People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1054 The outline of conspiracy

Chapter 1054 The outline of conspiracy

Now that Daniel is not going out with the guards, it should be Li Zheng to protect Daniel.

Li Shimin would not let go of such a sharp weapon easily, and Wang Xuance would also worry that Li Shimin would turn against Li Zheng because of this sharp weapon.

Li Zheng must have hidden means, maybe Li Zheng still has a realm that even Daniel has not yet mastered.

Xue Rengui and the guards have put on the clothes of Goguryeo people, and the guards have completely integrated into a village.

It is impossible to tell whether these people are outsiders or Tang Jun.

The members of the Jingyang Guards are originally farmers, and their farming methods are experienced and they can be seen as old farmers for many years.

Coupled with the Goguryeo dialect that has been practiced hard these days, even if officers and soldiers from Pyongyang come to question them, they will not easily let them see the clues.

As for King Goguryeo, he just caught a cold, and now he is doing farm work with the members of the Jingyang Guards.

Just wait for Niu Jinda's army to approach the city.

A few days later, military reports came frequently, and the Tang army led by Niu Jinda was invincible along the way, breaking through several cities in less than half a month.

Nearly half of Goguryeo's hinterland has been taken by Niu Jinda.

In fact, the city of Goguryeo was originally small, and most of the strong labor force that could take over the city was collected into Pyongyang by Yuan Gaisuwen. The small cities outside are no different from empty cities.

It's just that there was something special today, Yuan Gai Suwen made a move that shocked everyone's jaws.

This Yuangai Suwen actually established himself as the new king of Goguryeo in Pyongyang City, and even abolished the original Goguryeo king.

Seeing this news, Xue Rengui wanted to laugh but couldn't, he just said: "This Yuan Gai Suwen is really a..."

Wang Xuance answered, "What an idiot."

Goguryeo has a lot of rain this season.

It also hindered the march of the army.

It's just that Xue Rengui met a man named Wang Wu who was an eunuch.

It seemed that the person who came was sent by Niu Jinda.

Wang Xuance looked at Wang Wu who was standing there with a smile on his face and said, "Do you still bring eunuchs with you when fighting in the army?"

Du Hu looked at Wang Wu and said, "This man looks like a certain guy, I can't tell who it is for a while."

The three of them just looked at Wang Wu, the eunuch. For a long time, the three of them and one eunuch didn't know what to say?
After a while, Wang Wuxian said: "Before the army set off, His Majesty asked the old slave to follow General Niu."

Xue Rengui said: "So?"

Wang Wu took out a decree and said: "Keep most of the troops of Goguryeo for future use, and hand over the king of Goguryeo to the old slave."

The three of them looked at each other again, not knowing what to say to each other.

Xue Rengui spoke first and said, "You want to command us to fight?"

Wang Wu shook his head and said, "The old slave is only responsible for the internal affairs of Goguryeo. After the civil strife in Goguryeo has been quelled, you can go back and lead the army. The old slave will stay and deal with the next Goguryeo affairs."

Seeing that Xue Rengui wanted to say something more, Wang Xuance quickly interrupted: "Eunuch Wang, you go out first, let's discuss it."

Wang Wu nodded and walked out of the room, and closed the door for the three of them.

Xue Rengui, Wang Xuance, and Du Hu sat in the room.

Wang Xuance said first: "This matter involves many arrangements in the court, it is better for us not to ask too many questions."

Xue Rengui said: "The eunuch's appearance is too coincidental."

Du Hu said in a low voice: "Your Majesty talked with Chang'an Ling several times about the situation in Goguryeo, and he was already planning when Goguryeo was not in chaos."

Wang Xuance stood up and said, "Let's not worry too much. Don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked. Just do what we do well."

Xue Rengui and Duhu nodded.

The three stood together and opened the door to see Wang Wu still standing outside.

Looking at the three of them, Wang Wu still had that warm smile, "Have you discussed it with the three of you?"

Xue Rengui nodded and turned to leave, seeming very intimidated by the eunuch.

Wang Xuance said: "We all understand what Wang Gonggong said."

Du Hu looked at Wang Wu and said, "I'll take Wang Gonggong to meet the King of Goguryeo."

Wang Wu followed Dahu to another direction of the village. Along the way, Dahu looked at Wang Wu again, "The prince looks like a person."

Wang Wu smiled and said, "Really?"

Dahu stopped in his tracks and suddenly said, "Wang Ding! Wang Ding, who has been looking for Chang'an Ling, is also a eunuch."

Just as he was talking, Du Hu slapped his head and said, "You are an eunuch, and Wang Ding is also an eunuch. Both of you are surnamed Wang? Could it be..."

Wang Wu continued walking and said, "What kind of child is the King of Goguryeo?"

Dahu came back to his senses and said: "King Goguryeo is 12 years old now, very timid and cowardly."

"Timid and cowardly?"

"Well, very timid."

Wang Wu nodded and said: "Cowardly and timid, that's really great. This old slave is very satisfied with this King of Goguryeo."

When I came to the field of this village, Goguryeo was working with the villagers in the field.

If it weren't for Dahu, it would show that this child is the King of Goguryeo. For a while, who would have thought that such a scruffy child would be the King of Goguryeo.

Wang Wu said: "It's time to work, leave the next thing to the old slave."

After speaking, Dahu watched Wang Wu bring the Goguryeo king out of the field. The two were talking, and unexpectedly found that Wang Wu was very proficient in Goguryeo.

Returning to Wang Xuance, Du Hu said: "Brother Wang, what do you think is the relationship between Wang Wu and Wang Ding? They look similar, and they are both eunuchs."

Wang Xuance knocked on Duhu's forehead and said, "You don't inquire about things in the palace, just fight hard."

Dumb nodded blankly while covering his forehead.

In the evening, Dahu, Wang Xuance and Xue Rengui sat together eating dry food and rice porridge.

The Goguryeo people did not have much food, and the guards could only eat rice porridge on dry food.

While eating, the tiger saw that Wang Wu also sat down.

Wang Wu said: "The old slave has already discussed with the King of Goguryeo. Today's Goguryeo is in chaos, and right now we need our Datang to help him revive his foundation."

Xue Rengui took a sip of porridge and said, "Is there anything we need to do?"

Wang Wu was not too polite. He served himself a bowl of rice porridge and some dried pickles. He drank the rice porridge in one go. The national teacher, handles all affairs of Goguryeo, including war taxation."

Said that Wang Wu served himself another bowl of porridge, "If you want to realize the general plan of the conspiracy between His Majesty and Chang'an Ling, it is the best for the old slave to become the national teacher of Goguryeo. I hope that you can win Yuan Gaisu as soon as possible." Wen, the traitor."

After speaking, Wang Wu took his own bowl of porridge and walked away.

The three of them smiled wryly.

There were some naan cakes beside the bonfire, which were the rations of the army, and Wang Xuance relied on them for food when he was in Tubo.

Picking up the naan bread, Wang Xuance frowned and said, "A eunuch is a national teacher? Why does the more you think about it, the worse it gets?"

(End of this chapter)

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