People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1052 Running from the sky

Chapter 1052 Running from the sky
Wang Xuance said, "I'll go outside to prepare."

In the quiet palace, there are only two people, Yixin and King Goguryeo.

Yi Xin whispered to him in Goguryeo: "I'm here to rescue you, there will be Tang Jun outside to meet you."

King Goguryeo said with some tears: "Yuan Gai Su Wen will kill me."

Yi Xin knelt down and looked at the child and said, "Don't you want to avenge your royal family? Don't you want Yuan Gai Suwen to die?"

King Goguryeo whispered, "I don't want to die."

After all, he was still a child, and he looked very cowardly.

Half an hour later, Wang Xuance said, "Everything is ready."

Satisfied and carefully said: "You are the king of Goguryeo, and you are also the only blood of the Goguryeo royal family."

After speaking, Yixin picked up the royal seal of the Goguryeo royal family and hit him hard on the back of the head.

King Goguryeo also fell to the ground without a whimper.

Looking at the knocked out Goguryeo King, Wang Xuance said in shock, "Is this appropriate?"

Xin Xin tidied up the royal seal of Goguryeo and some documents and said: "It's an expedient measure, I'm afraid he will do something bad."

"Forget it." Wang Xuance picked up the rope and tied up King Goguryeo.

Xin Xin said again: "This Goguryeo king is cowardly by nature, he is afraid of confronting Yuan Gai Su Wen, let him talk less when using him."

Wang Xuance carried King Goguryeo on his back and said, "Understood."

The paper kite was on the top of the Goguryeo palace. Wang Xuance carried the Goguryeo king on his back, and stepped on the support of the paper kite with both hands and feet. The paper kite began to sway with the wind and gradually lifted off the ground.

Xin Xin said in a low voice: "It's okay."

Wang Xuance said, "It's nothing serious, I still have a parachute."

Satisfied to untie the knot, the paper kite rides the wind.

Pulling up the rope, Xinxin dragged the paper kite with great difficulty, the hemp rope was very thorny, and it was obvious that the palms of his hands had been torn.

Gritting her teeth, she pulled up the rope contentedly, and the kite flew higher and higher.

When all the ropes were put down, the kite was no longer visible in the night sky.

As soon as the strength was loosened, it was Wang Xuance who had already cut off the thread.

Yixin wiped off the sweat from her forehead, and sat on the roof of the palace, her hands trembling constantly, because the rubbing of the hemp rope was bloody on her palms.

After tidying everything up, Xinxin climbed down from the roof, and Yuan Gai Suwen will be gone very early tomorrow morning.

In addition, since I have been to the palace tonight, I will definitely be found.

Xinxin walked out of the palace, the city was still the same.

It seems that no one found the kite.

After seeing many people at the gate of the city, Xin Xin came to a corner of the city wall, which is the drainage ditch in the city.

Enduring the stench, he climbed into the ditch all the way out of the city wall, and then ran wildly all the way in the night.

When it was almost dawn, we arrived at the mountain.

Wang Xuance is already here with the crying King Goguryeo.

There is also a big fire here.

Xin Xin finally understood how Wang Xuance did it.

The flames are very conspicuous at night.

As long as Wang Xuance saw the fire in the mountain, he could find a place to fall.

The parachute is placed aside, and it looks like a big cloth.

Yuan Gai Suwen never thought that in the heavily guarded city of Pyongyang, King Goguryeo left from the sky.

After a while, Xue Rengui arrived with people.

Xinxin said to Wang Xuance and Xue Rengui: "I still have to go to the Wa country, and I will leave the rest to you."

Xue Rengui said to his heart, "How did you get there?"

Xin Xin said: "As early as a few months ago, I bought some people, they will do things for me, and the way out has already been found."

After saying a few more words, she got on her horse and headed towards the south of Pyongyang City.

Xue Rengui looked at the King of Goguryeo in doubt and said, "Is this really the King of Goguryeo?"

Wang Xuance said: "There should be nothing wrong with the ones brought out from the palace."

After speaking, Wang Xuance sneezed again, "The wind at night is really cold, I'm a little bit cold."

The sun is shining in the city of Pyongyang, but for the Goguryeo people in the city at this moment, their mood is very gloomy.

In Yuan Gai Suwen's mansion, at this moment Yuan Gai Su Wen smashed everything in front of him, he was furious and roared: "Cut your heart into pieces!"

Overnight, King Goguryeo disappeared from the palace.

Xinxin is gone.

Facing the crazy Yuan Gai Suwen, the guarding soldiers knelt tremblingly and said, "General, Xin Xin came back very late last night, and brought someone with him."

Yuan Gai Suwen said angrily with bloodshot eyes: "Then why don't you interrogate me!"

The guarding soldiers knelt down and said in a low voice, "How dare we interrogate the military division..."

"Military division!" Yuan Gai Su Wen gritted his teeth, if Xin Xin had been swallowed alive in front of him at this moment.

A person who helped Yuan Gai Suwen get to where he is now, betrayed overnight.

This makes many people a little trance.

Before last night, many people thought that Yixin would help Yuangai Suwen to become the king of Goguryeo.

Some people even thought that Xinxin would be the future teacher of Goguryeo.

In the eyes of everyone, Cheng Xin is a very wise person.

But I didn't expect him to hide so deeply.

What is even more unbelievable is that Yixin also knows the deployment of the entire Goguryeo army, and these are planned together by Yixin and Yuangai Suwen.

Once these things are mastered by Tang Jun, the consequences will be disastrous.

The person who relied the most on him betrayed him like this.

Yuan Gai Suwen felt like he was dreaming.

There is only one very long hemp rope in the city, which extends from the roof of the palace to the outside of the palace.

Last night, no one left the city except for Xin who returned late.

It's just that there is a hemp rope that makes people wonder.

How did King Goguryeo leave?

How did you do it.

These things made people feel unbelievable for a while.

Looking at the crowd in front of him, Yuan Gai Suwen roared like crazy: "Can't you think of any way?"

After the roar, the only response to Yuan Gai Suwen was silence.

Yuan Gai Suwen smiled crazily again, what can these people do?They're nothing more than a bunch of goofs.

Now Yuangai Suwen regretted that he had killed so many ministers of Goguryeo.

"No one left the city last night, the city is heavily guarded, maybe people are still in the city."

Someone said something abruptly.

Yuan Gai Suwen said in a low voice: "Look for it! Look for it inside and outside the city! If you find what you want, you must bring it back to see me!"

Everyone left one after another, and no one wanted to say a word at this time.

Yuan Gai Suwen killed people without blinking an eye.

Just as everyone was about to leave, a soldier hurried over and said, "General! The Japanese invaded and harassed us on the south bank of Goguryeo."

"What did you say!"

Yuan Gai Suwen stood up and said angrily.

The soldier knelt on the ground and said, "There are a lot of people here. They don't look like pirates. They have armor and knives. They look like the Japanese army."

Yuan Gai Suwen drew his sword and stood up, looking at the people in front of him, he was a little confused at the moment, whether he wanted to kill the Japanese or deal with Tang Jun first.

(End of this chapter)

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