People in Datang have been expelled from school

Chapter 1080 The scary adult world

Chapter 1080 The scary adult world
Li Zheng said to her: "You haven't considered another factor."

Li Lizhi frowned and said, "What factor."

Holding a booklet, Li Lizhi followed Li Zheng into the kitchen, "Is there something I didn't think of."

Li Zheng started chopping vegetables and cooking, and said: "There is indeed a direct relationship between production capacity and prices, but you have not considered market factors. The so-called market is the relationship between supply and demand. With the implementation of the Imperial Examinations in Korea and China, those who want to read books There will be more and more people, and many people who don't read books will also start to learn to read."

Li Lizhi recorded Li Zheng's words.

Li Zheng washed the pot and said: "Nowadays, the book market in the Central Plains is not saturated, let alone whether the paper market is saturated. With the expanded production capacity now, there is no need to worry about market saturation."

Li Lizhi recorded these words, the relationship between market supply and demand?Another newfound knowledge.

Li Lizhi had a satisfied smile on her face.

Li Zheng also said: "The most valuable application of paper is printing. As long as movable type printing is only available in Jingyang, we don't have to consider whether we can pay back."

After writing down these words, Li Lizhi blinked and said, "Is there any more?"

Li Zhengchang sighed, "Let's talk about it when I think about it."

That night, Daniel and Di Renjie left from the hill behind the village.

After arriving outside the village, head towards the direction east of Chang'an.

Xue Rengui and Wang Xuance are packing their things and they can go home tomorrow.

Xue Rengui was looking at a map. This map was surveyed and drawn after entering Goguryeo, and he had to take it to the academy to compare the map of the academy with the map he surveyed and drawn.

While he was busy, a soldier rushed to report, "General Xue, General Wang, because someone is looking for you."

Xue Rengui and Wang Xuance stopped their movements together.

Wang Xuance put down the burden in his hand and said, "Who is it?"

The soldier standing outside the account reported back: "It is said to be from Jingyang."

Hearing the words, the two looked at each other, and Wang Xuance said, "Let someone come in."

Xue Rengui also nodded in tacit agreement.

After a while, Daniel and Di Renjie came to the camp.

Looking at the two, Wang Xuance smiled and said, "I knew it was you two."

Di Renjie laughed and said, "Brother Wang, long time no see."

Daniel said to Xue Rengui: "The teacher has something to say and asked me to take you Brother Xue and Brother Wang."

Xue Rengui's expression became serious, "Speak."

Sighing, Daniel said: "The court will send Big Brother Xue and Big Brother Wang into the army. The teacher has already agreed to His Majesty. I wonder what Big Brother Xue and Big Brother Wang think?"

The two fell silent together.

Daniel said again: "If you really can't make a decision, it's better to enter the army first. The position in the army will not affect our Jingyang. It's an expedient measure for now."

Xue Rengui said: "If it wasn't for Li Zheng, maybe I would still be farming in my hometown."

Wang Xuance also said: "Yes, it is hard to repay the kindness of a friend."

After thinking for a while, Wang Xuance said: "Daniu, you also bring a message to Li Zheng. I understand that the situation in the court is treacherous, and some things are beyond my control. I will take good care of myself in the army, but as long as Li Zheng needs it, he will say a word." If so, I immediately drop what I’m doing and follow him.”

Xue Rengui also nodded heavily, "I think so too."

Hearing the replies from the two, Daniel said: "Understood, I will take the words to the teacher, and I will go back first."

On the other side of the camp, the Chinese army tent was very lively.

Cheng Yaojin brought people here early on.

Niu Jinda ate his food heartily and said, "You old man, you don't know that life in Goguryeo is so hard."

Cheng Yaojin poured him a bowl of wine and said: "Then you have to eat well, and tomorrow you will go to Chang'an to give a reward, I'm afraid you will spend a long time outside Chang'an city."

The soldiers outside the tent reported: "General, someone just went to General Xue's tent."

After taking a sip of strong wine, Niu Jinda said, "Who is it?"

The soldier replied: "The people who came were two teenagers who looked about thirteen or fourteen. They said they came from Jingyang."

Niu Jinda put down the bowl and said, "That's enough."

The soldiers stood by the tent again.

Cheng Yaojin ate the mutton absent-mindedly, "Old Niu, how about this Xue Rengui?"

Niu Jinda thought about it and said: "It's not easy to be capable."

After speaking, Niu Jinda tore off a piece of meat from the leg of lamb, chewed and said, "And that kid Wang Xuance, he looks like a very sober young man."

Cheng Yaojin said: "These two are the leaders of Jingyang Guards."

Niu Jinda nodded and said, "So Your Majesty doesn't want to keep these two in Jingyang. Is there still such a stalemate between Li Zheng and Your Majesty?"

Cheng Yaojin smiled and said: "The relationship between Your Majesty and Li Zheng is good, and now we are escaping the summer heat in Jingyang."

Niu Jinda said: "Others don't know, but you, Cheng Yaojin, don't you know? If His Majesty is really at ease with Li Zheng, he won't go to Jingyang to escape the summer heat."

Cheng Yaojin took a sip of his drink and said, "It's still the old man's tricks that work well. I saw that Li Zheng was a good guy back then."

In the middle of the night, Daniel and Di Renjie came to the door of Li Zheng's house.

At this moment, the courtyard door was open, and Li Zheng was sitting in the courtyard looking at the starry sky.

Daniu stood outside the door and said: "Teacher, I have already brought the words, Brother Xue also has something to bring to the teacher."

Li Zheng said in a low voice: "Go back and rest early."

Daniel stood there for a while, then turned and left.

Di Renjie followed Daniel's footsteps, "Why didn't the teacher listen to what Xue Rengui and Wang Xuance said? So let us go?"

Daniel said in a low voice: "The timing of His Majesty's coming to Jingyang is too coincidental, at least we know enough, the teacher doesn't need to know these things."

Breathing the somewhat cold night air, Di Renjie woke up and said, "That's right, even if something happens in the future, as long as we know what Xue Rengui and Brother Wang said, that's enough."

Daniel smiled silently.

On the way home, Di Renjie was still thinking about the timing when Daniel said that His Majesty came to Jingyang.

His Majesty must know exactly when the expeditionary army will arrive in Chang'an.

And it was at this time that His Majesty came to Jingyang to escape the summer heat.

In fact, Chang'an is sweltering, and His Majesty could have come earlier.

Thinking of this, the suspicion between Li Zheng and His Majesty has reached.

Every time I think of the chatting and laughing between His Majesty and Li Zheng, there is such suspicion behind the scenes that they almost stabbed each other, but they still want to show the harmony between the monarch and his subjects.

Di Renjie couldn't help but fight a cold war, the world of adults is really too scary.

The next day, when it was just dawn, Daniu and his team had already started building a new waterwheel.

The hydraulic transmission used in the new waterwheel is, in a certain sense, lighter and does not even require any manpower.

(End of this chapter)

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