Chapter 1049 Border Town Battle

Looking at the city defense map of Pyongyang, Wang Xuance frowned and said: "The entire defense of Pyongyang is made of iron barrels. It may not be easy to rescue King Goguryeo."

Yixin said in a low voice: "King Goguryeo cannot die. Once King Goguryeo dies, even if we win after the war, it will be very difficult to lose the royal family of Goguryeo."

Wang Xuance nodded slightly, "You're right, the Goguryeo king really can't die. After he's dead, how can Tang support another Goguryeo king? The ready-made one must be kept."

Several people discussed for a while, and decided to let Xin stay in Pyongyang for a while.

When we got back to Pyongyang, it was almost dawn.

Dragging his exhausted body, Yixin re-entered the center of Pyongyang. He hoped that the battle would end soon.

Tens of kilometers away from the north of Pyongyang City.

The army has crossed the river and is ready to attack the border town of Goguryeo at any time.

Niu Jinda sat in the big tent of the Chinese army and listened to Li Daliang's narration.

The two decided to break through the border town first tomorrow.

Xue Rengui came with a map and said, "General Niu, this is a map of the entire Goguryeo terrain."

Hearing this a little surprised, Niu Jinda took the map and glanced at it even more surprised, "What a detailed map."

Li Daliang also glanced at it and said, "Where did this map come from?"

Xue Rengui said: "When we set off from Jingyang, the academy was handed over to the last general. I hope it will be useful to the general."

Niu Jinda smiled generously, "It is useful, of course it is of great use."

The army wants to go deep into Goguryeo, and what is needed most right now is a map of Goguryeo.

Goguryeo is not like the Central Plains, and Niu Jinda came to Goguryeo to fight for the first time.

Terrain has a particularly large impact on combat success.

Li Daliang asked in a low voice: "When Liaodong sent troops back then, Wang Xuance left with a group of soldiers from your Jingyang Guard, and he hasn't come back yet."

Xue Rengui replied: "They have their own tasks, and they will meet the army at that time."

Niu Jinda laughed and said, "I know the rules. Your Jingyang guards are the support of our army, and we don't have much power to command you. Your Majesty has already explained it before you come."

Xue Rengui nodded and left.

Li Daliang discussed with Niu Jinda for a while.

After finalizing the next march, Niu Jinda walked out of the big tent to look at the preparations of the army in the camp.

As I was walking, I saw the side of the camp, where all the members of the Jingyang guards were sitting together, listening to a lecture given by one person.

Lectures are required for marching and fighting, and Niu Jinda secretly sighed in his heart that the Jingyang Guard's approach is really unique.

Early the next morning, the army marched again, this time to attack the border town of Goguryeo.

There are three border towns in Koguryo, the first of which is Dahang City, which has been Liaodong County in the Central Plains since the Han Dynasty. It was only because of the years of wars in the Central Plains and the long-term neglect of Goguryeo that it was controlled by Goguryeo.

Li Daliang led [-] soldiers to fight Dahang City.

The other two border towns of Koguryo are at the other end of the Yalu River, Shicheng and Bozhuokou, which are relatively small.

Dahang City was originally built by the people of the Central Plains, while Shicheng and Bozhuokou were built by the Goguryeo themselves on the opposite side of the Yalu River, facing each other across the river.

Long before Li Daliang mobilized his troops, Xue Rengui led his people around Dahang City to the Yalu River.

The terrain here is very flat, and the two small cities can be seen from a distance.

With a thousand members of the Jingyang Guard, Xue Rengui waited in the upper reaches of the Yalu River.

Several war horses hurried across the bridge of the Yalu River, coming from the direction of Dahang City.

Counting the time, it seems that Li Daliang is going to attack Dahang City, and Dahang City has already come to ask for help.

Xue Rengui whispered to the team members beside him: "Get ready to cross the river with a raft."

Shicheng and Bozhuokou are small towns with insufficient troops.

Once Dahang City was broken, Shicheng and Zhuobokou would not be able to defend at all.

Watching teams of soldiers and horses come out of the city.

Xue Rengui led the members of the Jingyang Guard to cross the river from the upper reaches.

After two hours of crossing the river, Xue Rengui counted the number of people on the river bank, and after everyone arrived, the team members hibernated in the distance again.

Even at night, soldiers and horses were still coming in and out between the two cities. It seemed that the battle in Dahang City was very tense.

"What time is it?"

Xue Rengui asked.

"Zi Shi." The team members on the side replied.

Pulling out the horizontal knife at his waist, Xue Rengui led the team and quickly approached the city wall.

The city wall of Shicheng is very low, lower than many cities in Guanzhong.

And it was very old, Xue Rengui and his men quickly dug a gap in a corner of the city wall.

After everyone divided the Molotov cocktails, they sneaked into the city under the cover of night.

On the battlefield of Dahang City, Li Daliang came down from the battlefield in embarrassment and said to Niu Jinda: "I didn't expect this Dahang City to be quite difficult."

Seeing Li Daliang's flustered and distraught look, Niu Jinda said: "Dahang City was originally built by us in the Central Plains, and it can be regarded as a big city among the border cities."

Li Daliang poured down a sip of cold water and said: "Don't worry, General, I will be able to take this city tomorrow."

Niu Jinda was very calm, this time the troops used to attack the city were not many.

"How about casualties?" Niu Jinda said.

"There are a lot of wounded soldiers. The Goguryeo people's weapons are not good. They can't even cut through our armor. It's just that the city is difficult to climb." Li Daliang moved his shoulders and said, "The medical team from Jingyang is treating the wounded soldiers. There will be big problems."

Niu Jinda could see that Li Daliang was very dependent on Jingyang's medical team.

The Jingyang Guards always do their own thing.

It was the same in Tubo back then, and it is the same now.

Li Daliang had also seen their abilities with his own eyes.

Li Daliang planned to regroup and attack the city again at dawn.

A soldier hurried into the big tent and said, "General, the front military report."

Hearing this, Niu Jinda was puzzled, "What is the front military newspaper?"

My own side is the front, and there is no battle report from the front.

The soldier said: "It's the battle report sent by General Xue Rengui. Xue Rengui led a thousand Jingyang guards and captured Shicheng. The whole city is already on fire."

Hearing this, Li Daliang immediately stood up and looked at the sand table.

Shicheng is the rear of Dahang City, Li Daliang said: "The general will win this battle!"

Niu Jinda looked at Shicheng's position and smiled and said, "This Xue Rengui really has a sharp eye. He can see Shicheng as an important position at a glance. Taking Shicheng will cut off the back road of Daxing City."

Li Daliang said: "Immediately send five thousand troops to assist Xue Rengui! In case the other party counterattacks, tell Xue Rengui to defend Shicheng for me! As long as he holds it, after passing Shicheng and entering Goguryeo, it will be a flat road to Pyongyang."


As soon as the military report came, the morale of the army was greatly boosted.

Niu Jinda was still frowning, but he wasn't too happy. He was very suspicious of how Xue Rengui took down Shicheng.

(End of this chapter)

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