People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1062: The Last Persuasion to Surrender

Chapter 1062 The Last Persuasion to Surrender

He was starving right now, and Tang Jun was eating something in front of him.

"I heard that soldiers who go out to surrender will not only have food to eat, but will also have land in the future."

"Yeah, how could we beat Tang Jun."

"Tang Jun is here to help King Goguryeo."


Several defenders standing on the city wall were discussing quietly.

But looking back at the people behind them, everyone didn't dare to continue talking, and they didn't dare to sneak out of the city.

General Yuan Gai Su Wen had already killed many people, but anyone who tried to shake the morale of the army was killed.

Everyone could only swallow their saliva when they smelled the rice fragrance wafting from Tang Jun.

In the big tent of the Tang army, Niu Jinda stood in front of the army and said loudly: "Brothers! We will attack the city at night when we are full."

The army shouted loudly in response to Niu Jinda.

Seeing the rainbow in the army's morale, Du Hu also gained a lot of confidence in his heart.

Xue Rengui saw that Wang Xuance was still looking at the blueprint of the city wall of Pyongyang, and asked curiously, "What are you looking at?"

Wang Xuance clicked his tongue and said: "It is reasonable to say that there should be no food in Pyongyang City. Will the people in this city not mutiny after being hungry for so long?"

Xue Rengui said: "There is a wall between us and the defenders of Pyongyang City. This wall blocks both of us, and they can't get out even if they want to."

Wang Xuance took a bite of the naan bread and said, "Actually, you are right."

Dahu said in a low voice: "Now Pyongyang City is not guarding against us, it's keeping those Goguryeo people locked up. In fact, they don't want to fight this battle."

"It's not for us, it's for them."

Wang Xuance repeated this sentence, patted Dumb on the shoulder and said, "This sentence is quite right. I didn't expect that you are usually silly, but today you have one sentence that is right."

Du Hu scratched the back of his head with a smile and said, "That's right."

Xue Rengui said: "I'm going to share this idea with General Niu Jinda, maybe we can win this battle with a small price, without killing so many people."

When he came to fight in the army, it happened that Wang Wu, Li Daliang and Niu Jinda were all there.

Xue Rengui explained the thoughts of Dahu and Wang Xuance.

Niu Jinda smiled and didn't say much.

Wang Wu said: "That's really good. This battle is to save and help the King of Goguryeo. According to His Majesty's instructions, try not to kill so many Goguryeo people. It is exactly what His Majesty wants."

In fact, what Wang Wu didn't say was that Chang'an Ling and His Majesty had been planning this battle from the very beginning.

His Majesty had the idea of ​​going to Goguryeo.

Then when Li Zheng arranged for Xinxin, it was His Majesty who wanted to fight, and Li Zheng planned it.

After so many years of preparation, the current result will come.

Although there are some twists and turns, this is the result that His Majesty and Chang'an Ling both wanted.

Datang must be on the right side, and wanting to conquer Goguryeo is not just about killing, but wanting to control Goguryeo.

Solicited the hearts of Goguryeo and made Goguryeo completely surrender to the Tang Dynasty.

This is what His Majesty wants.

According to Chang'an Order and His Majesty's plan, it's not just that, everything in Goguryeo will be the same as that of Datang people in the future.

All characters and all languages ​​must be the same as Datang.

Only in this way can it rule for a long time.

The human heart is a terrible thing.

Wang Wu understood this very deeply.

Wang Wu said to Niu Jinda: "The old slave is going to prepare for the night."

Li Daliang said to Xue Rengui: "You are also preparing to prepare for the evening, remember the military order you issued?"

Xue Rengui bowed and said: "The general will understand."

Niu Jinda and Li Daliang were left in the big tent.

Li Daliang said: "Why do I feel that the eunuch Wang Wu is hiding something? I feel a little weird about the Goguryeo battle."

Niu Jinda took a sip of rice porridge, "Do you think it's all a coincidence? How did that person called Xin Xin leave? How did Yuan Gai Suwen rebel? Let's not underestimate the arrangement of the court."

Li Daliang thought about the events before and after he went to Goguryeo and said, "It's Li Zheng."

Niu Jinda smiled, "You just think that, what evidence do you have that Li Zheng arranged all of this?"

Li Daliang thought about it and said: "What do you mean by sending troops to fight more? Isn't it because the Jingyang guards acted first, and they just happened to save the king of Goguryeo, and they just happened to leave at that time."

After talking about this, Li Daliang immediately felt that everything became clearer, "This Li Zhengzheng is really a terrifying person."

In Niu Jinda's impression, those who really offended Li Zheng would have no good end.

Moreover, there has always been an inexplicable relationship between His Majesty and Li Zheng.

This is not just the relationship between Li Zheng's son-in-law.

Whether it is Turkic or Tibetan, some things cannot be done to that extent with Li Zheng's strength and means alone.

But if His Majesty is required to cooperate with Li Zheng, then everything will make sense.

Someone with a heart must have thought of this, but no one said anything about it.

These things cannot be broken.

In the evening of the same day, Wang Wu led the Goguryeo King and the Goguryeo people to shout towards Pyongyang City, persuading Pyongyang to surrender.

Li Daliang looked at this scene, it was reasonable, he was on the right side, no matter how this battle was fought, Datang was justified, and Li Zheng, who was thousands of miles away, was really far-sighted.

Niu Jinda rode his horse and said to Li Daliang, "Do you know what Yuan Gai Suwen looks like?"

Li Daliang asked curiously, "What does it look like?"

Niu Jinda laughed and said, "I was sold and paid for it."

Li Daliang laughed loudly and said, "It really is such a thing."

"This word came from Jingyang, and the old man also heard it from Cheng Yaojin." Niu Jinda pointed to his forehead and said, "If you do things with more wisdom, what Yuan Gai Suwen lacks is wisdom."

Li Daliang pulled the horse's rein and said: "But we all know that Yuan Yuan Gai Suwen must die, right?"

Niu Jinda nodded.

Yuan Gai Su Wen is a symbol of Goguryeo's military strength. It has to be said that Yuan Gai Su Wen's family has great prestige in Goguryeo. Such people will inevitably have more Yuan Gai Su Wen in Goguryeo in the future.

Only Yuangai Suwen died, and the entire Goguryeo army was under the control of Datang, so His Majesty would feel relieved.

Wang Wu and the others were also tired from shouting, but there was still nothing in the city.

Xue Rengui handed Wang Wu something and said, "Using this shout can make your dick bigger."

Wang Wu held this strange tin bucket and said, "What is this?"

Xue Rengui explained: "We call this a trumpet."

According to Xue Rengui, Wang Wu raised a trumpet and shouted at Goguryeo, "Listen, soldiers in the city, your relatives are outside the city. The city wall will collapse at night, and once the city wall collapses, you will run out and throw away your weapons and surrender!"

The voice of the words spread far away, and the people in the city should have heard it.

Wang Wu put down the horn and said, "Why does this old servant feel that the sound is not much louder?"

(End of this chapter)

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