Chapter 1074 Cold Lane Effect
Li Zheng nodded and said, "I see, is there anything else?"

Li Junxian seemed to think about it for a while and then said: "It's nothing, the last general will retire first."

After Li Junxian left, Li Zheng and Li Tai stood up from the river.

After the two of them put on their new clothes, they finally felt much more comfortable.

Li Tai went to the academy again.

He has nothing to do when he goes to the academy, the most he can do is take a nap in the academy.

Back home, Li Lizhi was still busy at home.

Wu Mei and Gao Yang came in and out, and they went back and forth several times in just this half an hour.

In the accounting room, Li Lizhi was still looking back and forth between the books, and saw that there was sweat between her forehead and hair.

Xia Tian in Guanzhong is really no joke.

Fortunately, there is a lot of ice at home.

Since there is saltpeter to make ice, it is not hopeless.

Li Lizhi was busy when she saw Li Zheng taking a basket of ice crystals.

Putting the ice crystals on the window, Li Zheng closed the window, leaving a gap about the thickness of an arm.

Then do the same for the rear windows.

Li Lizhi watched Li Zheng's every move and couldn't understand for a while, so she simply stopped what she was doing.

After finishing her work, Li Lizhi asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

It was dark in the counting room with the windows closed.

But after lighting the oil lamp, it will be fine.

After half an hour, Li Lizhi felt a gust of cool wind blowing from the gap, because there was ice on the edge of the window sill, which made the wind carry the temperature of ice.

After another half an hour, the counting room finally became cold.

Li Lizhi asked curiously, "How did this happen?"

Li Zheng explained: "Do you know Lengxiang?"

"Cold alley?"

After thinking for a while, Li Lizhi shook her head again. She had never heard of the name Lengxiang.

Cold alleys are a product of the Song Dynasty.

At this time, Datang had not popularized brick houses on a large scale.

But people just don't know the name Lengxiang, and they don't understand the reason.

Li Zheng sat down and shook his fan and said: "Some houses are very close together, and there will be a path between the houses. Due to the height of the houses, this path has no sunlight for a long time, and because of the air flow, when the hot summer On a sunny day, this kind of alley is very suitable for escaping the heat.”

This is also when later generations were young, people in the village often went to the alleys to escape the heat.

It will be cooler there.

Li Lizhi thought about it and said, "I understand a little bit when you say that."

Li Zheng said: "I use the principle of the alley, because your account room is narrow, but it is also very narrow and long, and because of the front and rear ventilation, this has the basic conditions of the alley."

Li Lizhi nodded slightly.

Li Zheng went on to say: "I used ice again. When the wind blows, after passing through the ice, it will absorb heat as the ice melts, and it will also cause the room to become colder."

Seeing Li Zheng's expression, Li Lizhi said: "We have known each other for so many years, I really can't figure out where you learned so much strange knowledge."

Li Zheng smiled awkwardly, and said intermittently: "I..."

"Could it be that an old Taoist priest passed by your door and taught you this knowledge?"

Li Zheng chuckled, didn't intend to answer any more, turned around and walked out of Li Lizhi's account room.

Mortals are incomprehensible.

Being a fan in this day and age is a very laborious task.

It is difficult to achieve the effect of a fan without electricity.

Water power is definitely not good, and manpower is even more thankless.

Make a generator?

The production of motors alone is simply not complete in this era.

Sure enough, I still need to read more.

Only scientific knowledge can bring us a better life.

Li Lizhi was no stranger to Li Zheng's strange things.

Just don't think about some things that you can't figure out.

Li Lizhi continued to bury her head in processing her account books.

Xu Hui came with a watermelon and said, "Chang'an Ling, this is a chilled watermelon."

Li Zheng glanced at Xu Hui while he was eating the watermelon, and her gaze was immediately dodged aside.

Lately she has been evasive towards herself.

Li Zheng looked at her and said, "What's on your mind recently?"

"What's on your mind?" Xu Hui looked around and said, "I don't have anything on my mind recently."

Li Zheng nodded suspiciously.

Seeing that Li Zheng didn't ask any more questions, Xu Hui let out a long sigh. In fact, the biggest grievance in her heart was that Li Zheng was already a calm man.

I didn't think it was because when I first met Li Zheng, he was just a 14-year-old kid.

After so many years, Li Zheng is already in his twenties.

Xu Hui is also in her 20s.

After getting along for so many years, the relationship has long been different from the feeling when we first met.

The relationship between master and servant weighed heavily on Xu Hui's heart.

The relationship between myself and Li Zheng is master-servant, I am the maid of Chang'an Linghe Princess, so I shouldn't have other thoughts.

Xu Hui kept admonishing herself.

Li Zheng spat out the watermelon seeds and said, "By the way, His Majesty will come to our Jingyang to escape the summer heat tomorrow, so let the people in the village prepare."

Xu Hui asked in surprise, "Come tomorrow?"

Li Zheng nodded, "I'm in a hurry."

Xu Hui said quickly: "Your Majesty's other courtyard should be cleaned up sooner."

In the evening, Li Lizhi also knew that Li Shimin was coming to Chang'an to escape the summer heat.

At the dinner table, the family is eating.

Li Lizhi said: "Father came quite suddenly this time."

Li Zheng ate millet rice and said: "Chang'an City is very hot at this time, maybe your father couldn't bear to come to Jingyang to escape the heat at first, but he really couldn't stay in Chang'an, so he came to Jingyang, and he didn't care about face. "

Hearing this, Xiao Si almost laughed out loud while eating.

Li Lizhi glared at Li Zheng pretty, and said to herself that it's fine to say so in private, but to say so in front of so many people.

His Majesty will come to Jingyang tomorrow.

He came in a hurry, and Li Zheng didn't want the whole village to prepare overnight at this time.

Just clean up Li Shimin's courtyard in the village.

In Li Lizhi's accounting room, Li Zheng saw Li Lizhi's plan.

Build a new workshop in Bashang to make pulp.

The manpower of the original paper-making workshop can be used in the printing process.

The key technology of papermaking is still in Jingyang, and the most important printing technique cannot be passed on.

Li Shimin must have eyes on these things, and he must know it in his heart.

Just paper isn't much of a threat.

Because the printing technology of the outside world still stays at woodblock printing.

Jingyang's movable type printing and assembly line technology are still exclusive, so Jingyang's printing skills are invincible.

Looking at the map in front of him, Li Jiangshan's voice came from behind.

"The Eastern Expeditionary Army is still three days away from Chang'an."

Hearing the sound, Li Zheng looked back at Li Jiangshan and saw that Li Jiangshan's clothes were soaked in sweat. Li Zheng handed her a piece of watermelon, "It's too hot."

Faced with Li Zheng's sudden concern, Li Jiangshan took the watermelon in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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