Chapter 1060 Suspicion
The entire army still has two days of rations, that is, after one day and one night have passed, the city of Pyongyang must be broken.

After eating, the four looked at the map in front of them.

Niu Jinda said, "This city of Pyongyang doesn't look easy to attack, and there are tens of thousands of defenders."

Xue Rengui said: "General, although there are tens of thousands of defenders in Pyongyang, their combat effectiveness is not very strong. Most of them are farmers who have never fought. These people can't even hold a knife well."

Wang Xuance also said: "Pyongyang City looks difficult to attack, it just looks like it."

Niu Jinda came and said with interest: "Details."


Wang Xuance said: "Students from our guard team have inspected the city walls of Goguryeo. The city walls of Goguryeo have not been rebuilt for decades."

Li Daliang thought about it and said, "It's been in disrepair for a long time?"

Wang Xuance nodded, "That's true."

Xue Rengui took out a blueprint and said, "Two generals, please take a look."

Looking at the blueprint Xue Rengui took out, Niu Jinda and Li Daliang frowned and looked at it for a long time, without saying a word for a long time.

Taking another bite of the steamed bun, Niu Jinda looked at the dense lines on the drawing and said, "What are these?"

Li Daliang was also confused, "I don't understand what the painting is at all."

Wang Xuance explained: "The flatness of the wall is very poor, and the quality of the bricks with different heights is also different. From the distribution and quantity of the bricks, we can deduce where the force point of the wall is."

Li Daliang's eyes became dull, and he couldn't understand.

Don't say you can't understand, Niu Jinda rubbed his eyes and couldn't understand the picture in front of him.

Wang Xuance continued: "These circled positions are the stress points on each side of the four city walls."

Seeing that Wang Xuance's words finally stopped, Li Daliang said, "What do you teach in Jingyang?"

Wang Xuance explained: "Shushu!"

Niu Jinda supported the table with one hand, rubbed his temple with the other and said, "What's the benefit of knowing this?"

Xue Rengui said in a low voice: "The foundation of the wall is very poor, that is to say, the general does not need to attack the city. We only need to destroy the force point of the wall, and the entire city wall can collapse."

Wall collapsed?

If the walls collapse during a siege, there is no point in defending the city.

And in the situation surrounded by four sides, it is the fish waiting to be slaughtered.

Niu Jinda finally came to his senses, "How sure are you that you can make the city wall collapse?"

Xue Rengui said: "Eighty percent!"

Niu Jinda said again: "Is it only [-]%?"

Eighty percent of the confidence is already great, Li Daliang thought in his heart.

Xue Rengui said: "If it doesn't rain and you can go under the city wall without being discovered by the defenders, then it is [-]% if you meet these two conditions."

Fearing that Niu Jinda and Li Daliang wouldn't understand, Wang Xuance explained: "As long as it doesn't rain and the moon is not bright at night, it can be done."

Niu Jinda smiled and said: "There is no joke in the army. After this day and night, if the city wall does not collapse, I will ask you."


Xue Rengui and Wang Xuance said in unison.

When he walked out of the big tent, Wang Xuance whispered, "How much gunpowder do we have?"

Xue Rengui thought about it and said: "I don't bring much, ten gunpowder bags."

Wang Xuance nodded: "Enough."

At night, the army was stationed and rested.

Wang Wu walked into the camp of the Jingyang guards, this is where Wang Xuance and the others store sundries.

Carefully rummaging through the contents, Wang Wu found a lot of gauze and alcohol.

These things were all brought out by Jingyang.

Wang Wu also knew that Jingyang's guards brought a lot of these things, and everyone in the army knew it. It was no secret.

Moreover, His Majesty is also deliberately arranging medical doctors in the army.

But the number is still not as many as Jingyang.

There are too few doctors who have caught up with the battlefield. Even if they are medical officers of the Imperial Medical Office, there are only a few in the court.

According to the original description, the big killer should be a black jar.

After rummaging for a while, Wang Wuye couldn't find the black jar, not even a similar jar.

Could it be that the Jingyang guards really didn't bring these in this battle.

After searching for another half an hour, Wang Wu was about to give up.

"My lord, what are you looking for?"

There was a voice behind him, Wang Wu looked back and saw Wang Xuance, "So it's General Wang."

Wang Xuance stood outside the tent and looked at him and said, "Is there anything you can do for us?"

Wang Wu glanced around, and said calmly, "I want to see if there is lamp oil."

Wang Xuance went to Wang Wu's side, took a bottle of lamp oil from the shelf beside him and said, "This is lamp oil, isn't it just in front of Wang Gonggong?"

Wang Wu took the lamp oil and said, "It's easy to find, it's right in front of you."

Seeing him put away the lamp oil, Wang Xuance said again: "If you still need anything, Wang Gonggong, you can tell me. I arranged everything here, and I know where it is."

Wang Wu repeatedly waved his hands and said, "No need, just find some lamp oil, and I'll go back and give it to the King of Goguryeo."

Watching the eunuch leave, Wang Xuance also walked out of the tent.

Dumb has been standing in the dark outside the tent.

After Wang Wu walked away, Du Hu walked over and said, "Brother Wang, this eunuch really doesn't give up."

Wang Xuance called two members of the guards to take a good look at the camp, and said to Duhu in a low voice: "Your Majesty has long coveted that thing, and I think His Majesty also wants it very much."

Du Hu looked worried, "Wang Wu doesn't know that the gunpowder this time is different from the previous ones. It seems that even His Majesty knows very little about gunpowder."

When he was in Tubo, Wang Xuance saw the power of gunpowder with his own eyes.

The lethality of gunpowder is not comparable to that of swords and guns.

The army's collision relies on the slashing of swords and guns, but gunpowder is not slashing and killing.

I remember when Tubo Da Niu just learned to use gunpowder, he said that in the current fight with swords and guns, if there is a team that is very good at using gunpowder, and the opponent knows little about gunpowder.

There may be room for maneuver between cold weapons and cold weapons.

But gunpowder against cold weapons is a one-sided massacre.

The efficiency of harvesting human life is very high, and the cost is also very small.

Maybe it hurt Tianhe, Li Zhengcai has been unwilling to hand over the gunpowder to Li Shimin.

In other words, Li Zhengmingzhe defended himself.

Wang Xuance didn't want to think too much about the matter between His Majesty and Li Zheng.

It was already late at night.

Wang Xuance said to Dahu: "You take people to watch more, I'll go to rest first."

Du Hu stood in front of the tent and said, "Brother Wang, don't worry."

The next day, Yuangai Suwen stayed up all night, and King Goguryeo was under the protection of Tang Jun.

People from the King of Goguryeo said yesterday that as long as they surrender at this moment, they can forget the past and even return food and fields.

From last night to now, it can be clearly felt that the atmosphere in Pyongyang is not right.

(End of this chapter)

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