Chapter 1053
Another soldier rushed to report, "General, the Tang army was found five miles outside the city, and all of our people have been arrested."

Hearing this, Yuan Gai Su Wen was stunned like a thunderbolt, and did not speak for a long time.

After being quiet for a while, Yuan Gai Suwen sat down weakly, "Aren't they in the border town? Where did the Tang army come from outside the city!"

The soldier faltered and said, "No... I don't know."

Yuan Gai Suwen gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know! No way? They're all trash!"

Walking out of the mansion with a knife in hand, Yuan Gai Su Wen sent people to search the residence of Xin Xin, but found no letter of collaborating with the enemy, but found many maps of Goguryeo.

Yuangai Suwen ordered someone to burn down the residence of Xinxin.

After leaving here, Yuangai Suwen brought people to the palace again.

King Goguryeo has left, and the entire palace is in depression.

All the palace people were brought before Yuan Gai Suwen.

Yuangai Suwen, holding a knife, said, "Where did King Goguryeo go?"

No one answered Yuan Gai Suwen, and the one who responded to him was still silent.

This kind of silence made Yuan Gai Suwen's anger even worse.

"All killed!"

Yuan Gai Suwen just said something briefly, and there were screams in the palace.

One by one, the living became corpses lying on the ground.

Yuan Gai Suwen ordered: "Check the whole city! Even if you turn the whole city over, you still have to find what you want!"

Some people wanted to persuade but swallowed their words. Whoever dares to contradict such Yuan Gai Suwen at this time is courting death.

Teams of officers and soldiers walked around in Pyongyang, they broke into every house in the city to search for King Goguryeo and Yixin.

outside the city
Xue Rengui arrested a group of Goguryeo people, these people were to capture Goguryeo's strong labor to fill the army.

Yuan Gai Suwen has been doing the same these days.

Wang Xuance looked at the chaotic city of Pyongyang with a telescope and said with a smile, "Yuan Gai Suwen is going crazy now."

Xue Rengui looked at Pyongyang City, "What happened in the city?"

Wang Xuance handed the binoculars to Xue Rengui and said: "It seems that Yuan Gai Suwen is looking for King Goguryeo all over the city. They never thought that King Goguryeo left from the sky."

Putting down the binoculars in his hand, Xue Rengui frowned and said, "How about the king of Goguryeo?"

Wang Xuance bit the grass root and said, "I got cold and fell ill, and a few students from the medical team took care of me."

Xue Rengui looked around and saw Dahu again, and said, "What did Dahu go to do?"

Sitting on the rock, Wang Xuance said boredly, "How about learning Goguryeo?"

"What does he learn Goryeo for?"

"Write the will to seek thieves."

Just as he was talking, Dui came with a white cloth covered in blood, "It's finished."

Wang Xuance explained: "We have the King of Goguryeo in our hands, so we have the final say on how to get the thieves out. Besides, Yuan Gai Suwen has done too much, and the people are full of resentment."

Xue Rengui looked at the snow characters on the white cloth, "You don't know how to write it with the blood of King Goguryeo?"

Du Hu grinned, "I killed some poultry and used duck blood, and the king's seal stamped on it is real."

Xue Rengui said: "Now that the Tang army is approaching, and the Japanese people are making trouble later, Goguryeo needs someone who can determine the world."

Wang Xuance also nodded, "From Yuan Gai Suwen's rebellion, Goguryeo needs such a person so much."

Xue Rengui doesn't know any tricks, but Wang Xuance knows some ways of the world.

Wang Xuance said: "I'll take some to copy a few more copies of this appeal to thieves, and disperse them in various villages in Goguryeo."

Three days later, after searching the entire city of Pyongyang, Yuangai Suwen failed to find Yixin and King Goguryeo.

Yuan Gai Suwen sat in his mansion, the knife in his hand was never put down, as long as Xinxin appeared in front of him, he would swing the knife and chop Xinxin into pieces.

"General, there are many outside..." The soldier knelt on the ground and saw the murderous look on Yuan Gai Suwen's face, and swallowed the words he wanted to say.

Standing up slowly, Yuan Gai Suwen said, "What's outside."

The soldier presented a roll of white cloth and said, "General, this is a message that is being circulated outside."

"Call out!"

Yuan Gai Suwen picked up the white cloth and looked at it. The more he looked at it, the more anger he saw in his eyes. He tore up the proclamation in his hand and shouted angrily, "I'm going to kill them!"

The soldier knelt on the ground trembling, not daring to speak much.

Yuan Gai Su Wen said in a cold voice: "As long as there are people outside who spread this proclamation, I will kill them all!"

The soldier bowed his head and hurriedly retreated.

The call to action spread quickly, and many people in Pyongyang were spreading the word that the call to action was written by King Goguryeo himself. Some people even saw that King Goguryeo wrote a blood book, which is now in the hands of Tang Jun.

The Tang army protected the King of Goguryeo, and the King of Goguryeo was no longer in Pyongyang.

Yuan Gai Suwen was willing to save the life of King Goguryeo in the first place, which indeed allowed Yuan Gai Suwen to grasp the power in the shortest time, but this also became the most painful bite of Yuan Gai Suwen.

Now Yuan Gai Suwen is anxious to find King Goguryeo. If King Goguryeo was killed, there would be so many things.

All of this was arranged long ago by the Central Plains native.

He had known for a long time that such a day would come.

Lying on the haystack, Wang Xuance said in a low voice: "The one who gave Yuan Gai Suwen the heart of rebellion is the heart, and the one who hit Yuan Gai Suwen the hardest is also the heart. Sometimes the cruelest thing is to give you hope. People, but taught you the most painful lesson."

Dumb carried a pile of fodder and said: "Yuan Gai Suwen is really going crazy, he will kill everyone who spreads the message."

Wang Xuance said with a smile: "Daniu used iron to cast a thing called a pressure cooker when he was in Tubo. The millet is cooked, because the pressure cooker is a sealed iron box. When it is used, the water vapor inside the pressure cooker will expand due to burning. While cooking, it is necessary to leave a small hole to let the gas inside. If you don’t let some gas out The pressure cooker would explode, and it would hurt people."

Glancing at the ignorant Duhu, Wang Xuance said: "This is the situation in Goguryeo now. The soldiers and civilians in Goguryeo are all suffocated by Yuan Gai Suwen. Cover the air holes, so sooner or later this city of Pyongyang will explode!"

Tiger still shook his head.

Seeing that the tiger was still shaking his head, Wang Xuance sighed and said, "You should also learn more from Daniel, and use some of your wisdom in battle. That's a way to fight a thousand catties with four or two, and one man can defeat ten thousand troops."

Dahu scratched the back of his head and said, "I'm relatively stupid."

Wang Xuance thought of the days when he and Daniel were in Tubo, the explosives in Daniel's hands were indeed a sharp weapon that could destroy thousands of troops.

At the beginning, Daniel said that science can move mountains and fill seas, so it is not wrong to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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