People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1079 The nemesis of the eldest grandson Wuji

Chapter 1079 The nemesis of the eldest grandson Wuji

Li Shimin escaped the summer heat in Jingyang, and Li Chengqian presided over the court affairs, and Li Chengqian was also in charge of the rewards.

Since Li Chengqian presided over the award, Li Chengqian must have a certain prestige in the army.

Li Zheng looked at Li Tai, "How does His Royal Highness Wei Wang feel?"

Li Tai said helplessly: "I can only watch. I can't do anything. Li Chengqian is the crown prince and he is justified. If I intervene, I will only embarrass myself."

Putting his arm on Li Tai's shoulder, Li Zheng said, "I didn't expect you to be a fat man, you are quite open-minded."

Li Tai said: "I'm hungry, I'm going to the academy for dinner."

After taking another look at Xu Jingzong, Li Tai walked towards the academy.

Li Zheng sat down beside the stables, and said to Xu Jingzong: "He has gone far, what else do you want to say to me?"

Xu Jingzong said in a low voice: "Returning to Chang'an Order, Changsun Wuji and the prince have gotten very close recently, saying that the prince is in charge of the government, but in fact, Changsun Wuji is telling Li Chengqian what to do."

Looking at Xu Jingzong's expression, every time he mentioned Changsun Wuji, there would always be some resentment in his eyes.

In the original history, Xu Jingzong was the nemesis of Changsun Wuji.

The wise eldest grandson Wuji lost to Xu Jingzong.

Li Zheng said in a low voice: "This old thief, Changsun Wuji, still wants to control the prince?"

Xu Jingzong thought about it and said: "Chang'an Ling is now close to King Wei, if the crown prince gains power in the future, it will not be a good thing for Chang'an Ling."

Li Zheng smiled instead, "Do you think I put the prince in my eyes?"

Xu Jingzong smiled awkwardly, and after thinking about it for a while, this is indeed the case. Now Chang'an Ling's opponent is His Majesty today.

The prince is not qualified to be Li Zheng's opponent.

If Li Shimin let go, with the current prince's strength, it is very likely that Li Zheng will play around.

Just like now that Li Shimin is sitting in the town, Li Chengqian has the confidence to sit in the East Palace, which also makes Changsun Wuji not dare to be too demonic.

Xu Jingzong said again: "Chang'an Order, I don't know if I should say something or not."

Li Zheng looked at the lazy horses and said, "Talk."

Glancing around, Xu Jingzong said in a low voice: "Now it is as the Chang'an order said, but if the prince ascends the throne in the future, will we really not be dealt with by the prince?"

Looking at Xu Jingzong's eyes, Li Zheng said with a smile: "If you say that Xu Jingzong is a villain, you are really a villain."

Xu Jingzong bowed and said: "I am also able to confess so frankly in front of Chang'an Order."

Li Zheng said: "Then you and I are like-minded."

Xu Jingzong quickly waved his hands, "How dare I sit on the same level as Chang'an Ling."

What he meant was that you, Li Zheng, are not a gentleman, and I am not a gentleman.

The voice of this guy is very clear.

Li Zheng said in a low voice to Xu Jingzong: "Xu Jingzong, don't be too bad a person, and don't be too ambitious, otherwise you will have no place for you."

Hearing this, Xu Jingzong quickly said: "I understand."

Li Zheng said again: "Whether Li Chengqian will ascend the throne in the future, I hope you don't interfere. If you want to intervene, I will definitely send you to Tibet and mine for me."

Hearing this, and seeing Li Zheng's serious expression, Xu Jingzong knew that Li Zheng was not joking.

Li Zheng said again: "Of course, we also want to get rid of the bad guys!"

Xu Jingzong nodded vigorously and said, "Yes! We are good people, and Changsun Wuji is a bad person."

After bowing slightly to Li Zheng, Xu Jingzong said again: "Ashi will leave Chang'an this evening. Changsun Wuji suggested it, and the crown prince approved it. It seems that His Majesty also acquiesced."

Ashina has been in Chang'an for four or five years. Ever since the Turkic civil strife, he lost his mind and was exiled, Ashina has been in Chang'an.

Xu Jingzong said: "It seems that Ashina is quite obedient these days, but I don't think you can let the tiger go back to the mountain."

Looking around again, Xu Jingzong said: "Or, we robbed him halfway?"

Li Zheng said in a low voice: "You can't kill him, otherwise the court will be the first to suspect me. I have a problem with Ashina, but I can't let him go back so comfortably."

Xu Jingzong cupped his hands and said, "Understood, let's make arrangements."

After lunch, Li Shimin just woke up from a nap. I have to say that this is the most comfortable sleep since the beginning of summer.

The little sizi was still laughing beside the eldest grandson empress.

Seeing that Li Shimin woke up, the little si said, "Father, Mingda is going to the academy for class."

Li Shimin said: "Is class really so interesting?"

Xiao Sizi said: "When we are learning knowledge, there is a feeling of seeing the bright moon through the clouds and mists, as if we understand the world better. This feeling is amazing."

Li Shimin nodded slightly, indicating that Xiao Si could go to class.

Xiao Si quickly walked out of the other courtyard and headed towards the academy.

Li Shimin picked up a cup of tea and took a sip and said, "See the bright moon through the clouds and mist? Is it really like this?"

Empress Changsun smiled and said: "Science understands the nature of all things. When children know how the wind comes and how it is formed, they will naturally have the feeling of seeing the moon through the clouds."

Seeing Li Shimin's still suspicious expression, Empress Changsun smiled and said nothing more.

If they don't really understand what Jingyang is teaching, maybe outsiders really just think that what Jingyang Academy teaches is crooked.

But if you understand it carefully, you will feel that the knowledge has a feeling of seeing through falsehood.

When Li Zheng returned home, the house was still as busy as before.

Although Li Shimin came to Jingyang to escape the summer heat, the life in Jingyang has not changed much.

In the evening, Li Lizhi finished her work.

"The new pulp workshop in Bashang costs 200 guan in total, and [-] people need to be recruited to work. Based on the monthly salary of [-] guan, the monthly salary of [-] guan is calculated. If it operates normally, it can barely recover the cost in three months. .” Li Lizhi said holding the ledger.

It's not bad to pay back the book in three months. Seeing Li Lizhi's expression, Li Zheng said, "Why are you so stern."

Li Lizhi thought about it and said, "It takes six months for the workshop in Lantian County to pay back its capital, and it takes three months for Bashang, which means nearly half a year. We have been losing money all the time."

Li Zheng thought about it and said, "Expanding the industry will inevitably cost money."

Li Lizhi said in a low voice: "Now that we have invested money to expand production capacity, we will produce more paper. The more paper there is, the lower the price will be. In this way, we will earn less and less money. If there is no change, the expanded production capacity will drop along with the excessive product prices.”

Rare things are more expensive, as more and more paper is produced, the price of paper will also become lower and lower.

On this point, Li Lizhi's vision was very accurate, and she immediately discovered the disadvantages of expanding production capacity.

(End of this chapter)

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