Chapter 1039 Appointment Letter
Li Zheng returned to the academy and wrote an invitation post. This was the first time the academy took the initiative to hire someone.

I want to make the post more refined.

On the second day, Li Tai accepted Li Zheng's post in the Wei Palace.

Sitting in his mansion, Li Tai looked at the post in his hand, and the first thing that surprised him was that the post was inlaid with gold borders.

I didn't expect Li Zheng to be so generous, and even the royal family didn't have such a luxurious post.

Opening the words in the post made Li Tai's expression a little speechless, "Fatty, if you want to stay in Chang'an, come to Jingyang Academy to work for me. Don't think about asking for wages. You have been eating and drinking for nothing for so many years. Don’t even think about refusing to pay back your part-time work in the academy, just accept your fate, this is also your father’s request.”

After reading the above words, Li Tai's face darkened.

Looking at the attendant at the side, Li Tai said, "You just said that apart from the post received by this king, there is also a post sent to the palace?"

The attendant said in a low voice: "The post was received by the prince himself, and it must have been given to His Majesty. His Majesty went to Jingyang yesterday."

Holding this post in his hand, Li Tai lowered his head and said, "You all go out and let me be quiet."

The attendant bowed and said, "Here."

Sitting on the ground, Li Tai smiled bitterly, and his father finally went to find Li Zheng.

Of course, Li Tai knew in his heart that even the compilation of topographical records should not be delayed again and again.

Besides pretending to be sick?

You can hide from it for a while by pretending to be sick, but you can't hide later.

Before, Li You also used the excuse of pretending to be sick for a long time before leaving Chang'an.

Perhaps the only person who could let him stay in Chang'an was Li Zheng.

The emperor went to see Li Zheng yesterday, and today Li Zheng asked himself to go to Jingyang Academy.

Even if you can't stay in Chang'an all the time, you don't have to go far away.

Li Tai clutched his forehead in distress, he owed Li Zheng a big favor, and the worry of being kicked out of Chang'an was temporarily gone.

Sitting in Prince Wei's mansion, hesitant about going to Jingyang Academy, hesitant about going to Jingyang Academy, the servants at home rushed to report, "Your Highness, the prince is here."

Li Tai looked up and saw Wang Ding coming with his will.

Wang Ding said with a smile: "His Majesty the King of Wei will go to Jingyang Academy to take a post today. This is His Majesty's intention."

Li Tai stood up and took the order solemnly, looked up at Wang Ding's expression, "Is there anything else your father said?"

Wang Ding shook his head and said, "No more, is there anything else His Royal Highness wants to ask?"

Li Tai whispered, "I understand."

Wang Ding bowed and said: "The old servant will leave first."

It was in the afternoon, and Li Zheng was a little surprised that the prince Li Chengqian came to Jingyang, and he was also a little surprised that Li Lizhi called the prince.

Looking at Li Chengqian who was sitting in front of him, Li Zheng cleared his throat, "How is Your Highness the Crown Prince?"

Li Chengqian smiled awkwardly, "Everything is fine, how are you and Lizhi?"

"pretty good."

Li Zheng nodded while holding a teacup.

As soon as I said a few words, I saw Li Lizhi coming with a basin of watermelon.

Looking at the smile on her face, Li Zheng always felt that something was wrong.

Li Lizhi put down the fruit plate and turned around to look at Li Chengqian expressionlessly, "Do you really want Qingque to go far away?"

With questioning in his words, Li Zheng was surprised to find that Li Lizhi still had such a side.

Li Chengqian was at a loss for what to do with his gaze.

Li Lizhi looked at Li Chengqian who was sitting on the chair and said again: "As an elder brother, you don't think about your brothers and sisters, but you always criticize your brothers and sisters for your own crown prince?"

"I'm alone!"

Li Chengqian said.

Li Zheng noticed that the prince's eyes were still dodging.

Li Lizhi's tone became more and more cold, "The official of the court advocated to let Qingque leave Chang'an. You must be responsible for this."

Li Chengqian raised his head slightly and said: "This is originally a rule of etiquette!"

Li Lizhi raised her hand and slapped Li Chengqian on the face.

The applause was particularly loud.

So much so that Li Zheng watched this scene in astonishment for a long time and was speechless.

Princess Changle slapped the prince.

Li Lizhi said in a low voice: "You are the elder brother! How dare you do such a thing to your fellow brothers! Could it be that one day, when your position as the crown prince is lost, you will also swing your sword at Qingque?"


Li Chengqian didn't know how to answer for a while.

Li Lizhi said again: "How did the emperor teach us all the time! Do you want to repeat the same mistakes as the emperor? The emperor's grandpa is watching in the spirit of the sky!"

Li Chengqian stood up and looked at Li Lizhi, wanting to refute but lacked confidence.

"Father asked Qing Que to come to Jingyang Academy because of father's intention. Qing Que didn't mean to ask Li Zheng to help from the beginning to the end, because of your small actions, father had to come to Jingyang to find Li Zheng, and gave everyone a step down. , don't you understand what kind of royal family father wants now?"

Li Lizhi's tone became more and more cold, "Li Chengqian, don't let us misunderstand you!"

Li Chengqian was trembling all over, obviously very angry, but he couldn't think of words to refute.

Speaking of it, Li Chengqian, as the elder brother, should have a brother to take responsibility.

Li Lizhi said don't let us misunderstand you, and it also shows that whether the prince Li Chengqian is doing well or not is also recognized by the brothers and sisters in Li Shimin's clan.

Li Chengqian waved his sleeves, blushed, turned around and walked out of the courtyard gate, and walked quite quickly.

Li Lizhi stood there for a while.

She turned around and smiled softly at herself, then walked towards the accountant.

Li Zheng gave a shock, and Li Lizhi, a strong woman, is getting stronger and stronger.

Looking at Xu Hui who was cleaning the yard, Li Zheng asked about the relationship between the royal brothers and sisters.

After hearing Xu Hui's explanation, Li Zheng finally understood.

The jewel in the palm of Li Shimin, Princess of Changle, loves Li Lizhi even more than Li Chengqian.

Li Lizhi has been very sensible since she was a child.

Slowly became the leader of the brothers and sisters.

After Li Chengqian became the prince, he became estranged from his brothers and sisters.

Instead, Li Lizhi has been taking care of her younger siblings.

Li Lizhi's status is unshakable in terms of closeness and estrangement.

This is a warning, if Li Chengqian continues like this, not only all Li Lizhi, but also many brothers and sisters will not stand by Li Chengqian's side.

Although Li Chengqian is the crown prince, he might not be able to defeat Li Lizhi in a real fight.

When Li Chengqian tried every means to drive Li Tai out of Chang'an, all the brothers and sisters also watched.

Everyone will stare at Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian is not only straightforward but also stingy.

Li Zheng took a sip of tea leisurely.

Until the evening, Li Tai came to Chang'an.

Then came a carriage of luggage.

Li Tai moved the luggage on the carriage and said, "Aren't you here to help?"

Li Zheng looked at the carriage and said, "You say you are a fat man, you move as soon as you move, and you carry so much luggage, you can find food and drink in Jingyang."

(End of this chapter)

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