People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1078: Frugal Love Saves Money

Chapter 1078

What you see and hear in front of you may be what you have seen in your life.

Li Shimin said in a low voice: "Having such a Jingyang has already caused me a lot of headaches, don't do the same for other counties."

Zhang Gongjin also smiled, Li Shimin was actually not worried about Jingyang, but Li Zheng.

This may also be what Li Shimin fears the most.

The sun was getting higher and higher, and it was just after morning, and the sun began to be hot.

He was about to reach the stables, and he could see Wei Wang Li Tai and Li Zheng busy in the stables from a distance.

Li Shimin stopped in his footsteps, only took a look from a distance, then turned and walked in another direction.

While walking, Li Shimin noticed that there were ditches in Jingyang, and the water flowing in the ditches between the sky and the earth was clear and fast.

Seeing Li Shimin looking at the ditch, Zhang Gongjin explained: "This is a new ditch opened in Jingyang in the past two years. The Jing water is introduced into the ditch and will be irrigated at noon tomorrow. After noon, the upstream valve will be closed."

There are ditches surrounding the fields, and there are even some fish in the fields.

After thinking about it in his mind, Li Shimin unexpectedly found that there were almost no dead ends in the layout of these ditches.

There is no need for manpower to irrigate at all, and the water has already been irrigated as soon as it passes through the field.

Li Shimin said in a low voice: "I should let the people from the household department take a look at this method of diverting ditches."

Zhang Gongjin said: "This kind of irrigation method is actually not difficult, as long as the water pressure is used."

When it comes to water pressure, I can't explain it clearly for a while.

Zhang Gongjin took Li Shimin to the upper reaches of Jingshui, where the fields and Jingshui meet.

Pointing to a wooden pipe at the mouth of the channel, Zhang Gongjin said: "Actually, this is a very interesting design. A wooden plug is plugged into one end of the large wooden pipe. When the water level rises, the buoyancy of the water will make the wooden plug float up. , so that the cork will be lifted by the buoyancy, and the water will flow into the pipe, and then flow into the ditch from the pipe. will flood the fields."

Li Shimin frowned and looked at it for a long time, but couldn't understand Zhang Gongjin's words for a while.

Just look elsewhere.

It was obvious that Li Shimin didn't understand.

Zhang Gongjin said: "This is all the knowledge in the academy, and it is also made by the children in the academy."

Looking along the river, Li Shimin finally saw a group of children busy on the river bank.

Li Shimin soon saw Yan Liben standing among the children.

Zhang Gongjin said: "Daniu is among these children, is your Majesty going to have a look?"

Li Shimin watched from a distance and said, "No need."

Withdrawing his eyes, Li Shimin looked around the camp of the Jingyang Guards again.

However, the guards were the same as before, and the entire camp and barracks were shockingly clean and tidy.

Everything else makes no difference.

At noon, Li Shimin returned to the other courtyard.

Empress Changsun was smiling and listening to the little son telling interesting stories about the academy.

Seeing Li Shimin's return, Empress Changsun quickly got up and said, "Your Majesty, the meals are ready."

Li Shimin looked at the dishes on the table and had to say that the dishes were very rich.

Only the little one was eating in another courtyard, Li Shimin said, "Where are the other children?"

Empress Changsun poured a glass of wine for Li Shimin and said: "The children are all busy, the young slave has to do a project, Lizhi is busy with business matters, Gao Yang is helping Lizhi, Qingque and Li are busy in the stables, and... ..."

"Okay." Li Shimin interrupted Empress Changsun, "The children are all so busy, only I have the most leisure."

Empress Changsun said with a smile: "It's good that the children have their own affairs, and it will relieve His Majesty."

Li Shimin sighed: "I'm relieved, I'm afraid these little guys have forgotten that I am their father."

Xiao Sizi, who was holding the rice bowl, picked up a piece of chicken for Li Shimin with chopsticks and said, "Father, this is called spicy chicken."

Seeing the little boy bring food for him and put it in his own bowl, Li Shimin felt a burst of warmth. Facing such a sensible little girl, Li Shimin's dissatisfaction with Li Zheng quickly dissipated.

Xiao Si said: "This is delicious, Ming Da and Brother Huang both like it."

Li Shimin took a bite of the spicy chicken and had to say it was a bit spicy.

But the spiciness is not too spicy, and there is some top.

Seeing that his father added another piece of spicy chicken diced, the little son introduced, "Actually, this is made with some minced chicken meat and chicken bones."

Li Shimin ate and said, "Really?"

Xiao Si nodded and said: "There is a big chicken farm in the village, where a lot of chicken is sold every day, but some parts of chicken are rarely bought, so my brother-in-law took some chicken bones that no one wanted The minced chicken was made into spicy chicken diced."

After speaking, the little sizi picked up another chicken foot for Li Shimin and said, "This is called chicken feet with pickled peppers."

Li Shimin took a bite of the chicken feet. The chicken feet were cold but tender, refreshing and slightly spicy.

Xiao Si said: "No one bought the chicken feet at first, because there was not much meat on the chicken feet. Later, my brother-in-law collected all these chicken feet and made them into chicken feet with pickled peppers, and put them in jars. After eating, people in Laifang City buy jar after jar.”

Empress Changsun also ate the chicken feet and said: "It's really delicious, and very appetizing. If you want to come to an ordinary family, you can have a bowl of rice with a chicken foot."

Xiao Sizi added: "A lot of times, some inconspicuous things can be turned into good things after being used. Chicken feet that no one wants can also be a delicacy. In the words of my brother-in-law, I just can't waste it."

Speaking of Li Zheng, Li Shimin sneered and said, "This kid has been very frugal since he was a child."

Li Shimin deliberately bites the word frugal very seriously.

Empress Changsun could also hear it. Li Zheng was very frugal in the past, but he was so frugal that he loved money too much.

Saving money is like a natural instinct, engraved on Li Zheng's body.

It's not that I haven't heard what Li Lizhi said. Li Zheng built a warehouse at home, which is specially used to save money.

I don't know what this kid is going to do with so much money?
On weekdays, Li Zheng hardly spends any money.

Instead, the money will be used in business, but it will make more money.

Li Zheng, who had just finished working in the stables, sneezed, looked up at the sky and said, "It's not cold today."

Li Tai was sweating profusely, and the sweat had already soaked his clothes, "It's so hot."

Xu Jingzong was very sensible and brought two buckets of cold water.

The cold water was poured over the head, which made it much more comfortable.

Looking at the embarrassed King Wei and Li Zheng, Xu Jingzong said: "Chang'an order, the army of the Eastern Expedition will return to Chang'an tomorrow."

Li Zheng poured cold water into his mouth, motioned for Xu Jingzong to continue.

Xu Jingzong said: "It seems that His Majesty has ordered the award in advance, and now His Royal Highness is temporarily in charge of the government, and is already preparing for tomorrow's award."

(End of this chapter)

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