People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1038 After Li Tai becomes an adult

Chapter 1038 After Li Tai becomes an adult
"Your Majesty is today's Heavenly Khan. He is so high and high that everyone in the world envies him."

Li Zheng replied.

Li Shimin said again: "You said that Qingque would be the head of your academy, how do you plan to arrange it?"

After thinking for a while, Li Zheng said: "His Royal Highness Wei Wang regularly reports the situation of the Academy to His Majesty. The Academy has nothing to do with the court, but the Academy can give His Majesty the latest scientific knowledge, so that He can decide whether the knowledge is useful to Datang. .”

Li Shimin nodded persuasively after listening, "Your method is really good."

Li Zheng said again: "But I have conditions."

Hearing the latter sentence, Li Shimin's heart jumped, and he knew that this kid would not do good things in vain.

Li Shimin said: "What conditions?"

Li Zheng said: "His Royal Highness King Wei can enter the academy in Jingyang, but the teaching policy after Jingyang cannot be changed, and neither can His Majesty."

Li Shimin thought about it and said: "Your academy doesn't teach Confucian classics, Taoist scriptures, or the Book of Songs. I have never understood that it is not good to teach these things?"

"It's just some dabbling. The academy is just an academy, and what the academy teaches is just to impart knowledge to children."

Li Shimin said in a low voice: "Are you doing this to prevent the academy from getting involved with the court?"

Li Zheng smiled and didn't say anything?
Seeing Li Zheng's unexpectedly deep smile, Li Shimin even felt that in Li Zheng's eyes, the teaching method of the Imperial College was wrong.

It can also be seen now that the children taught by Li Zheng Academy are very high in numeracy and some scientific attainments.

As far as arithmetic calculations are concerned, children in their teens in Jingyang are better than men in their 30s.

There are also some strange sciences. I heard that the children in Jingyang made something like a range hood.

Now many residents in Chang'an are using it. When cooking, they can use one wheel to extract all the annoying fumes.

Those fumes seem to be attracted, and the smoke will automatically float towards the wheel and go outside the house.

There is also the bicycle that has been improved all the time, and there are many children's toys on the outside.

In Jingyang, the role of livestock has basically been replaced.

Li Zheng picked a cucumber from the field beside him and handed it to Li Shimin, "Your Majesty should eat more vegetables and fruits, which are good for your health."

Li Shimin took a bite of the cucumber. The cucumber was crisp and refreshing, with a sweet aftertaste.

Li Zheng ate cucumbers and said: "A diet full of fish and meat all day long is not good for your health. Eat some fruits and vegetables from time to time to adjust your diet."

"Equilibrium!" Li Shimin nodded pertinently again, "The medical officers of the Imperial Medical Office also talked about telling me to eat less wine and meat and more fruits and vegetables."

The medical officers of the Tai Medical Department are quite reliable.

In terms of body conditioning, Chinese medicine is considered a ceiling.

"That's actually true."

"Fruits and vegetables are too bland."

Isn't it boring to eat meat and not vegetables?
It seems that Li Shimin is already a little middle-aged and fat.

Calculating, Li Shimin is almost forty.

Li Zheng thought for a while and said, "I know a kind of fruit and vegetable recipe called salad. Are you interested in trying it, Your Majesty?"

Li Shimin looked at the river and said, "Is it delicious?"

Li Zheng said: "It's a kind of fruit and vegetable method. Mix some fruits and vegetables with strange tastes and eat them together, and then add some sauces to taste."

Li Shimin nodded and said: "The taste of your cooking must be very good."

The sun came out from the east, and the warm sunlight soon enveloped the whole village.

From a cold night to a warm morning.

Li Shimin squinted his eyes and sat leisurely by the river, seeming to like the feeling of the sun shining on his body.

"You write down the method and send it to the palace, and the people in the palace will do it."

Li Shimin closed his eyes and said.

Li Zheng looked at the calm lake. The fish did not bite the hook, and the fishing line did not move.

Li Shimin said again: "You are willing to use the academy to keep Qingque in Chang'an. I am very grateful to you. Although he may not be able to live in Chang'an for a long time in the future, I can often see him when he is in Jingyang. As Your Majesty, I cannot be too selfish or Authoritarianism, but as a father, I don't want real children to go away, if they want to, that's fine, but I can see that Qingque is unwilling, if I want him to go, maybe he will hate me."

Sometimes listening to Li Shimin say these words, I feel that he is a normal father.

"The royal family is also a family, but most of what I say in the palace will only flatter or echo." Li Shimin smiled bitterly, "Only when I am out of the palace will I not feel oppressed by something, and I can speak well. .”

After saying this, Li Shimin looked at Li Zheng, "What do you think a home should be like?"

Li Zheng lay on the stone with his hands on his head and said: "I think no matter what kind of family is, rich or poor, the dining table is the heart of the home, when the family can sit and eat together, that is the home. "

Li Shimin smiled, "Indeed, sometimes I also feel that eating at a separate table seems alienated."

Frowning at Li Zheng, Li Shimin said, "Do you want to change the rules?"

Li Zheng smiled and said: "If His Majesty really does this, some people will think that His Majesty has special hobbies. Sometimes the ritual system is a ritual system. When His Majesty does not respect the etiquette system, there will be many voices of discussion. On the contrary, I am different. Anyway, my reputation is already so bad.”

Li Shimin smiled and said nothing more.

After sitting by the river for a while, Li Shimin left.

Li Zheng sat by the river by himself until noon, but no fish took the bait.

Neither the season nor the time is a good time to fish.

Li Zheng put away two fishing rods and left the river.

The village is still very busy during the slack season, and most of the villagers are working in the workshops.

There are only groups of children laughing and laughing in the fields.

When he got home, Li Lizhi was sitting in the yard, as if waiting for him.

Li Zheng put down his fishing rod and said, "Your father talked to me."

Li Lizhi said in a low voice: "What did the father say?"

Sitting down beside Li Lizhi, Li Zheng said, "It's not Li Tai's business. Your father said that recently more and more officials have come to advise Li Tai, who is about to grow up, to leave Chang'an."

Li Lizhi frowned and said, "Is there such a thing?"

Li Zheng nodded and said: "I thought of a way for your father, to hand over the power of the academy to Li Tai, so that Li Tai would have a reason to stay in Chang'an, but in the future he will live in Jingyang Academy, It's hard to get involved in political affairs, so it's protecting Li Tai and giving your father a step forward."

Li Lizhi stood up and said, "I see."

Seeing Li Lizhi standing up, Li Zheng could feel that Li Lizhi was really angry this time.

She stood straight and said: "It's been a long time since I married you that I haven't invited my brothers and sisters here as guests, and it's time to invite them too."

(End of this chapter)

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