Chapter 1061
Yuangai Suwen stood on the top of the city, on one side was the Tang army that surrounded Pyongyang City, and inside the city was the defenders who were dispirited.

The soldiers on the side said: "General, there have been a lot of rumors in the army recently."

Hearing this, Yuan Gai Suwen frowned and said, "What rumors?"

The soldiers whispered: "It is said that as long as they surrender and join the Tang army, the king of Goguryeo can reward them, and we are bound to lose this battle."

A stern look flashed in Yuan Gai Suwen's eyes, "Who is saying these words?"

The soldier bowed and said, "It must be the method of the Tang army, trying to make our army mutiny."

Yuan Gai Su Wen nodded and said: "I will kill anyone who spreads these words!"


The soldier hesitated for a while and then said: "General, this is not appropriate, if we kill them at this juncture..."

Halfway through the conversation, he saw Yuan Gai Suwen's expression. It was useless to say anything at this time, but it would arouse Yuan Gai Suwen's anger. He whispered, "Let's do it."

Outside the city, Li Daliang kept staring at Pyongyang City, and the sky was about to dawn.

Tang Jun is also ready to attack the city at any time.

Li Daliang said to the soldiers around him: "Tell the whole army, prepare to attack the city tonight!"


A few orderlies got on their horses and carried order flags to deliver military orders to each camp.

One night passed, and the city of Pyongyang was still very quiet.

Wang Wu put his hands in his sleeves and said to Li Daliang, "Yuan Gai Su Wen must be restless now."

Li Daliang nodded and said, "It's just a mob."

For Datang, Goguryeo soldiers were indeed a mob.

Coming all the way to attack the city, the Goguryeo army encountered along the way is not difficult to deal with. Goguryeo’s city walls are generally relatively low. Moreover, because of Xinxin’s suggestion, Yuangai Suwen put most of his troops in Pyongyang. , which led to insufficient military strength in other parts of Goguryeo.

Attacking down along the way is not very difficult.

Wang Wu said in a low voice: "After this battle, the generals can go back to Guanzhong."

Li Daliang saddled the horse and said, "We have returned to the Central Plains, what about you?"

Wang Wu smiled and said: "The general came out to fight, so he can go back after the battle, but the old slave will stay with the King of Goguryeo. His Majesty told the old slave a lot of things to do."

"Since it's His Majesty's arrangement, I don't seem to be able to ask more questions."

Li Daliang knew the rules very well, and he would not ask too many questions that should not be asked.

Even if he offered to speak, Li Daliang would not listen.

Wang Wu looked around and said, "General Li Daliang, what do you think of Xue Rengui and Wang Xuance?"

Li Daliang nodded slightly and said: "These two are indeed talented people."

Wang Wu said again: "In fact, His Majesty has always paid attention to these two people, but they just stayed in Jingyang's guard."

With a long sigh, Wang Wu continued: "It would be great if these two people can enter the Chaozhongwei Mansion and serve the country."

Li Daliang held his helmet in one hand and said, "It's not that the old man didn't think about these things at the beginning. It may be because of Li Zheng's affection for the two of them, and he wanted to stay in Jingyang to serve Li Zheng."

Wang Wu said again: "What method do you think Li Zheng used to make Xue Rengui and Wang Xuance stay in Jingyang willingly? It's not that the court has not promised them the future. His Majesty also values ​​these two talents."

Li Daliang pondered and said: "The old man also asked them at the beginning, it seems that they stayed in Jingyang voluntarily."

Wang Wu thought about it and said, "Is there another reason?"

Li Daliang said again: "Actually, I have thought about some things carefully. The training methods of Jingyang soldiers are very different from those of the soldiers and horses of the Weifu. The prince must also know what the soldiers and horses of the Weifu are like now." If it is said that Wang Xuance and Xue Rengui are unwilling to come to Jingyang, it may be because they don't like the current environment of Chaozhongwei Mansion."

"A person who has adapted to Jingyang will obviously be very uncomfortable if he wants to re-enter a new environment. Besides, there are many powerful children in the Weifu soldiers and horses. These powerful children are naturally arrogant and do not like others to point and point. The children of the rich and powerful are still in a relatively high position in the Weifu."

Wang Wu nodded slightly, and did not object to Li Daliang's words.

Li Daliang said again: "It is better to say that Xue Rengui and Wang Xuance are in Jingyang. They are two jades in the rough, and they are talents that can be made. In Jingyang, they can also become talents, and they can also go out with the army. Among the horses, fish and dragons are mixed, and no one knows what will happen and what will happen when Xue Rengui and Wang Xuance enter the army and horses of the Weifu."

"General Li Daliang is really thoughtful."

Wang Wu said.

Li Daliang added: "Apart from the Jingyang guards in Jingyang, Li Zheng also has a soldier in his hand. That soldier has never been moved, and there have been no traces of it."

Wang Wu said in a low voice: "General Li Daliang is talking about the Longwu Army?"

"That's natural. Li Zheng is the general of the Longwu Army. Li Zheng must know where this great general is. If Wang Xuance and Xue Rengui want to join the guards in the future, the old man thinks that only the Longwu Army will be there."

Wang Wu shook his head, "Not necessarily the Longwu Army."

Li Daliang frowned and looked at Wang Wu.

Wang Wu looked at Pyongyang City and said: "Don't look at this old slave like that. I don't know where the Longwu Army is, but it's too wasteful for people like Xue Rengui and Wang Xuance to be placed in the Longwu Army. Your Majesty also wants Xue Rengui and Wang Xuance entered the guards' army, but His Majesty has other arrangements."

Li Daliang realized a little bit, "As for what the arrangement is, I still don't know if it is true or not?"

Wang Wu nodded.

There was no movement from early morning to noon.

The people of King Goguryeo have already shouted at Pyongyang City several times, and after so many times of persuasion, no one left the city.

The gates of Pyongyang City remain closed.

After being persuaded to surrender so many times, it seems that no one really escaped from the city.

It was time to bury the pots for cooking at noon, and Xue Rengui deliberately placed all the pots on the windward side of Pyongyang City.

A cook shouted loudly: "The general has an order to cook the food more deliciously, so that the Goguryeo people in Pyongyang will be greedy to death!"

Another cook also shouted: "The general has an order! Take out the food and let the people in Pyongyang see us eating happily."

There were bursts of laughter in the army.

At the head of Pyongyang City, a group of defenders saw Tang Jun in the distance eating something not far away with a bowl.

The city of Pyongyang has been out of food since last night.

Tens of thousands of defenders have not eaten since last night.

(End of this chapter)

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