People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1070 The calculation from the daughter

Chapter 1070 The calculation from the daughter

Li Shimin walked in front of Wang Ding, looked at the notice and asked in a low voice, "How long will it take for the Ministry of Industry to supply the water pumps to the counties and counties?"

Wang Ding bowed and said, "The shortest is two months and the longest is three months. If it is for every county and county, it will take a year to arrange it, and a lot of manpower and material resources will be needed."

Li Shimin sighed: "This Li Zhenggang handed over the manufacturing method to the court, and then he recruited apprentices himself, and he still paid for it? Is he so rich that he wants to give it away?"

Wang Ding said in a low voice, "This old slave also doesn't understand."

Li Shimin put down the announcement and frowned and said, "How long has Yan Liben been in Jingyang?"

Wang Ding recalled and said, "It's been three years now."

"I'm a good Minister of the Ministry of Industry, and I haven't returned to Jingyang for three years. Is this Jingyang really better than Chaozhong?"

Seeing that Li Shimin seemed to be complaining, Wang Ding said: "According to Master Yan, he said that he went to Jingyang to learn the craft, and he will serve for the court when the craft is more refined."

Fortunately, after passing the imperial examination, there is not much shortage of manpower in the court.

It's just that there are still too many capable people around Li Zheng.

Wang Xuance and Xue Rengui were on their way back to Guanzhong, Li Zheng was accompanied by Shangguanyi, Duan Lun was also in Jingyang, Li Chunfeng, Chu Suiliang, Sun Simiao, Xu Jingzong and Li Yifu.

These few people seem to be unknown, but if you take a closer look at these people, you will find that their respective strengths are very obvious.

And they are all available.

Li Shimin said melancholy: "There are still too few talented people around me."

Cheng Yaojin, Qin Qiong, and Niu Jinda are all old guys.

Changsun Wuji's thoughts are too heavy and his wings are too big to be used too much.

Although Fang Xuanling and Du Ruhui are able to manage the government, they are also incapable of splitting up.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there has been no useful person around me for a long time.

Such good talents have all gone to Jingyang.

Listening to His Majesty's complaints, Wang Ding didn't know how to answer for a moment.

Li Shimin looked at Li Zhi's letter again, and remembering the matter of asking for watermelon, he said to Wang Ding, "What have you been doing in Jingyang recently?"

Wang Ding replied: "It's the same as before, His Royal Highness Jin Wang played with Daniel and Di Renjie, and there was no special change."

In the past, Li Zhi would come to visit him, even with letters and oral letters. Since Li Zhi plunged into the academy in Jingyang, these greetings are gone. Did he forget his father?

Thinking of this, Li Shimin was a little annoyed, and finally sent a letter, asking me for a watermelon!

Li Shimin waved his sleeves in frustration and said, "Tell the envoys from the Western Regions to bring another three thousand watermelons to Chang'an."

"Three...three thousand?" Wang Ding was a little surprised.

"What's wrong?" Li Shimin asked suspiciously.

Wang Ding hurriedly bowed and saluted again, "I'll do it right now, old slave."

Li Shimin sat alone in the Ganlu Hall for a while, and then walked outside the hall a little bored. As he was walking, he saw that a well in the palace had been installed with a pump.

I saw a few court ladies struggling to fetch water.

Li Shimin stepped forward and said, "I will try."

The maids immediately stepped aside.

Li Shimin looked at the water pump, took a deep breath, and began to depress the handle of the water pump.

As each time the pressure was lowered, it gradually became more difficult, and there was a sound of water in the pump, and the well water flowed out of the water pipe after a few pressures.

It saves the trouble of using well ropes and buckets, and it is also convenient and labor-saving.

Li Shimin continued to press down on the handle, gradually getting harder and harder, and more and more water came out.

The more you press, the harder it is, and it seems that you can also exercise your arm strength.

Stopping, Li Shimin looked at these maids and said, "Is this thing useful?"

The maid bowed and said in a low voice, "Return to Your Majesty, it's very useful."

The water pump is indeed a good thing, and it is good for people's livelihood.

Li Shimin nodded slightly and left here.

Such a good thing as a water pump, my own Ministry of Industry can't make it, but he can make it in Jingyang.

Li Shimin thought about the functions of the Ministry of Industry in the North Korean Central Committee. What was the Ministry of Industry established for?How could they not make something like this?
Back at the Lizheng Palace, Empress Changsun also knew what happened in Jingyang. Seeing Li Shimin coming, she said, "This Li Zheng is also weird. He recruits apprentices instead of selling water pumps?"

Li Shimin drank his tea and said, "You don't know something, Li Zheng is a slippery kid."

Empress Changsun thought about it and said: "He gave the method of making the water pump to Chaozhong, indicating that he doesn't want the credit, and he didn't sell the water pump because he didn't want to compete with His Majesty for the hearts of the people?"

Li Shimin sneered and said: "This kid has a deep mind and is planning on me."

Empress Changsun was puzzled and said, "Your Majesty is wrong?"

Li Shimin put down the tea bowl and said, "What's wrong?"

Empress Changsun said: "The news that Jingyang sent me is that this is Li Zhi's own idea, not Li Zheng's."

Li Zhi's idea?
A sip of tea choked on his throat, and Li Shimin choked for a long time.

Empress Changsun frowned and said: "Could it be that Li Zhi is plotting against His Majesty?"

Li Shimin's complexion gradually became ugly, his daughter plotted against me?
Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Empress Changsun said: "Maybe it was Li Zhi's unintentional move, she definitely didn't intend to plot against His Majesty."

Li Shimin closed his eyes and calmed his breathing. After finally getting better, he became depressed again.

The work of recruiting apprentices began quickly.

Yan Liben's craftsman team recruited people, and all the recruits were craftsmen with a certain reputation.

After being busy until the afternoon, Yan Liben handed over the list to Li Zheng.

Looking at the names on the list, the place of birth, the level of craftsmanship, and the length of service are all recorded.

Ever since he got used to many matters in Jingyang, Yan Liben also adapted to this way of doing things.

Li Zheng said: "Master Yan has worked hard. In fact, we can recruit more civil engineering craftsmen, such as those who can repair houses and roads."

Yan Liben stroked his beard and said: "There are not many civil engineering craftsmen, and it will take some time. If you need people in this field, I can use my Yan family's reputation to recruit people."

A craftsman of Yan Liben's family for generations, Yan Liben's reputation is indeed good.

Most of the craftsmen in Datang were carpenters, followed by blacksmiths.

Yan Liben said, "But I have a request."

Li Zheng said: "Actually, our reputation in Jingyang is already great."

Yan Liben said: "Although there are many craftsmen in the workshop, most skilled craftsmen cannot be hired."

After all, Yan Liben just wanted to make his own request.

The skills of craftsmen in ancient times were indeed not bad, but for the things I want to make in the future, the skills before the Tang Dynasty are somewhat useless.

Li Zheng hesitated and said, "Talk about your request first."

Yan Liben looked at the academy and said: "Why didn't I know the old man when I made the water pump? If I knew the old man, I could make it better."

(End of this chapter)

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