Chapter 1044 Uncovering the Scam
Li Chongyi also said: "Master Li Chunfeng also thinks that person is a liar?"

Li Chunfeng nodded and said: "It is a good thing to cure diseases and save people. If a liar cures diseases and saves people, it will kill those who could have been cured. This kind of liar is the most disliked by the poor."

Li Zheng said in surprise: "It seems that our Taoist priest Li Chunfeng also has a sense of justice."

Li Chunfeng said again: "Poverty Taoist has seen a lot of Taoist priests who pretend to be deceitful since childhood. What about alchemy to become immortals? The Taoists have completely lost their face."

As the crowd grew, the surrounding area became lively.

A man dressed in Western Region costume stepped onto the high platform, saluted the crowd, and then said in unfluent Guanzhong dialect: "God sent me to save you."

After saying this, a group of people in the audience began to cheer.

This phenomenon was very strange and made Di Renjie feel uncomfortable all over.

Immediately afterwards, a person squeezed out of the crowd, kowtowing to the man from the Western Regions, begging him to save him.

The person to be rescued is a middle-aged man in his 30s.

The middle-aged man was lying on the shelf with his eyes closed, looking like he was dying.

Immediately, the man from the Western Regions chanted a strange spell towards the middle-aged man on the shelf, and when the spell was finished, the middle-aged man who was lying on the shelf opened his eyes immediately, and stood up like a corpse.

Seeing this scene, Di Renjie and Li Chunfeng smiled contemptuously at the same time.

Li Chongyi asked curiously, "Did you see anything?"

Di Renjie said: "Brother Chongyi can arrest him now, he is a liar."

Li Chongyi became energetic immediately, "Really? How sure are you that you can see through his deception?"

Di Renjie said: "Ninety percent, there is still one achievement, it's a hell."

Li Chongyi nodded and went to greet the staff immediately.

While Li Chongyi was calling for help, the miracle doctor of the Western Regions cured a few more people.

The reaction among the crowd was even greater, and some people even knelt down.

Crown Prince Li Chengqian was also watching this scene from a distance, and he was also very curious about this miracle doctor of the Western Regions who had become famous in Chang'an, "Does he really have such abilities?"

The attendant beside the prince said: "Several people survived after his treatment."

Li Chengqian still looked at the actions of the man from the Western Regions and said in a low voice, "This is the suffering of all living beings."

On the other side, Cheng Yaojin and Qin Qiong also watched from afar.

Cheng Yaojin said to Qin Qiong: "I heard that many dignitaries gave him money?"

Qin Qiong sneered and said, "I don't believe there is such a thing. You don't need medicine to cure a disease? Just read a few words?"

The May day in Guanzhong is quite hot.

Cheng Yaojin waved his sleeves to himself and said: "A certain family looks evil, I'm afraid it's not evil."

Among the crowd, Ashina was also watching. He had read a lot of books and learned a lot in the years since he came to Chang'an.

Ashina looked at his legs and was still a little limping.

What is different from the people around him, facing a group of ordinary people in Chang'an kowtowing to this Western Regions man.

Ashina's eyes were much clearer, but he smiled self-deprecatingly.

Soon Li Chongyi led the officers and soldiers of Jingzhao Mansion to surround the platform.

Li Chongyi went to the stage and said to everyone: "Everyone from the Western Regions is a liar, everyone should leave."

After shouting, the crowd did not disperse.

There are still many patients waiting for treatment in the audience.

"Why do you call him a liar!"

Someone from the audience immediately shouted to Li Chongyi.

"He cured my father!"

Someone from the audience said again.

Gradually, more and more voices questioned Li Chongyi.

On the contrary, the miracle doctor of the Western Regions seemed very calm.

Seeing everyone's reactions, the genius doctor of the Western Regions said, "Young man, why do you call me a liar."

Li Chongyi was also a little overwhelmed by the question.

The divine doctor of the Western Regions said again: "You are Mr. Chongyi from Jingzhao Mansion."

After saying this, Li Chongyi was even more surprised, this man from the Western Regions actually knew him.

The genius doctor of the Western Regions said: "I know that you and Li Zheng are good friends, and Li Zheng is also a genius doctor, but Li Zheng easily refuses to treat people. From the villain's point of view, this Li Zheng is a liar. Why doesn't he treat so many ordinary people. "

As soon as this remark came out, there were more discussions below.

Everyone looked at Li Chongyi with hostility.

Looking at the scene around him, Cheng Yaojin also felt nervous, "It's over! This kid Li Zheng has a bad reputation, I'm afraid something will happen."

Seeing someone questioning Li Zheng, Di Renjie walked onto the stage quickly.

The genius doctor of the Western Regions looked at Di Renjie and said, "Young man, are you here to treat illnesses too?"

Di Renjie smiled and said, "I'm here to expose your deception."

The genius doctor of the Western Regions looked at Di Renjie and then at everyone, "Everyone saw that I cured someone."

Di Renjie walked a few steps and said, "Let me ask you a few questions."

"Just ask."

His Guanzhong dialect is not fluent, but his waist is straight.

Seeing Di Renjie walk on stage, Ashina's eyes became brighter. Li Zheng didn't have many disciples, and Di Renjie was one of them.

Di Renjie faced the miracle doctor of the Western Regions and asked: "Let me ask you, can you only treat one disease at a time?"

The miracle doctor of the Western Regions said: "I only have one person, so the gods only let me save one person at a time."

Di Renjie asked again: "Dare to ask the genius doctor, do you need to keep a distance when you recite the mantra?"

The miracle doctor of the Western Regions said: "Just a few steps away."

"very good!"

Di Renjie nodded and said, "Let those who are waiting to be treated come up."

The genius doctor of the Western Regions smiled contemptuously, seemingly not paying attention to Di Renjie.

Li Chunfeng knew in his heart that this miracle doctor of the Western Regions was going to be in trouble.

Di Renjie asked all the people waiting to be treated to sit on the stage, and asked the miracle doctor of the Western Regions to stand behind them, "Okay, the miracle doctor, you can choose one to treat."

The genius doctor of the Western Regions felt a little troubled looking at the backs of these people.

Di Renjie said again: "Don't rush and pick slowly."

Everyone in the audience watched this scene, only to see that the miracle doctor of the Western Regions walked behind a person and began to chant a spell.

After the reading, the patients still sat where they were.

Di Renjie said: "If you think your illness is cured, stand up."

More than a dozen patients are still sitting.

The genius doctor of the Western Regions wiped away his calmness before wiping off his sweat, and said, "I can only treat you face to face."

Di Renjie called another group of patients to come up, this time Di Renjie blindfolded these patients.

Then Di Renjie asked Li Chongyi to quietly detain the miracle doctor of the Western Regions.

Facing several blindfolded patients, Di Renjie imitated everyone and chanted a few spells.

After the reading, all these patients stood up and shouted that they were cured.

Just the audience was silent.

When these patients took off the cloth covering their eyes, there was no miracle doctor of the Western Regions in front of them, only Di Renjie.

Di Renjie said: "How much do you guys charge him to cooperate with him, and how much do you get for pretending to be sick?"

The audience was silent again.

Ashina shook his head and smiled and walked out of the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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