and repeated Li Zheng's words to Li Shimin.

Li Shimin held his forehead for a long time after listening to Jing Jing and said, "He wants them all?"

Wang Ding said in a low voice: "Li Zheng indeed said so."

Li Shimin smiled coldly, "This Li Zheng is already rich enough, how could he be so greedy."

After speaking, Li Shimin stood up and said: "He really said that he can bring the whole of Tubo into the territory of the Tang Dynasty?"

Wang Ding nodded and said, "Li Zheng did say that, and he also said..."

Li Shimin looked at a handwriting on the wall and said, "What else did he say?"

Wang Ding bowed and said, "He also said to take a long-term view, and don't stare at the petty profit in front of you."

Li Shimin still stared at the handwriting in front of him, "Why does it sound like I'm scolding me?"

Wang Ding said in a low voice, "Maybe it's Chang'an Ling's unintentional words."

"He gave me an offer that I couldn't refuse." Li Shimin closed his eyes and pressed his nose and said, "He really dares to negotiate terms with me."

Wang Ding didn't know what to say at this time.

Li Shimin said again: "If Tubo can be included in the territory of the Tang Dynasty, I still don't know how to reject him."

Thinking about it in his heart, Li Shimin certainly understood the concept of Tubo's territory being included in the Tang Dynasty.

Of course, it is good to leave a name in the annals of history for the achievements of the ages.

Li Shimin was also happy to see this day in his heart.

"Small profits? Look far away?" Li Shimin sighed, "He is quite right. If I bargain with him, I am still ignorant? But no matter how I think about it, I feel that I am at a disadvantage."

Wang Ding said in a low voice: "Should we let Li Zheng make a written statement, and if Li Zheng can't do it, then settle accounts with him?"

Li Shimin said in a low voice: "After the fall, settle accounts? Li Zheng has nothing to worry about. Do you think he will be afraid of this?"

Wang Ding bowed his head and said: "I can't share my worries for Your Majesty, this old slave is ashamed."

Li Shimin opened his eyes again, turned around and said: "Li Zheng can manage the land of Tubo, or let him take all the profits, but every penny he earns, he has to pay taxes to me!"

Wang Ding glanced at Li Shimin's face and said in a low voice, "Does Your Majesty want to write a decree?"

Li Shimin sat down again and said, "I won't write a decree for this kind of thing."

His Majesty and Li Zheng did not follow the will of the public in many things.

Including the business of Goguryeo and the weapons business.

These things were planned secretly by His Majesty and Li Zheng.

Even many ministers in the court do not know these things.

Wang Ding bowed to leave, walked out of the Ganlu Hall and let out a long breath, the pain in his back started again.

Did your back hurt during this period, and when you woke up early, your entire back seemed to be half-stretched and unable to bend over.

While walking Wang Ding, he tapped his back, thinking in his heart that he didn't know how many more years he could serve His Majesty.

After cleaning the stables, Li Zheng returned home, but Li Lizhi was still very busy.

Gao Yang was also immersed in the book after book.

Just looking at it for a while, Wu Mei has already entered and exited the accounting room several times.

The poverty alleviation plan was on the agenda, and Li Lizhi quickly devoted herself to it. This woman's careerism is really strong.

After being busy until the afternoon, Gao Yang got on the carriage back to the palace.

After a busy day, Li Lizhi lay on the recliner to relax her body and eyes, rubbed her eyes and said, "What's for dinner tonight?"

Li Zheng flipped through the book in his hand and said, "I have some tofu, and I plan to make mapo tofu tonight."

Hearing the name of the new dish again, Li Lizhi opened her eyes and said, "Ma Po Tofu?"

Li Zheng turned a page, his eyes still on the book, "Once upon a time there was a mother-in-law, who was called Mapo in the Jianghu. She made a tofu dish, and the reputation of its deliciousness spread throughout the Jianghu. This dish was called Mapo Tofu."

Li Lizhi said in a low voice: "The more I listen, the more I feel that you are lying."

The wind in the evening was a bit chilly, Li Zheng put away the book and said, "How are the arrangements for poverty alleviation?"

Li Lizhi said: "Gao Yang asked the people from the household department to go to the government office of Lantian County. It is estimated that news will come tomorrow. The accounts and the turnover of money have been prepared, and the reply from Lantian County is all that is left."

Li Zheng said: "We built roads, built academies for the villagers along the way, and invited teachers."

Li Lizhi sat up energetically, and every time she heard Li Zheng talk about these things in business, she always gained a lot.

Moreover, it is very rare for Li Zheng to take the initiative to teach business.

Li Zheng also said: "The expansion of the farm requires the occupation of land. It is not enough to occupy the land and hire local villagers. It is also necessary to take care of his livelihood. Of course, we cannot give away money for nothing."

Li Lizhi leaned closer and asked, "How about that?"

Li Zheng said with a smile: "It's actually simple. Find jobs for the women and men in the village and pay them, which increases our productivity and increases their income."

(End of this chapter)

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