People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1051 Can't Live In Autumn

Chapter 1051 Can't Live In Autumn

In the city of Pyongyang, Yuangai Suwen just received the battle report, Dahang City and Shicheng City have been destroyed, and even Zhuobokou has been taken by Tang Jun.

After reading the battle report, Yuan Gai Suwen glanced at everyone present, and finally his eyes fell on Xin Xin, "Military Master, the border city has fallen, and the Tang army is about to attack."

Everyone's eyes also looked at Xinxin. Everyone was very anxious when they heard the battle report. They thought that the border town could resist the Tang army for a while, but they didn't expect it to be destroyed so quickly.

Facing the anxious eyes of everyone, Xin smiled and said: "It takes half a month to travel from the border town to Pyongyang, and it takes more time for the army to march. From the beginning, I have suggested that the general give up the border town."

Seeing Xin Xin's calm appearance, everyone's nervous expressions relaxed a lot.

It seemed that it was no big deal.

Xin Xin went on to say: "Although the general still deployed troops in the border towns, fortunately there were not many."

Yuan Gai Suwen clapped the case and said: "Then listen to the military advisor, what orders will the military advisor have next."

Xinxin said in a low voice: "There is a saying in the Central Plains that it is the same to respond to all changes. Although the Tang army is coming aggressively, as long as we are fully prepared, we will be able to resist the Tang army. In addition, the Tang army will attack Pyongyang from Liaodong to Goguryeo. The front line is so long. Under such circumstances, their food and grass must be tight, and I believe that the Tang army is more anxious than us, and if they can't attack for a long time, the Tang army will naturally retreat."

After all, everyone present nodded their heads and felt that what Xin Xin said made sense.

Everyone discussed again, Yuan Gai Suwen was still a little worried, and sent many scouts to investigate Tang Jun's movements.

When everyone retreated, Yuan Gai Suwen stayed behind.

Looking at Yuan Gai Suwen's expression, Xin Xin said, "General, what's on your mind?"

Yuan Gai Suwen sighed and said: "There are so many people in the army, the only one who can be relied on is you. These people only eat their salary, but they can't advise me. What's the use of keeping them!"

Looking at Yuan Gai Suwen's expression of hating iron but not steel, he said contentedly: "The general today is no longer the general of the past. Now the general holds the power of the entire Goguryeo, and he will be the king of Goguryeo in the future. Naturally, his temperament and vision are not the same. Those ordinary people are comparable."

Hearing the title of King Goguryeo, Yuan Gai Suwen looked at each other unconcealably.

Yi Xin lowered her head and said: "Besides, dismissing them now will inevitably disturb the morale of the army. It is better for the enemy to keep them."

Yuan Gai Su Wen nodded and patted Xin Xin on the shoulder and said: "You are the only wise person among us. If great things can be achieved, I will worship you as the national teacher."

Yi Xin hurriedly took a step back and said: "The general is over-reputed, I'm just doing my own duty."

Seeing Xin Xin bowing his head and proclaiming himself a minister, Yuan Gai Su Wen said with satisfaction: "You also step down, this general has to think about how to fight the Tang army next."

Ying Xin bowed slightly, then turned and left.

After walking out of Yuan Gai Su Wen's mansion, Xin Xin's expression was full of jokes.

Yuan Gai Suwen has a lot of rich people in power, so naturally these people can't leave.

The Tang army's battle line is indeed very long. If there are Goguryeo people to stop it at this time, it will cause great trouble to the Tang army.

Naturally, Yuan Gai Suwen couldn't be allowed to do this, just let him continue to gather his troops and wait for Tang Jun's soldiers to approach the city.

This kind of person still wants to be the king of Goguryeo?You, Yuan Gai Suwen, won't survive this autumn.

In the evening, Yixin looked at the situation in the city again. The military spirit in Pyongyang City is very good, and it seems that everyone thinks that Goguryeo will win this battle.

Walking around the city, Xin Xin is very satisfied with the current situation.

In Pyongyang's army, they seem to think that if they have more numbers, they will win.

Leaving Pyongyang City, Xinxin came to the mountains a few miles outside Pyongyang.

Wang Xuance has been here these days.

Seeing Xin Xin coming, Wang Xuance said: "Xue Rengui sent a letter saying that he has arrived near Pyongyang."

Yixin was puzzled and said: "The military newspaper in Pyongyang just said that the border city has fallen, and Xue Rengui came so soon?"

Counting the days, according to the speed at which the military report was delivered, if Xue Rengui took down the border town and rushed over quickly, and the military report was delivered, Xue Rengui should indeed arrive.

Wang Xuance said in a low voice: "You have worked hard these days to stay in Pyongyang, so you can leave tonight."

Yixin was a little dazed when she heard this, and then nodded heavily, "Is my work in Goguryeo completed?"

Du Hu stepped forward and said: "Moreover, there are already many Wa people who have landed in the south of Goguryeo and started looting. Yuangai Suwen will receive the news tomorrow morning."

Xin Xin said in a low voice: "How to save King Goguryeo tonight?"

Wang Xuance whistled, and several members of the Jingyang Guard came out of the woods dragging a huge wooden frame and a large piece of canvas. Looking closely, it turned out to be a very huge paper kite, like a very huge grinding disc. There are five or six grown men with arms this big.

Confused, he asked, "What is this?"

Du Hu grinned and said, "This season is a good time to release paper kites. This is a huge paper kite. You can tie people to it and let it go up to the sky."

Xinxin said: "Will you not fall to your death when you come down?"

Wang Xuance said: "Don't worry, I will be on the kite with King Goguryeo."

After speaking, Wang Xuance took out a big backpack and said, "Daniu calls this a parachute, and you can't die with this thing."

After listening to Dahu and Wang Xuance's talk, Yixin still felt that this plan was a little too crazy.

But right now there is no other way to rescue King Goguryeo, and the entire city of Pyongyang is like an iron cylinder.

You can't get in at all, and the king of Goguryeo can't get out.

Tonight is a new moon, and the night will be very dark today.

Paper kites go to the sky, the dark night sky is the best cover.

Folding the skeleton of the kite, Wang Xuance followed Xinxin into the city of Pyongyang.

Walking into the city, there are a lot of soldiers defending the city, and there is also a dilapidated city.

Yixin brought Wang Xuance into the city without any interrogation.

The soldiers here don't dare to offend Xinxin, after all, Xinyuan is the person Suwen relies on the most.

All the way to the Goguryeo Palace, Yixin told the guards of the palace that he wanted to see the Goguryeo King, and the guards let him go.

Compared with the outside, the palace looked much deserted, and there were not even a few lights.

When he came to the bedroom of King Goguryeo, what Wang Xuance saw was an eleven or twelve-year-old child.

King Goguryeo retreated step by step when he saw Xin Xin.

Wang Xuance looked at him and said, "King Goguryeo is a child?"

Xin Xin nodded and said: "I asked Yuan Gai Su Wen to save his life, he was going to kill him too."

(End of this chapter)

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