Chapter 1063 City Collapse
Wang Wu doubtfully held the trumpet in his hand and said, "How does this thing work?"

In Pyongyang, Yuan Gaisuwen also heard the shouts from outside the city.

It's just that in the aisle in the city, I didn't hear clearly what was being said for a while.

Yuan Gai Suwen called to stop a soldier who had just delivered weapons from the city wall, "What are they shouting for?"

Seeing Yuan Gai Suwen, the soldiers quickly saluted, "If you shout outside the city, it won't be long before the city wall will collapse."

"Will the city wall collapse?" Yuan Gai Suwen's eyes fell on the city wall and said: "How could this good city wall collapse?"

After finishing speaking, Yuan Gai Suwen walked up to the city wall to make sure that the city wall was still very strong and showed no sign of collapsing.

Why did Tang Jun say that the city wall would collapse?Yuan Gai Suwen looked at Tang Jun in the distance suspiciously.

Outside the city walls, the night is now dark.

Wang Xuance and Duhu are leading people in night clothes.

Some loess and grass green are deliberately added to the dark night clothes.

Xue Rengui said to Wang Wu: "Complete black will also reflect light under the night light, and some other colors can easily blend with the color of the ground as long as you lie on the ground."

Wang Wu was puzzled and said, "Just rely on this to sneak to the city wall."

Wang Xuance checked the members of the Jingyang guards and confirmed that there was no problem.

Wang Wu said curiously, "Then how do we destroy the city?"

Picking up something wrapped in a white cloth, Wang Xuance said, "Use this?"

Wang Wu asked curiously, "This is?"

Wang Xuance said: "This is what you have been looking for, but it has a different look."


Wang Wu was speechless for a while, and then smiled awkwardly, "General Wang really likes to joke, what is this old slave looking for?"

Dumb glanced at the night and said: "It's time to act, and we have to leave time for the army."

More than a dozen members of the Jingyang Guards were divided into four teams and headed towards Pyongyang City through the night.

At the same time, Xue Rengui shouted: "Beat the drum!"

Drums immediately sounded in the army.

Wang Wu watched Wang Xuance and his party enter the darkness, and soon they were no longer visible, only the light of the torches on the city wall in the distance.

For a while, the drums were loud, and the defenders of Pyongyang City would naturally look at Tang Jun.

Attract the attention of Pyongyang City, thinking that the Tang army is going to attack the city at this time.

In fact, it was covering for Wang Xuance and the others, so that Wang Xuance's men could blast the city wall smoothly.

The drums kept beating, but Tang Jun still didn't move to attack.

Niu Jinda waited for the moment when the city wall collapsed.

Li Daliang is also ready to attack Pyongyang City with his troops.

Wang Xuance led a few team members to the city wall of Pyongyang, and everyone started to arrange explosives against the city wall.

Dig a small hole under the city wall, and the small hole goes deep against the underground bricks of the city wall until the explosive package is placed under the bricks of the city wall!

After everything was ready, Wang Xuance placed the leads.

Looking at the defenders on the top of the city wall, the shadows on the city wall are shaking, and there are still many shouts. It seems that they are still guarding against the attack of the Tang army, and they have not found themselves under the city wall.

After calculating the time, Wang Xuance lit a thread.

The fuse burns all the way to the dynamite bag.

Watching the fuse burn into the explosive package, a burst of white smoke came out.

Wang Xuance shouted in a low voice, "Run!"

At this moment, everyone ran towards the other side of the city wall, found a bunker and got down immediately.

There was only a muffled sound, and the pungent smell of gunpowder filled the air.

At first glance, there was no movement on the city wall, but slowly, bricks fell, and then the city wall began to collapse, and the speed of the collapse was not fast.

Xue Rengui looked at the panicked figures on the city wall, the more they moved around, the faster the city wall would collapse.

The wall quickly lost its center of gravity, and the upper part of the city wall began to fall outwards. Amidst the chaotic shouts of the Pyongyang City defenders, a city wall collapsed.

Before the people here could react, the city wall on the other side also began to collapse.

In less than a cup of tea, the four city walls collapsed at the same time, leaving a huge gap.

Yuan Gai Suwen looked at the chaos in the city, and at the collapsed city wall, he didn't know what to say for a while.

Tang Jun's shout of killing came before he recovered.

It is impossible to command in the chaotic city right now.

Yuan Gai Suwen grabbed a soldier and shouted angrily: "Don't run around!"

At this time, who still listens to Yuan Gai Suwen? Many soldiers fled outside the city without their helmets and armor in the chaos.

At this time, escape is the most important thing, who would listen to Yuan Gai Suwen.

Tang Jun's horses were getting closer and closer, seeing that Tang Jun was about to rush in, Yuan Gai Su Wen immediately raised his knife.

Just as he was about to rush towards the gap in the city wall, Yuan Gai Suwen stopped with a greeting.

Yuan Gai Suwen looked back, he was a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old.

The other party was wearing Tang Jun's clothes.

It's Tang Jun!
Yuan Gai Suwen shouted: "There is a Tang army coming in!"

Wang Xuance came from the other side and said, "Look who will listen to you now."

Listening to Tang Jun speaking fluent Goguryeo in front of him, Yuan Gai Suwen looked at the two of them one after the other, "When did you come in?"

Dumb has already started to exercise his muscles and bones.

Wang Xuance played with the Huozhe in his hand and said, "As soon as the city wall collapses, we will come in."

After speaking, Wang Xuance lit another thing with a torch, which looked like a bamboo knot.

Immediately afterwards, bamboo knots like this continued to be thrown in from all directions.

Soon the choking smoke filled the air.

Yuan Gai Suwen shouted loudly: "Here comes Tang Jun!"

No one noticed Yuan Gai Suwen's shout at all, the screams and shouts of killing around him were even louder.

Du Hu said: "If you kill you here, no one will notice."

Wang Xuance said: "It's windy at this time, you should take advantage of it now."

"it is good!"

Dahu raised the horizontal knife and rushed towards Yuan Gai Suwen.

Ignoring the surroundings, Yuan Gai Suwen held up the knife to block the horizontal knife that Dug slashed at.

As soon as the blade touched Yuan Gai Suwen, he saw that his blade was immediately cut with a gap.

I haven't recovered yet, I just feel a pain in my lower abdomen, and I don't know when the other party is still holding a dagger in his hand.

The dagger had pierced into the lower abdomen.

Gai Suwen gritted his teeth and kicked Dumb away while eating the pain, and retreated step by step, clutching his belly.

Just on the hind legs, I saw the tiger coming up again.

A big tiger kicked Yuan Gai Suwen on the neck.

Seeing that Yuan Gai Suwen was physically strong, this kick did not knock him down.

"Is this what Tang Jun is capable of?" Yuan Gai Suwen stood up again, raised his knife and slashed at the tiger.

Duo nimbly dodged the opponent's horizontal chop, turned around and took the dagger and slashed at Yuan Gai Suwen's calf.

Ignoring the pain, Yuan Gai Suwen roared angrily, his eyes were full of anger at the moment, but he couldn't find the boy's figure in the thick smoke.

There was a pain in his arm, Yuan Gai Suwen grabbed the gap where the opponent stabbed him, and swung the knife down.

It has to be said that Yuan Gai Suwen is fierce, and he can fight back after being chopped so many times.

(End of this chapter)

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