Chapter 1069

Li Lizhi woke up early and saw Li Zheng staring at some watermelons writing something.

Li Lizhi is no stranger to her husband's strange actions that can always cause some strange effects.

The cultivation of watermelon started very early in history, and the cultivation methods are so strange that there are various strange sayings in history.

Li Zhizheng was devouring his breakfast, and while eating, seeing Li Zheng looking at him, he said, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Li Zheng said in a low voice: "Does His Royal Highness want to eat watermelon recently?"

Li Zhi asked suspiciously, "Didn't you just finish eating yesterday?"

Li Zheng said again: "It's delicious."

Li Zhi muttered while chewing on the meat buns while faltering and nodding.

Li Zheng grinned and said, "Then, does His Royal Highness King Wei want to tell the palace to send more watermelons, and send a few hundred more to Jingyang?"

Swallowing the buns in his mouth forcefully, Li Zhi took a sip of tea and said with a long breath, "Why do you need so many watermelons?"

Seeing the weird smile on Li Zheng's face, Li Zhi felt inexplicably vigilant, "Wait a minute!"

Li Zhi interrupted Li Zheng, "Why do I want to eat watermelon?"

Li Zheng shook the cattail fan in his hand and said, "Because you want to eat watermelon, isn't watermelon delicious?"

Li Zhi took a mouthful of porridge and said, "That's not too much."

Li Zheng said: "Bring me some watermelons on the way to do research."

The corner of his mouth twitched vigorously. Sometimes he thought Li Zheng was a very intelligent person, and sometimes he was a very inexplicable person.

Seeing Li Zhi not nodding, Li Zheng let out a long sigh, "I suddenly don't want to make jelly and smoothies this summer."

"Wait!" Li Zhi hastily interrupted Li Zheng's words.

With a clear smile, Li Zheng said again: "And I still have a book on physics in my hand. Presumably His Royal Highness Jin Wang has a headache recently about the formula of force area and resistance."

Li Zhi stared at Li Zheng, "You blackmail me?"

Li Zheng sneered: "So what, what can you do with me?"

"Me!" Li Zhi stomped his feet and stood up, looking at Li Zheng's face a little angry, but after thinking about it, it seemed that there was really nothing he could do about him, "You mustn't play tricks!"

Li Zheng peeled the eggshell and said, "It's hard to chase after a word."

Li Zhi left the dinner table with resentment, "I will write a letter to my father."

It's quite interesting to see Li Zhi being manipulated, angry and helpless.

Dealing with Li Shimin is tricky, but dealing with Li Shimin's son is much easier.

When Li Zhi returned to the academy, he wrote a letter and dragged Li Ke's guards into the palace.

After bullying and bullying Li Zhi, he relaxed in the village, and his mood improved inexplicably.

When Li Zheng came to the entrance of the village, he saw many people around Jingyang Village.

Not far away, Xu Hui and Wu Mei were also standing on the mountainside.

Seeming to have noticed her gaze, Xu Hui smiled and saluted.

Wu Mei also saluted.

I am a son-in-law, and Xu Hui is just a maid. It stands to reason that Xu Hui needs to salute when she sees her, and Wu Mei is just a courtesy.

Seeing Li Zheng stepping forward, Xu Hui said, "Chang'an Order, Her Royal Highness's announcement will be posted in a while."

Li Zheng glanced at Wu Mei's expression and said, "These people are all here to buy water pumps."

Wu Mei said in a low voice, "Not necessarily. I think it's more likely to be bought in large quantities and then resold. The price of this item can be doubled outside the customs."

Li Zheng observed Wu Mei with lowered eyebrows, and there seemed to be a lot of thought in her eyes.

No matter how much she hides, she can't hide a person who has lived two lifetimes.

Li Zheng sighed, "Why do you think of people so badly?"

Wu Mei looked up at Li Zheng, "Aren't I right?"

Li Zheng said, "Do you think I'm a bad person?"

After looking straight into Li Zheng's eyes for a while, Wu Mei withdrew her eyes and lowered her head. There was Xu Hui beside her. Chang'an Ling seemed to be a little rude. Wu Mei said in a low voice: "Outsiders say that Chang'an Ling is a villain. Coming to Chang'an Ling is indeed not a gentleman, but he is not a villain either."

Li Zheng asked again: "Then what kind of person am I?"

Wu Mei hesitated, "I..."

Wu Mei couldn't answer for a while.

Xu Hui also observed Wu Mei, but she never expected Wu Mei who has always been very clever and skillful in handling affairs.

To be so flustered in the face of Li Zhenghui.

Of course Li Zheng is not a gentleman.

When dealing with the Turks, Tubo, and even Tuyuhun, Li Zheng's methods were ruthless and did not give his opponents a chance to breathe.

But facing relatives or villagers is another look.

Or love money, be lazy, and waste time.

Many times things are half done and left alone.

In the words of the princess, Li Zheng is a very vulgar person, but a very vulgar person.

There is no high moral integrity, and there is no gentlemanly demeanor.

A common man who does whatever it takes to achieve his goals.

With a smile on his face, or one thing at a time, Li Zheng actually stunned her.

Xu Hui was determined in her heart to tell Her Royal Highness the matter.

Several officers and soldiers of the Jingyang Guard finally posted the notice at the entrance of the village.

The people waiting at the entrance of the village immediately shouted, and the discussion became louder and louder.

Jingyang does not sell water pumps, but recruits apprentices to provide technology for making water pumps, as long as the recruited apprentices are paid a month.

The water pump is a good thing, although it is not for sale, but as long as you learn it, you can pay for nothing?

Is there such a good thing?

For a while, many people were dumbfounded.

The news was sent to Chang'an immediately.

Li Shimin just saw the letter from Li Zhi asking for watermelons, and was speechless for a while, why did this kid want to eat five hundred watermelons?It's really easy to export.

Speaking of which, Li Zhi is still young, so he is a sensible child.

It's just five hundred watermelons, and people from the Western Regions rushed to give them to me.

Li Shimin put away the letter, and was about to tell Wang Ding to come in hastily.

With a straight face, Li Shimin said, "What are you doing in such a hurry? Is there news from Goguryeo?"

Wang Ding quickly saluted and said, "Going back to Your Majesty is not about Goguryeo, but about Jingyang."

Li Shimin rubbed his temple and said, "Tell me."


Wang Ding looked at Li Shimin's expression and said in response, "The matter of the water pump has attracted the attention of many people, and many people want to buy it, but Jingyang doesn't sell it anymore."

Li Shimin said in a low voice: "It's not necessary, Li Zheng has already given the manufacturing method of the water pump to the Ministry of Industry, and the Ministry of Industry is already making arrangements."

Wang Ding said again: "Although it is not for sale, Jingyang said that it wants to recruit apprentices and teach how to make water pumps. No need to pay. Jingyang will return the money to the apprentices, a monthly fee?"

Li Shimin took a breath and asked in confusion: "Not only do you not want money, but you also give money?"

Wang Ding nodded, "That is indeed the case. The old slave has copied a notice. Please read it, Your Majesty."

(End of this chapter)

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