People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1041 Li Tai's New Career

Chapter 1041 Li Tai's New Career
Li Shimin still reviewed the memorial and didn't say much.

Empress Changsun also continued to mend clothes.

The night in the palace was as quiet as ever.

Not many people will know that Li Lizhi slapped Li Chengqian.

Apart from the queen and the current majesty, this matter will not come from the mouth of a third person.

The morning court on the second day was still the same as before, Li Shimin listened to the reports of the officials.

And Li Chengqian, who stood below and listened to the political affairs, seemed to be a normal person.

In Jingyang, Li Tai quickly adapted to life in the academy, and left the academy at dawn.

Even the children studying in the academy don't know that there is a King Wei in the academy.

Li Zheng was cleaning the stables as usual.

Xu Hui took some money and put it in the hut next to the stables. The money was used to buy fodder for the horses.

The forage used by the horses in the Jingyang stables is quite high-end.

It is more expensive than free-range horses outside.

After putting the money away, Xu Hui looked at Li Zheng.

All the horses in the stables have been released.

Li Zheng was cleaning the stables with a shovel.

It was only early in the morning, and Li Zheng was already sweating profusely.

Li Zheng, who was wearing a short jacket, had solid muscles on his arms and a stubble on his chin.

When I knew Li Zheng before, I thought he was just a teenager.

Before he knew it, Li Zheng was already a strong man.

Because of cleaning the stables for many years.

Li Zheng has a good figure.

It's not that strong, it's just rightly strong.

And the spirit in his eyes, this kind of man is the most attractive to women.

After just watching for a while, Xu Hui immediately realized that this kind of staring should not be done.

After withdrawing his gaze, he hurried away shyly.

After walking around the village in Jingyang for half a circle, Li Tai found that he didn't have to do anything.

Just like the academy, Li Zheng asked himself to be the head of the academy, but found that he didn't have to do anything, and the academy could continue in an orderly manner.

It's like the kind of eating and drinking for free, you don't have to do anything, it's the best responsibility.

After walking for a while, Li Tai unknowingly walked to the stables.

Walking to the stables, Li Tai stopped. The horses in the stables were well-raised.

Even better than those raised by horse dealers.

Li Tai knew that this kind of horse could be sold for a very high price as long as one was pulled out.

Seeing that Li was cleaning in and out of the stables, Li Tai asked curiously, "How can you raise the horses so well?"

Li Zheng wiped his sweat and said, "His Royal Highness Wei Wang, do you know? In fact, there is a specialization in surgery."

Li Tai sat down beside the stables and said, "Then you said that the academy has a specialization in being the head of the academy?"

Li Zheng walked out of the stables, washed his hands, sat down beside him and said, "His Royal Highness Wei Wang, do you know? Actually, when I wanted to raise horses, I read a lot about raising horses."


Li Tai frowned and said, "Can you learn by reading?"

Li Zheng said in a low voice: "Just like the head of the academy, His Royal Highness King Wei wants to organize the courses for the students and the master."

Touching his chin and pondering for a long time, Li Tai said in a low voice, "What you said seems to be interesting."

Li Zheng picked up a branch and drew a diagram on the ground, saying: "For example, there are two classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon, and there is a rest time for the children in between. Of course, there can also be physical education classes."

Li Tai said in a low voice: "Although it's the first time I've seen someone divide the teaching lessons so carefully, it seems to be very useful."

Li Zheng said again: "As long as it is beneficial to children's physical and mental courses, you can put it in, and you can also discuss it with Chu Suiliang and other masters later."

Li Tai nodded and said, "When you say that, I feel like I have something to do."

"In a certain sense, Chu Suiliang and the others must obey His Royal Highness King Wei's orders, but I am His Royal Highness King Wei's immediate superior."

"Immediate supervisor?"

Li Tai frowned and looked at Li Zheng.

Li Zheng grinned and said, "Yes, His Royal Highness King Wei of the Tang Dynasty will be my subordinate from now on."

This made Li Tai a little unhappy, "I can be King Wei."

Li Zheng shook his fan and said, "What about King Wei? Your royal father humbly asked me for help to keep you. His Royal Highness King Wei should thank me."

Li Taimo stood up silently.

Seeing Li Tai's stern face, Li Zheng said with great interest: "You fat man still not convinced? If you don't accept it, go discuss it with your father."

"I accept!" Li Tai gritted his teeth and said these two words, "These are temporary expedient measures, I can understand Father's painstaking efforts."

Li Zheng said to Li Tai: "Well, as the boss, I will assign you a task."

Seeing Li Zheng's arrogant appearance, Li Tai wanted to refuse at the moment, but the current situation is not good, so bear with it!

"What mission." Li Tai said.

Li Zheng was pounding fodder and said: "I plan to establish a research institute in the academy, mainly to study things that improve the people's livelihood in Jingyang. The research institute can be supervised by Daniel, and senior students can be selected to enter the institute. Also, there are too few masters in the academy. , Most of the scholars outside are not suitable to teach in our Jingyang, besides looking for a teacher outside, you also have to choose someone who can be a teacher from the children in the academy."

Li Tai thought about it and said: "In terms of experience and ability, I think Pei Xingjian is very suitable."

Continuing to pound the herbs, Li Zheng said, "I'll tell you these things for the time being, and I'll be busy in the future."

With things to do and new goals, the previous confusion is swept away.

Li Tai looked in the direction of the academy and said, "It's a pity that the students in Jingyang are not involved in government affairs, but you can rest assured that as long as I, Li Tai, stay in the academy for one day, I will make Jingyang's academy the number one academy in the Tang Dynasty."

Seeing Li Tai's enthusiasm, Li Zheng smiled helplessly, "Many people will be enthusiastic when they have a new goal, but this enthusiasm will dissipate after a short time, and then they will bow their heads to reality."

Patting Li Tai on the shoulder, Li Zheng said: "Let's not talk about lofty ideals, you can help me settle the courses of the academy, the master, and the graduate school first?"

Li Tai nodded vigorously, "Okay!"

After speaking, Li Tai walked towards the academy.

A horse looked up at Li Zheng, then snorted, raised its head a little haughtily, and lowered its head to graze.

It is still Mayday in Chang'an, and it will soon become hot.

After working all morning, Li Zheng was sitting by the stables, pouring cold water into his mouth, and waving a fan to cool himself down.

The horses also became lazier, and a few horses cleverly occupied the position that Li Zheng originally planned to enjoy the shade, and nestled under the shade of the tree with their eyes closed comfortably.

Standing under the eaves, Li Zheng saw Gao Yang hurrying towards the village, followed by Wu Mei.

It seems that Gao Yang's career has already begun.

(End of this chapter)

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