People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1077 Jingyang full of knowledge

Chapter 1077 Jingyang full of knowledge

Zhang Gongjin didn't know how to explain whether Li was lying to others.

Taking Li Shimin out of the academy, Zhang Gongjin introduced various changes in the village now.

After walking out of the academy, Li Shimin asked: "Didn't you say that Qing Que is the head of Jingyang Academy? Why didn't I see him?"

Zhang Gongjin explained: "At this time, His Royal Highness King Wei should clean the stables together with Li Zheng."

"Horse pen?"

Hearing this, Li Shimin looked at the academy behind him, "He sweeps the stables?"

Zhang Gongjin nodded and said: "Li Zhengmei's name is to help His Royal Highness Wei Wang lose weight."

Li Shimin said with a bitter smile: "It's true, Qing Que is really not the material to control this academy."

Zhang Gongjin said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, this is not necessarily true. People can be cultivated. No one knows what His Highness King Wei will be like in the future. Moreover, His Highness King Wei and Li Zheng are close friends in terms of how people behave. His Royal Highness King Wei is also considered to be the first person to be exposed to science, and King Wei is His Majesty's child, from these two points of view, His Royal Highness King Wei is indeed the most suitable candidate."

This sounded a bit flattering, but Zhang Gongjin was a smart person, and he was able to say flattering words with justifications, which made it impossible for people to refute.

According to what Zhang Gongjin said, it seems that Li Tai is indeed the most suitable person to sit in Jingyang Academy.

Apart from that hypocritical compliment, Zhang Gongjin's words sounded much more comfortable.

Li Shimin said with a smile: "I know how much my son weighs."

Zhang Gongjin followed in Li Shimin's footsteps and said, "You might as well look at the years and months, and you can see a thing or two."

Still not stopping, Li Shimin said again: "Since Li Tai is in Jingyang Academy, it is impossible for him to contain Li Zheng, and he may even become Li Zheng's hostage. The one who is under pressure is the prince."

Zhang Gongjin said again: "If King Wei is not in the academy, can His Majesty rest assured here?"

This remark made Li Shimin a little speechless again, he glanced at Zhang Gongjin and said, "It's really unpleasant to talk to smart people like you."

Zhang Gongjin smiled and said: "Your Majesty should give His Royal Highness King Wei a little more time. Besides, it is not King Wei who restrains Li Zheng, but Your Majesty."

The monarch and his ministers continued to walk, and there was a field to the south of the village.

The fields here are as far as the eye can see, and two-thirds of the entire Jingyang land is used to grow food.

And this is what Li Zheng developed.

Who would have thought that these wastelands could still grow food.

Zhang Gongjin picked a tomato from the field and handed it to Li Shimin.

Li Shimin took a bite of the tomato and said, "Mr. Li Zheng likes to grow these weird things."

Zhang Gongjin said: "This kind of crop is difficult to prevent and control pests. It is either impossible to grow or very troublesome."

While talking, Zhang Gongjin handed Li Shimin another cucumber, "I like this one better, it can be used as a dish or as a snack."

After eating tomatoes, Li Shimin ate cucumbers again. I have to say that this cucumber tastes very refreshing.

Li Shimin saw an old farmer sitting on the edge of the field, writing and drawing on the ground.

Taking a closer look, Li Shimin found that they were actually doing math problems.

Curious in his heart, Li Shimin didn't ask any further questions. He walked for a while and saw several women who could write proficiently and fluently.

Li Shimin frowned and looked at Zhang Gongjin.

Zhang Gong asked puzzledly, "Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

Li Shimin said curiously: "The villagers in Jingyang can read and write."

Zhang Gongjin said with a smile: "The villagers here have nothing to talk about when they have nothing to do. They will go to Jingyang to discuss things in the academy, and they will often sit with each other and talk about how to write and read. It will be done before you know it."

Li Shimin was stunned, and said, "Is it the same in other counties in the Central Plains?"

Zhang Gongjin said: "In the counties and counties of the Central Plains, nine out of ten people are illiterate."

Li Shimin heaved a long sigh, "There are so many illiterate people in the Central Plains, the old farmers in Jingyang can do numerology, and the women can read and write?"

Zhang Gongjin smiled and said: "Your Majesty, this matter should start with some things in the academy. I don't know who passed it from the academy. It is said that if you cannot read, you will be easily deceived. When making written evidence, if you are illiterate, you don’t even know what the other party wrote.”

Hearing this, Li Shimin also laughed, "Jingyang is really different."

Zhang Gongjin nodded and said: "Jingyang is really different. The biggest difference is that the whole Jingyang is full of knowledge. Men, women, old and young will read Jingyang's magazines in their spare time, and they can also do some math. After all, these are also helpful to their lives. , even though some old farmers are too late to learn characters, they can still write their own names.”

"And Jingyang has a very different place, which may be pointed out by the outside world."

Li Shimin frowned and said, "What's wrong?"

Zhang Gongjin bowed and said: "Girls in Jingyang can also go to the academy to study, and in the past two years, the girls in Jingyang are all over sixteen years old and have not yet married. The first one who got married was also over 20 years old. On the contrary, these girls prefer it. read."

Li Shimin said curiously: "Girls are not easy to marry when they are old."

Zhang Gongjin shook her head and said: "I don't think so. Married life is suitable for husbands and wives. Most of the women in Jingyang work in workshops, and because of Princess Changle, Princess Changle has become a role model for many girls in Jingyang. They can read and write. And she's smart enough to even run a shop to support her family when she gets married."

"Girls with such abilities are very sought after outside. Many people think that marrying a girl is just to add incense to the family, or that the girl has a good figure, but it is different in Jingyang. If someone marries a girl from Jingyang, then It is not only a generous dowry, but also a woman's ability."

Speaking of these, Li Shimin thought of Gao Yang now.

What Gao Yang did really caused Li Shimin a headache.

But Gao Yang did make achievements.

Such great benefits cannot be denied.

Li Shimin shook his head helplessly, "This is the first time I've heard of it."

Zhang Gongjin said: "There are not many Jingyang girls who have married in the past two years. I have a feeling that with the improvement of people's wisdom, the age at which men and women marry will also increase."

Today's Datang is still short of population, Li Shimin thought to himself, "If people outside are like Jingyang, the population of Datang will decrease?"

Zhang Gongjin said: "It's not true. The increase in people's wisdom will only make the people of the Central Plains smarter, and they will still have children when they should. I think it will not affect the country's plans."

Li Shimin supported his forehead, digesting the information in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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