People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1036 Decentralized Management

Chapter 1036 Decentralized Management
Li Li asked puzzledly: "You mean to hire people from their village to work."

Li Zheng nodded and said: "Except for the head accountant, the rest of the staff are allocated by their own villagers, and the wages they get are the same as ours in Jingyang."

Li Lizhi immediately understood Li Zheng's meaning, "Decentralization?"

"Yes." Li Zheng picked up a grape from the fruit plate and ate it, "A huge industry is suddenly placed in an unfamiliar place. It is inevitable that some people will resist it, and it will take a period of time to adapt and adjust."

Li Lizhi added: "It's not all handed over to the local township officials. We assign one or two people from Jingyang to assist, let the township organize itself, no matter whether the result is good or bad, then we will slowly select according to the aftermath."

In terms of business acumen, Li Lizhi still knows everything.

Li Zheng also said: "If the result is good, we gladly accept that it is beneficial to us and harmless to us. If the result is bad, we will come forward to help deal with it, and we can gain people's hearts."

Li Lizhi smiled knowingly, stood up and went back to her own accounting room contentedly.

Xu Hui has been listening to and watching these conversations.

The husband-wife relationship between Chang'an Ling and Princess Changle has always been very harmonious, but it is also different from many couples.

After standing there for a while, Xu Hui also came to the accounting room.

Li Lizhi wrote the specific regulations on a piece of paper with a pen.

Xu Hui looked at Li Lizhi, and sometimes she was very envious of this state where she could concentrate on doing her own things without distractions.

When Li Lizhi wants to do something, she can always get into the state quickly and devote herself wholeheartedly.

Li Zhi and Xiao Sizi also came back from the academy.

Li Zheng, who was cooking in the kitchen, saw Li Zhi slipping in and looking for something.

"Is there anything to eat?" Li Zhi lifted the lid of the pot and looked at it.

"There are still some cold steamed buns here." Li Zheng pointed to the basket and said.

Picking up the basket, Li Zhi grabbed a steamed bun and ate it. He mumbled, "I've been hungry for an hour. Recently, a lot of books came to the academy. I just moved them all day."

The books of Jingyang Academy are mainly provided by the book printing workshop.

If there are books that need to be read by the children, Chu Suiliang and Li Chunfeng will arrange for the printing house to print them, and put them in large quantities in the academy for the children to read.

After a while, the two big steamed buns were eaten by Li Zhi.

Li Zheng looked at him and said, "You said, can you still eat dinner?"

Li Zhi let out a long sigh of relief and said, "I can eat, I'm not full yet."

Now is the time for Li Zhi to grow his body, and the teenagers at this time are always very edible.

In the past two years, Li Zhi will also grow very fast.

For dinner, I made a bowl of mapo tofu, another bowl of pork rib soup, and two or three pots of stir-fried vegetables.

The little sizi sat obediently beside Li Lizhi, holding the rice bowl and began to eat.

Li Zhi still ate happily.

Li Zheng ate every mouthful, but usually he didn't realize that Li Zhi had a big appetite.

Most of the dishes on a table are eaten by Li Zhi.

After eating, Li Zhi returned to his own room contentedly, and then closed the door with his feet skillfully.

Li was looking at the table in front of him, and there were not many dishes left.

Li Lizhi cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks and said, "Ma Po Tofu tastes very good, I think I can make it next time."

With some leftover dishes, Li Zheng cleaned up the millet and rice in the bowl, and put down the bowl and chopsticks.

It was getting dark, and Li Zheng went back to his study to light the oil lamp.

Looking at the pile of books on the desk, sometimes I think that people can really do anything when they are bored. I have basically read all the Western history before the Middle Ages.

In this era when entertainment activities are scarce and there is no fun to be had, Li Zheng devotes all his remaining energy to reading.

Thinking about it carefully, I have never read so many books in my previous life.

Taking out the map and spreading it out on the table, Li Zheng looked at the Liaodong area of ​​the Central Plains.

Presumably Niu Jinda and the others should have arrived near Liaodong.

Li Zheng opened a dossier, which contained all kinds of intelligence from the court.

This information was collected by the spy chief Xu Jingzong.

The latest military report in the court is that Niu Jinda has already crossed Hedong Road and is about to enter the border of Youzhou.

Looking at the map, Li Zheng calculated in his mind that in about a month, Niu Jinda's army would reach the border of Goguryeo.

Xu Hui stood outside the study and said, "Chang'an Ling, the boiling water is ready."

Li Zheng walked out of the study with a teacup, and put some tea into the teacup.

Watching Li Zheng's movements, Xu Hui first smelled the aroma of the tea leaves, then poured the boiling water from the kettle into the cup, watched Li Zheng tighten the lid of the cup, and checked whether the tea would pour out.

This series of movements is very smooth and sophisticated.

It's like drinking it all year round.

But when you think about it, it has only been a few years since fried tea leaves came out.

And Li Zheng seemed to have been drinking for many years.

Holding the teacup, you can feel the warmth of the hot tea through the teacup.

Li Zheng sat down on the recliner in the yard and looked up at the starry sky.

Xu Hui knew that Li Zheng would sit for a long time after sitting like this.

Just staring at the starry sky in silence.

Everyone has little quirks.

And Li Zheng's little hobby is very rare.

Who would stare at the starry sky without moving for such a long time?

Except those who divination astronomy.

But Li Zheng never seemed to be interested in such mysterious things.

After packing up everything at home, Xu Hui went to Li Lizhi's room.

It was already late at night to help Li Lizhi get ready for tomorrow.

Li Lizhi looked into the yard, and Li Zheng was no longer sitting in the yard.

The recliner also received a side.

The oil lamp in the study was still on, and it seemed that he had fallen asleep.

Early the next morning, Li Zheng, who was still asleep, was shaken awake.

He opened his eyes in a trance, and the genius had just dawned.

Thinking that someone in the family got up so early, Li Zheng lowered his eyebrows and saw Xiao Si standing beside the bed.

"Father is here, waiting for you in the yard."

Li Zheng got up from the bed and looked out the window, "What is your father doing here?"

Xiao Si pointed to Li Shimin outside the window, motioning for herself to ask, and she left the room to find her sister Huang.

Sitting up from the bed, Li Zheng put on his coat.

Although it has entered summer, the wind in the morning is still a bit cold.

Li Shimin was sitting in the yard, with Wang Ding standing beside him.

Yawning, still sleepy, Li Zheng said, "Your Majesty is not going to court in the morning, so why do you have the time to come to me?"

Li Shimin snorted coldly and said, "Today is Xiu Dynasty."

"Really?" Li Zheng asked while putting on his clothes.

Li Shimin looked at the scenery in the yard and said: "Recently, there are some voices lingering in my ears, which is very annoying."

Li Zheng thought about it seriously and nodded, "Your Majesty, it must be tinnitus."


This is not a good word, Li Shimin shook his head, "I'm not sick, it's just that some people often complain about one thing."

(End of this chapter)

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