Chapter 1073 Scorching Summer
Seeing that Li Shimin was a little anxious, Wang Ding quickly said, "Maybe they just took a look."

Li Shimin stood up and said, "Just to see?"

At first Li Chunfeng was taken away by Li Zheng, and then there were Chu Suiliang and Yan Liben.

Is he, Li Zheng, going to take away my entire Ministry of Industry?

Wang Ding said again: "Your Majesty calm down, this old slave will go to investigate again."

After finishing speaking, Wang Ding left in a hurry.

Li Shimin sat down again and tried to stabilize his emotions. After a long time, he thought about the current salary in the court.

Now the salary of the Ministry of Industry is ten guanqian per month.

It stands to reason that ten guan a month can make the officials of the Ministry of Industry have no worries about eating and drinking in Chang'an.

Could it be that they are going to Jingyang to be apprentices for a month's worth of money?
I thought that Yan Liben would come back one day.

It is the hottest time of the year, and the whole city of Chang'an is like a furnace.

The palace is also hot and dry.

Li Shimin stuffed a piece of ice into his mouth, thinking that Li Zheng must be counting money coolly in Jingyang now.

Thinking of this scene, Li Shimin looked at the memorial on the table again and became very angry. He couldn't make Li Zheng too comfortable.

Now that Yan Liben has not come back, Li Zheng is afraid that he will take away the entire Ministry of Industry.

After thinking about this, he said, "Let Li Junxian come over."


The guard standing at His Highness responded and left.

Half an hour later, Li Junxian hurriedly came to Li Shimin, sweating profusely.

Li Shimin looked at Li Junxian and said, "How is the Longwu Army these days?"

Li Junxian said: "Using Jingyang's training method is quite effective."

Li Junxian has been in Longwu Army these days.

Li Shimin said in a low voice, "Do you know what Li Zheng is doing in Jingyang?"

Li Junxian opened his mouth and said: "The last general has heard about it, saying that he recruited apprentices and returned the money."

Li Shimin looked in the direction of Jingyang, and said in a low voice: "Tell Li Zheng, I will go to his Jingyang to escape the summer heat tomorrow!"

Li Junxian said quickly: "The general understands this and will do it."

The hall of Ganlu became quiet again, and Li Shimin held his forehead in distress. This Li Zheng was really not reassuring.

If my Ministry of Industry is gone, where will I put my face.

Li Zheng was still covered in sweat after tidying up the stables.

Xu Hui brought a change of clothes, but seeing that Li Zheng's sweat had already soaked his blouse, he could vaguely see Li Zheng's strong body.

I remember that Li Zheng was a thin boy before, but Li Zheng has become a strong man before he knew it.

All the years of raising horses in Jingyang are physical labor, coupled with the unremitting practice of Tai Chi, Li Zheng has a very well-proportioned figure.

Not too strong, but just right.

She quickly looked away again, blushing, Xu Hui put her clothes aside, and left quickly.

Watching Xu Hui leave in a hurry, Li Zheng thought in his heart that Li Lizhi's career is now in full swing, expanding to other places around Chang'an, and everyone who is tossing around is very busy.

Xu Hui didn't even have time to take a break when he brought the clothes.

Li Tai raised his head from the stables, panting unkemptly and said: "This is too hard."

With the scorching sun in July, Li Zheng said: "On weekdays, it's okay to have Dahu and I working together, you fat man is too weak, and I do all the heavy and tiring work, so you still feel tired. "

Li Tai gasped and said, "Your stable is not small. Only the two of us take care of a stable with thousands of horses."

Li Zheng said helplessly: "Other people in the village don't know how to raise horses either."

Ordinary people in the Tang Dynasty had no horses at all, which led to the fact that no one in Jingyang had a horse raising place in Jingyang.

The horses are all in the army, and things like raising horses are left to the special grooms in the army.

Ordinary people dare not raise horses, let alone afford them, let alone learn how to raise horses.

Dumb's father raised horses, which can be regarded as a kind of hereditary replacement.

Horse breeding is also a core technology in the military, and it is generally not passed on.

Li Tai kept waving his hands and said, "Let me rest for a while."

After speaking, Li Tai sat paralyzed under the shade of the tree, with only the strength left to breathe.

"You have been told to lose weight a long time ago. You can see that you lost weight well before, but now the meat has grown back."

Li Zheng was talking.

Li Tai twitched the corner of his mouth, "I'm already much thinner than before."

Li Zheng picked up a bucket of cold water and poured it on his head, which relieved most of the heat.

The water is warm because of the scorching sun.

Soon it was hot again.

Reluctantly, Li Zheng dragged Li Tai to the river in Jingyang and jumped into the river, which made him feel much more comfortable.

The icy river water immediately dispelled most of the heat.

Li Tai, who had regained his vitality, leaned on the shore and said, "You said that when Wang Xuance and the others come back, should we clean them up?"

Li Zheng also leaned on the bank and picked a tomato from a field beside him, and said while eating: "Your father is narrow-minded, of course he is the one to celebrate his meritorious service on the battlefield, what happened to me when I went to celebrate? "

Li Tai looked into the distance and said, "Why is he here?"

Following Li Tai's gaze, Li Zheng saw Li Junxian.

Seeing that Li Junxian was wearing a suit of armor, when he approached, Li Zheng said: "General Li Junxian, long time no see."

Facing Li Zheng, Li Junxian stood up straight, "The general has met the general."

Li Zheng smiled wryly and said: "What general, I, the general of the Longwu Army, haven't been on duty for a day, so don't call me that."

Li Junxian still stood upright.

Feeling the coldness of the river, Li Zheng said lazily: "Aren't you hot in such thick armor?"

Li Junxian bowed and said: "I'm in the army right now, don't dare to panic."

Li Zhengchang sighed, "Look at you, you are so old-fashioned, is it like this in our army?"

Li Junxian said: "Yes."

Li Zheng cleared his throat and said, "I'm the general of the Longwu Army, right?"

Li Junxian said: "Yes."

"Although I, a general, have never been on duty, I always care about the health of my subordinates. Anyone with heatstroke in the army can come to Jingyang for treatment, and the armor in the army is all simplified. This is not how soldiers are trained."

After hearing what Li Zheng had said, Li Junxian had no choice but to say: "I will make arrangements when I go back."

Li Zheng turned to look at Li Tai, "You don't have summer or autumn clothes in your army?"

Li Tai looked at Li Zheng strangely.

After thinking for a while, Li Zheng thought that the Jingyang Guards kept everything simple, and everyone wore normal clothes.

Not everyone is wearing armor.

Li Zheng wondered if he should also dress his guards in autumn, winter and summer clothes.

Looking at Li Junxian again, Li Zheng said, "What are you looking for?"

Li Junxian still bowed and said: "Your Majesty said that he will come to Jingyang to escape the summer heat tomorrow, let the general come to inform you."

(End of this chapter)

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