Chapter 1050
On the second day, Li Dayang woke up before dawn.

The army is also ready to attack again.

And just when Li Daliang was about to attack the city again, another military report came over.

Xue Rengui led a thousand Jingyang guards to take down Bozhuokou again.

The two most important port border towns across both sides of the Yalu River were taken by Xue Rengui alone.

A team of 1000 people took down two cities successively.

Although they are two small cities, no matter what, Xue Rengui only has a thousand people.

The army lined up in front of Daxing City, and waited until Li Daliang waved his hand to prepare to attack the city.

Before the soldiers and horses moved, the gate of Dahang City opened.

There was a moment of silence in front of the army.

I don't understand why the opponent opened the city gate to face the army on his side at this time.

The guarding general of Dahang City walked out of the city gate crying, knelt down and shouted Goguryeo words in a low voice.

Li Daliang, who could not understand Goguryeo's words, asked the Goguryeo guide beside him, "What is this guy talking about?"

The guide was a businessman who had been traveling between Goguryeo and Liaodong for many years. He replied: "He said they surrendered, and he also asked for food."

Hearing this, Li Daliang was very surprised, just took it down like this, and there is no food in Dahang City?
After taking down all the guards and soldiers of Dahang City, Li Daliang found out after several inquiries that it was Xue Rengui who captured a general who came out to ask for help when Xue Rengui took down the two big cities behind Dahang City.

And informed the location of the grain and grass in Dahang City.

Xue Rengui burned the family's food with a fire.

After hearing this, Niu Jinda wanted to laugh but couldn't, and said distressedly: "This Xue Rengui is really..."

Li Daliang then said: "Soldiers make dangerous moves, and they do what they want."

Niu Jinda asked in a low voice: "Did the Jingyang guards do the same thing when they were in Tubo?"

Li Daliang explained: "It's not nonsense. The last general heard in Tubo that the Jingyang Guards fought in small groups."

Niu Jinda frowned and said, "Squad fight?"

Nodding his head, Li Daliang recalled: "A team of hundreds of people moves quickly and coordinates very well. In the words of the Jingyang Guards, it means execution. If you want to say that execution is the end I haven’t heard of it before, and it roughly means the concentration of coordinated operations after the order is given.”

After such an explanation, Niu Jinda couldn't understand it even more. It seemed that there were many things beyond his own understanding.

Li Daliang explained: "General, do you still remember the training method of the Jingyang Guard?"

Niu Jinda thought about it and said, "I've heard that it's different from the training method of our soldiers and horses. The Jingyang Guards seldom practice battle formations. It seems that there are such things as exercises."

Li Daliang said: "It's the skills acquired during the exercise. The guards in Jingyang are not only well-disciplined, but their military regulations are not very strict, and the soldiers trained are very good-looking."

Niu Jinda didn't refute either, and said in a low voice, "Of course the old man has seen it too."

Li Daliang added: "The general thought that the Jingyang Guards had a small number of people, and their training method started with a small team, with a small exercise every three days and a big exercise every seven days to train the team's combat capabilities. , and they seldom practice sword skills in the army, and more of them are fighting skills."

"Martial arts?"

"It is a fighting technique that can make the opponent lose combat effectiveness in the fastest time in a hand-to-hand combat."

Niu Jinda looked at Li Daliang and said: "Old man heard that after you came back from Tubo, you advised His Majesty to study the method of training troops of the Jingyang Guard."

Speaking of this, Li Daliang lowered his head and said: "It is true that I have written a letter to remonstrate, but it seems that His Majesty did not give an approval."

Niu Jinda had naturally heard of the unique training method of the Jingyang Guards in Chang'an.

Moreover, Cheng Chumo, Cheng Yaojin's son, was in Jingyang's guards.

I've always heard Cheng Yaojin, an old man, talk about it.

This is also the first time to see the combat effectiveness of Xue Rengui's Jingyang Guard.

In the past, Tubo's record was only heard.

This time, he personally participated in the battle of the Jingyang Guard.

No wonder Li Zhenghui asked the Jingyang guards not to obey the command of the army, but to support the army.

Such a long-term training team to fight in small groups is indeed a bit wasteful in the army.

This kind of team should be placed in the enemy's rear. Although Niu Jinda's understanding of the art of war is not as good as Li Jing's, he also has his own unique insights.

Squad operations sometimes have to face an entire army, and the ability of the soldiers must also be the best.

After tidying up Dahang City, as Li Daliang expected, Xue Rengui had entered the territory of Goguryeo with a Jingyang guard of 1000 people.

What Xue Rengui will do next is unknown.

Niu Jinda interrogated [-]% of the guards in Shicheng and Bo Zhuokou.

According to what they said, on the night of Xue Rengui's attack, blue will-o'-the-wisps floated in the city.

This flame ignites when touched.

The pitch-black night and the faint blue smoke and flames permeate people.

Moreover, Xue Rengui's team looked like yin soldiers who came out of the ground, not to mention fighting, just seeing them was already frightening.

This kind of strange flame cannot be extinguished by water, and the more it burns, the brighter it burns.

The City Lord's Mansion was reduced to ashes in only two hours.

Xue Rengui's team is like a devil killed in the flames.

Niu Jinda came to Shicheng in person and looked at the dilapidated Shicheng. There are still a lot of fly ash in the city.

Many buildings have been burnt to ruins.

fire attack?

This was Niu Jinda's first thought.

Go to the City Lord's Mansion in Shicheng.

It was completely burned here, and it should be the first to burn.

Here Niu Jinda found kerosene on the ground and some strange white flocs.

Brought a torch, burned the kerosene with a flame, and immediately burned a blue flame.

There is also the white floc, after raising it and waving the torch, clusters of flames will burn in the air, and it will be extinguished after just a few breaths.

Now Niu Jinda somewhat understood where the blue will-o'-the-wisp came from.

This peculiar kerosene on the ground is very clear. Unlike ordinary kerosene, this kind of kerosene seems to have been refined.

Splashing water did not extinguish it, but the flames burned even bigger, and the flames scattered all over the place along with the splashing water.

Li Daliang said: "It's really powerful fire oil."

Niu Jinda frowned and said, "Have you seen this kind of kerosene before?"

Li Daliang shook his head and said, "I haven't seen it before, but it's Li Zheng's disciple, Daniu, who studied kerosene in the Western Regions, but at that time there was a field of oil, and Daniel set fire to tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in Gaochang."

Just looking at this kind of demon fire, Niu Jinda felt that it hurt Tianhe.

Niu Jinda smiled bitterly and said, "The disciples taught by Li Zheng are really crazy."

(End of this chapter)

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