Chapter 1042 Dietary Improvement
When they got home in the afternoon, Li Lizhi, Xu Hui and Wu Mei had been busy all day.

It was only in the evening that I rested.

Seeing Li Lizhi sitting tiredly on the chair, Li Zheng rubbed her shoulders and said, "It seems that you value Gao Yang's career."

Li Lizhi relaxed her body, put all her weight on the chair, closed her eyes and felt the strength of Li Zheng's pressing on her shoulders, and said in a low voice: "The workshop in Lantian County has started construction, and there are many things in the village that need to be dispatched. Gao Yang has been planning to live with us for a while."

Li Zheng looked at Gao Yang who was fighting with Xiao Si in the yard and said, "Eat and drink for nothing?"

Hearing this, Li Lizhi glared at Li Zheng, "I'm willing to eat and drink for free, she is my own sister!"

Gao Yang and Li Lizhi have the same father, who is His Majesty today.

Li Lizhi was born to the current queen.

Gao Yang was born to a concubine in the harem.

Birth is different, but Gao Yang was brought up by the eldest grandson queen from birth, and Li Lizhi treats Gao Yang like his own sister.

Li Lizhi has a very strong cohesive force, which can bring the royal brothers and sisters together.

When Li Tai was impeached by the court.

Li Lizhi was also willing to stand up for his younger brother Li Tai, and slapped Prince Li Chengqian.

Faced with Li Lizhi's questioning, Li Chengqian, the eldest son, looked like a naive younger brother in front of Li Lizhi.

Li Zheng thought in his heart, Li Shimin, a big family, said it was complicated but not complicated.

The existence of Li Lizhi is a very important bond among the royal brothers and sisters.

If Li Lizhi is not here, who knows what these brothers and sisters will be like.

Li Lizhi said warmly, "What's for dinner tonight?"

His thoughts were interrupted, and Li Zheng said, "It's almost the Dragon Boat Festival, let's eat zongzi tonight."

In Chang'an, in the imperial palace, Li Shimin always read endless memorials, and finally had time to relax during dinner.

Wang Ding came to Li Shimin with a bow and said, "Your Majesty, the meal is ready."

Li Shimin put down the pen and ink in his hand.

Wang Ding removed the memorial from the table and put bowls of dishes on the table.

Seeing the dishes in the bowl, Li Shimin was dumbfounded, "What does this mean?"

Wang Ding looked at the dishes in the bowl and said, "Your Majesty, what's wrong?"

Li Shimin picked up a lettuce leaf and said, "Do you want me to eat these lettuce leaves?"

Wang Ding was also a little puzzled by the Erzhang monk, and said in a low voice, "Could it be that the cook made a mistake?"

Li Shimin put down his chopsticks and said, "You ask the cook in the palace to make a new one."

After half an hour, another bowl of exactly the same dish was served.

Li Shimin looked at the lettuce leaves in the bowl for a long time and was speechless.

Wang Ding stood aside and was also puzzled.

Li Shimin said with a little anger on his face, "Bring me the cook."

Wang Ding nodded quickly, "Here!"

After a while, Wang Ding brought three or four cooks to Ganlu Hall.

The cook knelt down facing Li Shimin and said, "What's the matter with these dishes? You treat me like a livestock and eat lettuce leaves?"

After drinking this, the cook trembled in fright and said in a low voice, "These are all made according to His Majesty's request."

Li Shimin snorted coldly, "When did I ask you to do this?"

Trembling, the cook took out a piece of paper and said, "It's still the secret recipe sent by the prince. He said that His Majesty's meals will be prepared according to this requirement in the future."

Li Shimin immediately looked at Wang Ding.

Wang Ding was also a little at a loss, picked up the cook's paper and looked at it for a while, then looked at Li Shimin.

Seeing Li Shimin looking at him, Wang Ding said again: "Your Majesty, this is the secret recipe sent by Chang'an Order. Your Majesty ordered the old slave to give it to the cook."

Li Shimin also took this kind of paper and looked at the content on it. It was indeed written on lettuce leaves, and the best thing was to scald it with water.

Li Shimin looked left and right, and looked at Wang Ding, "Is this Li Zheng's secret recipe?"

Wang Ding nodded and said, "Your Majesty handed it over to this old slave."

Li Shimin took another look at the secret recipe, but he didn't look at it when it was delivered.

This recipe says it really is lettuce leaves.

Li Shimin glanced at Wang Ding with his head down, and then at the cooks kneeling on the ground.

With a straight face, Li Shimin picked up a vegetable leaf with his chopsticks, put it into his mouth, and chewed it slowly, which had a very strange taste.

When swallowing, you can even feel the vegetable leaves scratching the esophagus.

Li Shimin with a straight face finished a bowl of lettuce leaves.

Looking at the menu in front of him again, Li Shimin found that Li Zheng also named this secret recipe, Vegetable Salad.

Seeing that Li Shimin had finished eating, Wang Ding breathed a sigh of relief, and so did the cook.

Li Shimin still had a stern face. He hadn't been able to drink alcohol for a week, and now he still had to eat lettuce leaves.

Fortunately, there are only seven days, if you live like this for the rest of your life.

It is worse to live than to die.

After eating the vegetable salad, Li Shimin had diarrhea that night.

Coming out of the latrine completely exhausted, Li Shimin's footsteps were vain, and his heart became more and more sure that this kid Li Zheng was really playing tricks on me.

No one actually eats lettuce leaves.

The next day, when Li Shimin woke up, Empress Changsun had already woken up early.

Empress Changsun looked at Li Shimin's face and said, "Your Majesty's complexion looks much better."

"is it?"

Li Shimin looked at himself in the mirror, and the appearance in the bronze mirror was indeed less dark yellow.

The dark black of the lips has also gone down a lot.

Without thinking too much, Li Shimin put on his clothes and went to court.

The matter of Li Shimin's diarrhea was quickly passed on from Wang Ding to Li Zheng.

Listening to Wang Ding's narration, Li Zheng said: "I haven't eaten lettuce leaves before. The first time I eat it, I will naturally have diarrhea, and my stomach is not used to it."

Wang Ding said in a low voice: "Now seven days have passed, can Your Majesty drink alcohol?"

Li Zheng practiced Tai Chi and said, "Of course it's possible."

Wang Ding said again: "Chang'an Order, this old servant has the courage to ask."

Li Zheng's movements of Tai Chi still did not stop.

Wang Ding said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, I went to the latrine several times on the day I ate the vegetable leaves. Dare I really not tease Your Majesty?"

After finally finishing a set of Tai Chi, Li Zheng patiently said to Wang Ding: "Vegetables have a lot of crude fiber, which helps the body to expel the things accumulated in the body and clean the intestines."

Wang Ding was half-knowledgeable and asked curiously, "Is this medical skill?"

Li Zheng said with a smile: "It's a kind of food. To put it plainly, it's a kind of diet to improve the state of the body."

Wang Ding still nodded, took out a military report and said, "I just got the news that General Niu Jinda, General Su Dingfang, and General Li Daliang have divided into three groups and marched towards Goguryeo together."

(End of this chapter)

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