People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1045 Di Renjie's Scientific Way

Chapter 1045 Di Renjie's Scientific Way
A group of onlookers in the audience were speechless after seeing this scene.

Only the few so-called recovered patients stood where they were, feeling embarrassed for a while.

Some people even tried to escape on the spot, but were captured by the officials of Jingzhao Mansion.

The deception was caught on the spot and in front of so many people, this deception really couldn't be truer.

The genius doctor of the Western Regions did not give a second treatment at all, but was taken down directly.

Li Chongyi walked up to the people again and said: "How did this liar deceive everyone and how did he plan? The Jingzhao Mansion will investigate and find out, everyone should leave."

With these words, Li Chongyi gave everyone a step down.

The crowd also dispersed in groups of three or four.

Cheng Yaojin whispered to Qin Qiong: "So it's such a simple deception."

Qin Qiong also said: "I didn't think of it either."

Cheng Yaojin let out a long sigh.

The two walked for a while, and Cheng Yaojin said: "People who are deceived are often how he heals the disease, but no one thinks how the patient is well."

After hearing this sentence, Qin Qiong smiled wryly.

It is said that Cheng Yaojin is a killer.

Without Cheng Yaojin's occasional sentence, it is easy to see through the falsehood.

Speaking of Cheng Yaojin's leading soldiers in battle, apart from being fierce, sometimes there are some unexpected tricks.

Li Chengqian watched how Di Renjie uncovered the deception.

Li Chengqian still looked at Di Renjie on the high platform and said in a low voice: "I didn't expect a teenage boy to see through a scam that deceived Quan Chang'an."

Li Chengqian's attendant said: "Even if Di Renjie doesn't come, other people in Chang'an can see through the deception."

Looking at his attendant, Li Chengqian said, "Then have you seen through the deception before?"

The servant bowed his head and said nothing.

Li Chengqian said with emotion: "There are so many talents in Li Zheng's hands."

A group of officials from Jingzhao Mansion escorted several patients involved in the scam and the genius doctor from the Western Regions all the way back to Jingzhao Mansion.

On the way back, Li Chongyi asked Di Renjie, "How did you see through it?"

"A long time ago, the teacher told us a story in which the scholar used this method to see through the deception."

Di Renjie explained with a smile.

Li Chongyi said again: "What kind of method can our Jingzhao Mansion also use? If so, it will be much easier for us to investigate the case in the future."

Di Renjie said in a low voice: "First of all, curing diseases and saving lives is never something that can be solved with a few spells. In the spirit of science, first cast doubt on the practices of this miracle doctor in the Western Regions, assuming that he is a lie, and then determine certain fixed conditions. Two to three factors are used to verify, so that it can be seen through."

Li Chongyi thought about it and said, "Science?"

Di Renjie added: "For example, if we want to measure the height of a tree, we often don't need to cut down the tree or climb to the top of the tree to measure."

Hearing this, Li Chongyi laughed again, "Then how do we measure it?"

Di Renjie said: "First of all, the tree is fixed in place, and the sunlight is variable, so the shadow will also change in length with the angle of the sun."

Li Chongyi subconsciously looked at his own shadow.

Di Renjie also said: "Under a fixed condition, we measure several variables from it. We only need to measure the length of the tree shadow at several moments and calculate the ratio, and then we can calculate the height of the tree."

"We did this experiment in Jingyang, and the error is within five centimeters."

Li Chongyi shook his head, "Is it scientific? It sounds really profound."

Di Renjie also said: "Observation, definition, hypothesis, test, these are all things we need to prepare before we study a thing, and then it is argumentation. There are several steps in it, first raise questions, then conjecture and hypothesis, design experiments and formulate planning, then conducting experiments and gathering evidence, and finally analyzing and arguing, evaluating, expressing and communicating.”

"A man named Einstein said that asking questions is often more important than solving them."

After speaking, he walked to the gate of Jingzhao Mansion before he knew it.

Di Renjie said: "We often start with these steps before doing experiments."

Without entering Jingzhao Mansion, Li Chongyi looked at Di Renjie, who is only 13 years old now.

For some reason, Li Chongyi had a feeling in his heart how powerful Di Renjie would become in the future.

Today's Di Renjie already has such a sharp edge, what kind of child will Daniel be.

Li Chongyi vaguely remembered that Daniel disappeared from everyone's sight when he was in Tubo.

Daniel and Wang Xuance quelled the turmoil of the Western Turks in Tubo.

It also built a defense line against big cannibals.

It is said that thousands of cannibals died inexplicably at that time.

Even more miraculously won Gaochang.

Afterwards, Songtsan Gampo searched all over Tubo, but could not find Daniel.

Daniel and his Jingyang guards, as well as the Western Regions recruited by Daniel, all disappeared.

For a while I thought Daniel was dead.

It was only two months after the big cannibals attacked Tubo.

Daniel suddenly appeared in Jingyang.

Even the guards from those villages returned inexplicably.

These people were not found at the heavily guarded border.

Daniel's abilities are definitely more than what he sees in front of him.

How terrifying are the disciples taught by Li Zhengjiao?
"Brother Chongyi?"

Hearing Di Renjie's call, Li Chongyi came back to his senses, smiled awkwardly and said, "Let's continue investigating the case."

Li Chongyi felt more and more strange about how this genius doctor of the Western Regions knew the identity of the Shaoyin of the Jingzhao Mansion.

What Li Chongyi didn't realize was that the officials of Jingzhao Mansion following behind had quietly recorded all these words.

After he came out of Jingzhao Mansion, he wrote down all the words he had memorized.

Then it was secretly sent to the palace.

Li Shimin was still reviewing the memorial, Wang Ding came with a secret report, "Your Majesty, this is what Di Renjie said."

Li Shimin already knew about the discovery of the genius doctor from the Western Regions.

Putting down the pen in his hand, Li Shimin picked up the secret report and looked at the content on it.

There are eyeliners in every government office in Chang'an, and there are eyeliners around the children of all kinds of dignitaries in the court.

Li Shimin looked at the content above with a frown, and unconsciously read out, "First ask questions, then conjecture and hypothesis, design experiments and formulate plans, then conduct experiments and collect evidence, and finally analyze and demonstrate, evaluate, express and communicate? "

After reading it, Li Shimin said: "The method of measuring trees written above is very interesting. Does it really mean that there is no need to cut down trees?"

After speaking, Li Shimin handed the secret report to Wang Ding and said, "Go and try."

Wang Ding took the secret report and said: "Old servant, let's try it."

In the evening of that day, Wang Ding stood under a tree in the palace, holding the record of the length of the shadow at each hour in his hand. At this moment, he was a little confused, how to calculate it?

(End of this chapter)

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