People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1046 Research on People's Livelihood

Chapter 1046 Research on People's Livelihood

After nightfall, Wang Ding was still sitting under the tree with an oil lamp in his hand, thinking.

Until the next day, he came to Jingyang with dark circles under his eyes.

Li Zheng opened the door to see Wang Ding with a haggard face and asked in surprise, "Eunuch Wang, what's wrong with you?"

Holding the measurement record in his hand, Wang Ding said, "How do you calculate this?"

"How do you count?"

Li Zheng took the measurement record from Wang Ding, looked at the content on it and said, "This is?"

Wang Ding said weakly: "Your Majesty asked the old slave to measure the tree using your method in Jingyang, but the old slave doesn't know how to calculate it."

"My lord, come in and sit down first."

Inviting Wang Ding to sit down on a chair at home.

Li Zheng called Xiao Sizi and said, "Calculate this problem."

Xiao Si took a small charcoal pencil and began to count. After a few breaths, Xiao Si said, "I figured it out, there are five feet in eight feet."

This shocked Wang Ding. Looking at Xiao Sizi's smile, Princess Jinyang is only ten years old, so she can count so quickly?

Xiao Si checked the calculation again and handed it to Wang Ding, "That's right, that's the answer."

Wang Ding was in a daze, and it wasn't that he didn't know whether to laugh, or he should blame himself for living a long life and not being as good as a ten-year-old child.

Looking back, Wang Ding asked Xiao Sizi, "Your Highness, why can't the old slave figure it out?"

Xiao Sizi grinned and said, "It's not very difficult, it's just some calculation skills. All the kids in the village who are as old as me can do it."

Wang Ding was speechless for a long time.

He looked back at Li Zheng who was eating breakfast.

Wang Ding wondered what kind of monsters this Li Zheng had taught.

Back in the palace, Wang Ding cut down the tree he had measured before, and compared the answer calculated by Princess Jinyang.

In contrast, the answer turned out to be exactly the same.

In order to confirm whether the measurement was really wrong, Wang Ding also found different people to measure, and the measured lengths were all the same.

So much so that the officials of the Ministry of Industry in the court thought that Wang Ding was suffering from some kind of illness, and they couldn't get along with a tree all day long, so they kept measuring it.

After confirming that it was correct, Wang Ding re-entered the Ganlu Hall.

Li Shimin also just came back from court.

Wang Ding said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the result has come out. The method Di Renjie said can indeed measure trees, and the difference is almost the same, almost the same."

Li Shimin looked at the memorial and said, "It's true that there are people out there. One of the disciples taught by Li Zheng has such extraordinary qualities."

Wang Ding said again: "Your Majesty's old slave is stupid, this is calculated by Princess Jinyang."

"Little Si?"

Li Shimin was a little surprised.

Wang Ding said in a low voice: "Di Renjie's method was used, and the one calculated is Princess Jinyang. The old servant is stupid and can't figure out the secret, presumably it has something to do with numerology."

Li Shimin said in a low voice: "It is conceivable how high Jingyang's numerology realm has reached."

Knowing the next time, Li Shimin has to concentrate on reviewing the memorial.

Wang Ding stood aside quietly.

Jingyang, Xiao Sizi and Li Zhi returned to the academy to attend classes normally.

Daniel, Di Renjie, Pei Xingjian and several older children from the academy were surrounding a well.

They are the first batch of children of Jingyang Academy.

They were also the first batch of children Li Zheng taught.

Da Niu converted in the booklet and said: "A diameter of [-] centimeters is the best."

Di Renjie said in a low voice: "It is indeed the case. If the vacuum cylinder is too wide, there will be too much kinetic energy loss during vacuuming, but it will be ineffective. If it is too small, the water will be pumped too little."

Numerology is not Pei Xingjian's specialty.

Pei Xingjian just watched and listened.

The water pump is the first project of the Institute.

The project has been underway since day one of the research.

It took only one day from theory to experiment.

The model was made the next day.

It is now practical on the third day.

Daniel put the water pump on the well.

Di Renjie said hesitantly: "Will the pressure valve of the water pump fall off if the beef tendon is used?"

Daniel said: "There is no better material for now, let's use it first."

Several students put the water pump on the well.

This is the only well in the village.

A group of children gathered around the well, which soon attracted the attention of the villagers.

The water pump is being installed, and more and more villagers are watching.

Daniel saw that the water pump was assembled, and he thought of a material called rubber in the teacher's book.

It is very difficult to find such materials in Guanzhong.

Even the bowstrings of bows and arrows are mostly made of animal fascia.

When I was in the Western Regions, I did not fail to find traces of rubber in some ancient books of the Western Regions.

It's just that many classics in the Western Regions are intermittent, and many of them are destroyed due to some natural and man-made disasters.

"The sump pump is installed."

The student on the side said.

Daniu walked to the well, held the handle of the pump and began to pressurize the water.

One after another.

The villagers also watched Daniel's movements, curious about what he was doing.

After a while, Daniel heard the sound of water in the pump.

After pressing the nozzle of the water pump a few more times, the water finally flowed out.

As the water is continuously pressed, more and more well water flows out.

Daniel said: "For the time being, it is considered a success."

Several students also let out a sigh of relief.

On weekdays, Li Ji was also the one who had nothing to do in the village, so he was surprised to see such a weird thing.

When Daniel was about to return to the academy, Li Ji followed him and said, "How did you let the water in the well come out?"

Daniel explained: "The reason is also very simple. In fact, the water pump evacuates the air in the pipeline, and because of the air pressure, the water in the well is pressed up."

Li Ji shook his head and said, "I don't understand, please speak simply."

Daniel sighed and said: "The most basic thing for a water pump is the air pressure."

Li Ji asked again: "What is pressure?"

Daniel looked around and said: "In fact, we are in a kind of air pressure, which is invisible and intangible, but if you jump out of the habitual thinking, we will think about why birds can fly and why paper kites can go to the sky. , why there is a strange sound when the bow and arrow shoot out."

Daniel took the students farther and farther.

Li Ji was still in the same place, although he couldn't understand what Daniel was saying, but he didn't realize the Ming calendar.

"What a terrible child." Li Ji sighed, it might not be surprising if one day a big cow can fly in the sky.

What kind of monster did Li Zheng teach?

Anything and any changes in Jingyang will be introduced into the palace.

Even Gao Yang will report to himself how busy he is with his career every day.

The eyeliner in Jingyang before was caught by Cheng Yaojin once because of Li Zheng's tricks.

Now Li Zheng doesn't seem to care about these eyeliners.

(End of this chapter)

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