People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1043 The God of Western Regions

Chapter 1043 The God of Western Regions
Seeing that Li Zheng didn't reply for a long time, Wang Ding said again: "The army has already moved to Goguryeo. May I ask what you are doing?"

Li Zheng said in a low voice: "Right now, Xinxin should still be by Yuan Gai Suwen's side."

Wang Ding said again: "No matter what, Your Majesty does not want anything bad to happen to Xinxin."

Li Zheng washed his face, dried it, and said, "Compared to Your Majesty, I wish to get things done better."

"So His Majesty will be relieved."

After Wang Ding finished speaking, he bowed a little and walked out of the courtyard.

Goguryeo and Datang are about to go to war.

In this battle, Li Shimin won the support of the people.

Glancing at the dining table at home, Li Zhi still ate the fastest and the most.

Xiao Sizi followed Li Zhi's footsteps and walked out of the house while eating steamed buns.

Gao Yang was bleary-eyed, and she was a little uncomfortable with the life of going to bed early and getting up early, and she was about to get up at dawn.

After breakfast, Li Lizhi, Xu Hui, Wu Mei and Gao Yang were still busy with their women's careers.

Li Zheng took the thermos cup and walked out of the house.

When he was about to reach the stables, Li Zheng found Daniel waiting here.

Daniel also likes to wear a short jacket.

Li Zheng looked at the short coat on his body, this kid really imitated his example.

Daniel came up and said, "Teacher, is the academy going to build a research institute?"

Li Zheng continued to walk towards the horse circle and nodded, "Research is indispensable for the development of knowledge."

Daniel said again: "His Royal Highness King Wei wants me to be the head of the academy research institute."

Following Li Zheng's footsteps, Daniel said again: "But I think I am still too young and I don't have enough knowledge."

Li Zheng stopped and looked at Daniel. Today, Daniel is about the same height as himself. Li Zheng said in a low voice: "Do you know? There is no end to learning. There is a good saying, learn and live forever."

"Live and learn forever?"

Daniel repeated in his mouth.

Li Zheng went on to say: "Your knowledge is indeed at the best level among the students in the academy. You can also ask Dean Li Chunfeng to preside over it. Since the institute is going to be established, we can first set a few disciplines, from medicine, mathematics, Science begins."

Daniel was silent for a long time.

Li Zheng said again: "Well, you are the head of the research institute first, and if one day you feel that someone has higher skills than you, you can also give up the position of head of the research institute to someone else."

Daniu nodded slightly, looked at the stables and said, "Let me help the teacher clean the stables together."

The two were cleaning the stables when Li Chongyi came.

Li Zheng looked at the sky, at this time Li Chongyi should be on duty in Chang'an.

Li Chongyi's eyes were sleepy, "It seems that today's duty will be late again."

Li Zheng looked at him and said, "I know it's late, so I still come to hang out with me."

Li Chongyi sat on the side with some dejection and said: "I don't know what's going on. Ever since I lived in Jingyang, people have become lazy without knowing it? Besides, you are the governor of Jingzhao Mansion and have not been on duty for many years. I, Jingzhao Mansion What is Shao Yin doing so diligently?"

Li Chongyi didn't say that he almost forgot that he still had such an official position.

Unknowingly, I already had several official positions in my body, from Longwu Army to Jingyang Order, to Chang'an Order to the Ministry of Rites, so many positions have not yet been paid.

Li Zheng stopped what he was doing and looked at Li Chongyi, "After the imperial examination, there are already many new officials. There should be many people who can replace our official positions."

Li Chongyi stretched his waist and said: "How can it be used so quickly? Your Majesty and the officials will have to observe for a while before seeing who uses it."

That's right, new recruits also need an internship.

Li Chongyi raised his spirits and said, "Li Zheng, do you know? Recently, a person from outside the customs came to Chang'an. I heard that he is a genius doctor who made a lot of money."

"Miraculous doctor? Better than Miracle Doctor Sun?"

Li Zheng asked curiously.

Li Chongyi added: "I heard that he can cure people's illnesses just by reciting incantations."

Li Zheng sneered and said, "Isn't this a liar?"

Li Chongyi said in a low voice: "I also think he is a liar, but I have seen him treat other people's diseases. A person who can't go to the ground suddenly recovered from his illness. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it."

Daniel asked curiously, "Is this really the case?"

Li Chongyi nodded and said: "It is indeed a person who has been paralyzed in bed for many years, and suddenly stood up. This seems really evil."

After speaking, Li Chongyi saw Li Zheng and Daniel smiled clearly, and said, "What are you laughing at? Have you already seen through it?"

Li Zheng said: "It's better to let Di Renjie go and see, he should know what's going on."

Li Chongyi nodded and left.

Di Renjie is working on a problem in the academy, and it really takes a lot of brains to do complex geometric problems.

Hearing Li Chongyi's narration, Di Renjie also asked curiously: "Is there such a miracle doctor?"

Li Chongyi said: "He is an outsider from the Western Regions, and he has made a lot of money with this ability. I always feel that there is something wrong, but I can't tell where it is."

Di Renjie said: "Wait until I finish this question."

Li Chongyi waited outside the academy for half an hour before he finally arrived at Di Renjie.

Di Renjie said: "Okay, let's go to Chang'an to see this miracle doctor."

Li Chongyi looked back at the academy, "What questions are taking so long?"

Di Renjie said: "Geometry questions, Taoist Master Li Chunfeng didn't know what happened recently, he went crazy and asked us questions, and he hasn't slept well for several days."

"This is not possible, people will be stunned."

Di Renjie also nodded worriedly, Li Chunfeng would really be dazed if things went on like this.

Chang'an City is still as lively as before.

Li Chongyi took Di Renjie first and invited him to a meal.

While Di Renjie was devouring the soup cakes, he was eating happily with a small leg of lamb in one hand.

Li Chongyi paid the guy for the meal.

After he was full, Di Renjie let out a sigh of relief, "Let's go meet that miracle doctor."

Seeing Di Renjie hastily looking childish, with a soft beard around his mouth.

But this kid has a confident look in his eyes.

Li Chongyi walked with Di Renjie in Chang'an City and said, "This miracle doctor happens to be treating other people today. I heard that many people want to see him."

Following the crowd, Di Renjie came to a high platform.

The high platform is next to Pingkang Square, and it seems that the miracle doctor from the Western Regions will treat diseases on the platform after a while.

Di Renjie saw a familiar figure in the crowd.

Looking closer, Di Renjie was surprised and said, "Master Li Chunfeng? Why are you not in the academy?"

Li Chunfeng was also surprised when he saw Di Renjie, "Have you finished the questions for you?"

Di Renjie couldn't help nodding, "It's done."

Looking at the stands, and then at Li Chunfeng, Di Renjie asked curiously, "Master Li Chunfeng also came to see a doctor?"

Li Chunfeng sneered and said: "Of course not, I came to see how that guy lied."

(End of this chapter)

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